Unrequited loves, with lack of interest, affection and attention are the ones that make people feel the most hurt, in general, when they are in love it is difficult for them to admit and even realize that the person with whom they share a relationship, no longer loves them.
This is how conflicts begin, love disappointments and low self-esteem, since, the human being by nature always seeks to be loved but when that feeling disappears, a series of situations begin to lead to make difficult decisions to assume.
Therefore, it is important that you learn to differentiate when a person no longer wants to be by your side, in this article you will know the main characteristics that make presence when a relationship stops working and the most effective way to overcome this situation.
Signs that indicate when they don’t want you
According to the book “Love or depend” written by the Argentine psychologistWalter Riso, love is one of the main elements that every relationship needs, however characteristics such as desire, tastes, sensitivity and humor must also be present, which are necessary to keep this union stable.
Therefore, if a couple neglects any of the elements or no longer exists within the relationship, problems begin to arise and the following signs become increasingly evident:
There’s never time for you
One of the main signs that they do not love you, are the lack of time combined with excuses that demonstrate the disinterest that a person has towards you. This becomes evident when that person does not show attention to the relationship and there are other priorities for him or her.
You are not a priority
One of the characteristics that demonstrate love between couples is that both have each other as a priority, that is, the well-being of the other person is one of the most important elements for the other.
However, when one of the two begins to displace the other and occupy the time that was dedicated to other things that were insignificant, in addition, does not show the usual interest and does not care about your needs, it may be a sign that they no longer he loves you
There is no support in your decisions
Support between couples is essential for the growth and sustenance of a relationship.
When you begin to notice that that special person for you does not take your decisions into account, does not show any interest in supporting you and helping you choose between things that are important to you, it may be that they have lost the necessary affection to stay by your side.
They don’t pay attention to what you say
Communication, knowing how to understand each other and, above all, being heard, can be affected if someone no longer has the same feelings of attraction towards a person.
Therefore, if you realize that what you say is not important, what you think or feel becomes insignificant, it is synonymous that their interest in you has diminished.
Your opinions are not taken into account
To make decisions within a relationship, the opinion and point of view of both are of the utmost importance.
When this changes, a series of uncomfortable situations is triggered, because you no longer manage to get along and you will begin to feel displaced.
Your needs are not important
Satisfying the needs and helping to solve them is one of the advantages that couples have, because they have the support of a loved one to overcome any situation.
However, when someone no longer loves a person, they begin to place their needs above you, taking you into the background despite the situation you are going through.
What you say or do is annoying
This is one of the most obvious signs when someone doesn’t like you. This is due to the fact that when there is no longer any affection from one person to another, discomfort and annoyance begin to show even for the most insignificant things, this in turn can unleash bigger problems.
they make you feel less
If that person no longer makes you feel special, does not value your efforts, hurts you with his words and despises you, these are reactions that show that this person may no longer feel comfortable with you, but at the same time, you They lower self-esteem making you inferior.
They don’t write or call you
Currently, there are many tools to stay in touch, therefore, there are few valid excuses that someone can give why they have not written or called you, it is just a sign that they no longer feel interested in you.
You do things not like you
This comes as a desperate measure to please a person who is not really committed to being with you.
Being one of the most recurring actions among those who want to save a relationship, the person affected can do things that they were not used to, just with the aim of recovering affection and attention.
You do not receive positive or pleasant comments
The compliments, the pleasant and beautiful words that are received from a loved one, are the most important and the ones that above all, someone expects to receive, however, this can diminish and become hurtful or offensive comments, which arise when a person person no longer feels love for another .
They don’t keep the promises they make to you
Commitment is one of the essential elements of true love , be it between couples or friends.
However, there come times when that person no longer feels the commitment to fulfill their promises, acting contrary to what they had promised to do or say.
You always have to give in and agree
Conceding to someone just out of obligation and making them feel good, apart from the fact that it is a mistake with great consequences, will lower your self-esteem.
This usually happens in people who try to keep afloat a relationship that no longer has the necessary elements to continue.
They have no details with you
The displays of affection are of the utmost importance, but the details are also what keep people together because of the interest and importance they show.
For this reason, it is a sign that these people are not affectionate, nor are they interested in the details that are significant to you, making it clear that they no longer love you or their levels of interest have decreased.
There are no signs of affection towards you
The displays of affection, affection, love, commitment and fidelity are the primary acts that show the interest that people have towards you.
If you notice that the signs of affection are few and you feel that they do not love you, it may be possible that they are not loving you, this is also an evident sign due to the sudden changes in attitudes of daily affection, which gradually change and decrease. .
conversations are shallow
When you love someone, it becomes necessary to know how they are, how their day was, how they feel, if they need you or something specific.
When these types of conversations begin to be monotonous and superficial, it may be an indication of a lack of love and interest from those people towards you.
Arguments and conflicts are constant
In every relationship there are arguments, however, these can be resolved with good communication and sincerity towards what is happening. However, these kinds of situations become constant and difficult to solve when a person doesn’t care about being okay with you.
Therefore, conflicts and arguments for unnecessary reasons will become consequential, communication will be poor, and interest in one another will be lost.
How to get over when they don’t want you?
accept the situation
The basis for getting over someone when they don’t love you is to accept the situation. This is the first step you must take in order to feel better.
It should be noted that accepting this type of situation can take time, but it is necessary for your mind to assume that this person does not love you and so you can overcome it more easily.
vent your feelings
The liberation process when a person does not love you, consists fundamentally of venting everything you feel, because repressing yourself can create anxiety and depressive states.
In this sense, you can write a diary, perform physical activity, talk to people you trust and thus you will get rid of all the bad feelings you may experience, it will also help you feel better about yourself and the process of overcoming will be more bearable.
Give up on the person and keep your distance
Keeping your distance is one of the main things you must do, although it is also one of the most difficult because of the constant desire to know even the simplest things that the other person does after they have moved away from you.
Therefore, you must stop insisting, keep your distance and have willpower so that you do not relapse, in addition, getting away from that person will benefit you so that you can overcome the loss faster, focus your thoughts on things that are important for your growth and strengthen you personally.
have self love
According to the book “Women who love too much” written by the marital therapist Robin Norwood , when women have very strong emotional feelings for another person but do not receive the same in return, they lack self-esteem and low self-esteem.
Therefore, it is essential that you always keep in mind that you are worth more than you think, self-love must be cultivated and preserved in order to heal any wound inflicted by a broken relationship and above all, you must be certain that you deserve better things. and so you can get your true love.
surround yourself with people who love you
Family support and love is one of the most sincere and necessary in this type of situation, as well as the advice and consolation of closest friends, this is because feeling appreciated by other individuals will help you increase your self-esteem and appreciate the value you have as a person.
Therefore, surrounding yourself with your loved ones, spending pleasant moments, enjoying the company of people who value you and make you feel comfortable, will help you move forward and forget the pain you have felt.
Find new interests and distractions
Outdoor activities, going for a run, exercising, playing a sport, learning a new language or playing an instrument, are things that will help you not only think about other things but also benefit you to take care of your physical and emotional health. .
On the other hand, it is also important that you have the disposition to acquire this new knowledge and carry out the activity that attracts your attention, so the desire and motivation are one of the important pillars to overcome a failed love .
Focus on your goals
Now that you have more free time, dedicate it to picking up and fulfilling the things you put aside to give your life to someone else.
Therefore, the desire to move forward, undertake and meet your goals, you must take advantage of them for your personal, professional and spiritual growth, in addition, this will help you distract yourself and focus on things that will be beneficial for you and your future.
Take a chance with someone else
It is essential that you take time to fully heal before starting a new relationship, however, after the affective mourning process and due to the exposed need of the human being to receive affection, it is good that you begin to rethink starting a new phase of love.
The Venezuelan writer and psychologist Mariela Michelena , recounts in her book “It costs me so much to forget you” , that what really matters after having ended a relationship is not losing the illusion of being able to find love and knowing how to give the right person the opportunity.
Therefore, the above is achieved by accepting, healing and correcting the mistakes of the past relationship, so you too will give yourself the opportunity to feel loved again and be able to build a new story.
University Professional in the area of ​​Human Resources, Postgraduate in Occupational Health and Hygiene of the Work Environment, 14 years of experience in the area of ​​health. Interested in topics of Psychology, Occupational Health, and General Medicine.