Cereals are generally part of the breakfast in a human diet, so it can be said that the consumption of these foods is taught to children from an early age , but how healthy are they?
Surely you think that they are box cereals, but no, on the contrary, in this article, we will explain the types of healthy cereals that do not come from the industry, but rather from the natural environment.
What are cereals?
Cereals in general are the seeds of grasses ( scientific name Poaceae ), which are mostly herbaceous plants and from these are the ones that derive those essential grains for cereals.
In this sense, cereals are essential for health due to the high energy and calorie content that they provide to the body, approximately 300 to 350 kilocalories in total, apart from the fibers and carbohydrates they contain, as well as vitamins, minerals and amino acids. yes
Note: A study mentions that: “It is recommended to consume cereals between 4 and 6 daily servings of grams of cereal product or derivatives, always prevailing those of whole grain for breakfast.” (1)
What are the healthiest cereals?
There is a certain variety of cereals, whether refined or whole grains, the truth is that a large number of mostly whole grains have been studied that turn out to be very healthy . Next, we detail the healthiest cereals to consume:
1. Oats
We start with oats (code name Avena sativa L. ), it is an ideal cereal for the prevention of cardiovascular conditions, maintaining glucose control and even favors weight loss or maintaining an adequate weight.
Oat flakes come from this cereal, which have a high fiber and essential amino acid content, with added sugars at breakfast preferentially.
In the same way, oats or oat flakes contain in their structure a series of lipids, proteins , a high fiber content and even vitamins such as thiamine, riboflavin, as well as essential minerals such as calcium and iron.
To highlight: According to a study: “Oats and other whole grain cereals (wheat, corn, rice, barley, rye, quinoa, millet) are considered to be part of a balanced diet . ” (two)
2. Quinoa
This is considered a pseudocereal, since quinoa or quinoa is a type of seed with edible characteristics of the cereal, whose composition contains higher levels of protein and fat , as well as omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids.
It is a very necessary nutritious cereal for the gastrointestinal system, as it prevents constipation, taking into account that it is also a great food for diabetic patients, due to its low glycemic index.
You should know: Thanks to an analysis, we take into account that: “Quinoa has a high percentage of total dietary fiber (FDT) , which makes it an ideal food that acts as a purifier for the body, managing to eliminate toxins” . (3)
3. Rye
Rye earns its scientific name from “Secale cereale L”, and is a much larger and more flexible stalk than wheat, with various uses in both flour and grains and even rye flakes or rye water.
Note: Rye has in its structure a source of fiber, low glycemic levels, omega 6 acids and essential minerals such as zinc, which are important for diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and also for colds.
4. Millet
In China, millet is considered a very healthy cereal in the diet and is necessary for the medicinal field, being one of the brightest cereal grains that exist used for the alkalinization of the immune system and PH balance, along with having a light taste.
Important: An analysis highlights that: “Millet does not contain gluten, but it does contain a wide variety of fiber, B vitamins and folic acid counted per 100 grams and combines very well with all kinds of vegetables and legumes . ” (4)
5. Spelled
Spelled, with the scientific name “Triticum Spelta” , has a higher nutritional value than wheat itself , as well as dating back to ancient times as it is a grain that is resistant to pests during the stages of its cultivation.
To highlight: Spelled has trace elements and a certain level of gluten (which is why it is contraindicated for those who are not gluten tolerant) , it also contains vitamin E (antioxidant) and also has beta-carotene in its composition.
6. Buckwheat
It is called buckwheat or buckwheat (without forgetting its real name of Fagopyrum esculentum ). It is currently considered a pseudocereal , native to Asian nations and in whose flour form healthy pasta can be made.
You should know: This wheat contains rutin (an alkaloid), linoleic and oleic acid , along with iron and B complex vitamins, which makes this food favorable for anemia, the permeability of blood capillaries and the reduction of cholesterol.
7. Amaranth
Amaranth ( Amaranthus spp.) is also considered a pseudocereal, like quinoa and buckwheat, whose use dates back more than 7,000 years . Due to its protein value it is used in foods such as cookies, soups, breakfast cereal and pasta.
Note: In addition to proteins, amaranth is rich in essential amino acids, accompanied by phenolic elements that have antioxidant characteristics , being a great source of fiber and minerals such as phosphorus, calcium and potassium .
8. Barley
Barley (Hordeum vulgare) is one of the most important foods in the world, also considered one of the oldest existing cereals , with an interesting composition of choline, vitamin K , folic acid and lysine (an amino acid).
To highlight: Barley is a healthy food and a great protector of the intestinal mucosa , it is also capable of reducing the production of LDL cholesterol, reduces colds and alleviates respiratory problems.
9. Brown rice
It is called brown or cargo rice, it is mainly a type of white rice that has not been processed or refined , which gives it a darker and more natural appearance, although it takes longer to cook.
You should know: One of the great properties of brown rice is that it has amino acids apart from fatty acids, selenium, niacin, antioxidant elements and a lot of fiber.
10. Corn
Corn (named Zea Mays ) is a very famous cereal in the world. It is one of the healthiest grasses native to America , being a herbaceous plant whose consumption is distributed to other places such as South America.
Note: Corn is healthy because it contains a high level of protein and fiber, also taking into account carbohydrates (carbohydrates), becoming a necessary food for the health of the heart and nerve endings.
Bulgur is similar to wheat in certain aspects, since it is made from it with slow cooking in water and an abundance of wheat grains, after which it can be used in cereals, garnishes or salads, with or without sugar.
Highlights: Bulgur has comparative nutritional value to wheat , where it stands out for containing iron, phosphorus, vitamin K, vitamin E, and certain necessary calorie levels.
Finally, farro or “Triticum dicoccum” (which also resembles wheat), is a cereal from the Mediterranean, whose flavor is similar to that of walnuts but is perfectly chewy and can be combined with other dishes.
You should know: Farro has plenty of whole grain fiber , certain mineral salts, iron and calcium. It should be noted that it also has gluten, which makes it a contraindicated food for those who are intolerant to it.
Key Findings
- Healthy cereals are all those foods that come from grass seeds .
- They are considered healthy since many do not go through refining processes or chemical processes like whole grains.
- Consuming healthy cereals is important, since they provide a high content of fiber, vitamins, minerals , essential amino acids and trace elements.
- Some cereals such as quinoa, buckwheat and amaranth are considered pseudocereals, but they are very nutritious and beneficial for health.

University Professional in the area of Human Resources, Postgraduate in Occupational Health and Hygiene of the Work Environment, 14 years of experience in the area of health. Interested in topics of Psychology, Occupational Health, and General Medicine.