Cod liver oil goes back centuries of history. Who does not remember the episodes where it was forced to take this compound? Traditionally, it is a food supplement popularized for its benefits as an appetite stimulant or to treat diseases associated with malnutrition , in addition to other contributions.
Curious fact: Its appearance dates back to the 19th century , but it was during the Second World War, when its demand increased. It was widely used in the treatment of rickets, tuberculosis and arthritic patients , for the time the scarcity of food and the lack of UV rays enhanced these conditions.
In order to know in depth about cod liver oil , we present the following article with all the necessary information about its properties and specific health benefits.
ToggleWhat is cod liver oil?
Also called oleum morrhuae , as its name indicates it comes from the oil extracted from the liver of cod ( Gadus morhua ) .
It is a formula of natural origin, composed of omega 3 fatty acids, EPA ( eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), compounds that are not produced by the body , so we must obtain them from food. In addition, the benefits of vitamins A and D it contains make it an extraordinary supplement.
To highlight : The usefulness of cod liver oil has been so extensive in humans, that they decided to test its use in the veterinary field, obtaining excellent results in increasing animal production. (1)
What properties does cod liver oil have?
Today there is extensive knowledge regarding the benefits of fish oil, but cod liver oil provides greater properties , because it contains vitamin A, D, E responsible for strengthening and protecting the body in general.
Note : Vitamin D is absorbed when sunbathing , however UV rays have an impact on the appearance of skin cancer, so it is recommended not to abuse exposure.
By virtue of the above, below we describe in detail the entire nutritional composition of cod liver oil:
1. Vitamins
Cod liver oil is made up of several important vitamins, including vitamin A , vitamin D , and vitamin E. They all fulfill important functions in the body, highlighting their intervention in the absorption of other nutrients and their protection of the cardiovascular system.
2. Minerals
Among the minerals present in cod liver oil, there is selenium , a necessary component in the maintenance of cells. In addition, it also contains calcium and phosphorus, mineral elements that act at the bone and endocrine level.
You should know: Selenium is not easy to find in many foods, however knowing its usefulness it is essential to consume it, the National Institute of Health (NIH) of the United States in its publications offers information that argues the importance of selenium for our body . (two)
3. Other compounds
There are other compounds that chemically integrate cod liver oil, including omega 3 , whose benefits have been previously described.
On the other hand, there is omega 6 whose chemical composition is different, it contains gamma-linoleic acid (AGL), arachidonic acid (AA) and dihomo-gamma-linoleic acid (AGL), these agents benefit the cells, maintain the levels of insulin, nourish hair and skin.
To highlight : Omega 3 acts as an anti-inflammatory of the cardiovascular system, protects the functions of the brain, eyesight and even sperm quality.
What are the health benefits of cod liver oil?
From the most general perspectives, there are many benefits found in cod liver oil , these range from strengthening the body’s defenses to maintaining healthy hair and skin, so we invite you to learn about the following benefits and learn more. of this oil:
1. Strengthens the immune system
Cod liver oil acts as an enhancer for the defenses of the immune system , since its components increase the activity of cells, revealing its properties as an immunosuppressant.
Note: The Nursing Foundation of Cantabria – Spain , published a nutritional guide with immunonutrient foods, highlighting the properties of cod liver oil and its intervention in strengthening the body’s defenses . (3)
2. Promotes heart health
Omega 3 fatty acids are responsible for the cardioprotective effect of cod liver oil. Its vasodilator effect has been widely studied and applied in the field of cardiology .
In this sense, the Spanish Heart Foundation highlights the properties of cod liver oil, highlighting its compounds such as EPA ( eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), which help reduce triglyceride and cholesterol levels , consequently blood pressure. (4)
Important : There is controversy regarding taking fish oil due to the levels of mercury that it may contain, however there is scientific evidence that determines the low percentage of the metal in cod. (5)
3. Fights the action of free radicals
The production of free radicals is a biological process that occurs naturally at the cellular level. When this process occurs excessively, the balance that must exist is broken and health can be put at risk. In this sense, cod liver oil acts directly on cells.
In fact, an investigation carried out in the Internal Medicine Service of the Hospital de Navarra – Spain, describes selenium, a compound present in the oil, as a powerful antioxidant responsible for neutralizing the negative effects of free radicals . (6)
Note: The fatty acids present in cod liver oil also slow cell aging.
4. Regulates blood sugar levels
Another utility given to this oil is the regulation of blood sugar. In this sense, a well-known web portal published an article promoting the positive effects of vitamin D , the main ingredient in cod liver oil. (7)
According to this publication, the intake of vitamin D in high doses intervenes positively in ” glycemic control “, in addition there are indications of a relationship between vitamin D deficiency and the risk of type 1 diabetes mellitus.
5. Improves cognitive functions
The fatty acids EPA ( eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) contained in cod liver oil are an essential part of the neuronal structure, that is, they act from the same fetal development as vitamin A.
In this sense, the Universidad Lasallista – Colombia published a study on Essential Fatty Acids in Child Nutrition (8) , which discusses in detail how fatty acids intervene in the cognitive development of the child.
6. Promotes digestive health
Among the multiple properties that cod liver oil has, is its anti-inflammatory effect on the intestinal mucosa . It is believed that this may contribute to stomach ulcers, caused by bacterial infections or unpleasant heartburn.
You should know : There is little scientific evidence to support the benefits of cod liver oil at the digestive level in the case of men. The studies carried out focus mainly on veterinary use, especially in the preparation of food for animal consumption.
7. Protect eyesight
In the case of eye health, oleum morrhuae prevents macular degeneration of sight and the so-called dry eye syndrome , this due to the fatty acids present in its chemical composition , EPA and DHA. (9)
These acids are found in the retina, which is usually lost as a consequence of biological processes (aging), therefore the intake of fish liver oil mitigates the symptoms of these eye conditions .
8. Strengthens bones and muscles
Vitamin D, the main ingredient of this oil, is responsible for the increase in bone mass , also allows calcium to be fixed in the bones (10) . In this sense, most of the investigations place cod liver oil as one of the most effective products in strengthening bones and muscles .
9. Reduces inflammation and joint pain
Cod liver oil has a high anti-inflammatory power . Therefore, in the case of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (joint degeneration) the results have been beneficial when taking cod liver oil, as it helps relieve pain and decreases morning stiffness so common in this type of pathology. (eleven)
10. Decreases anxiety and depression
There is research that supports the intake of vitamin D in patients with symptoms of anxiety or depression . It is believed that some micronutrients act on the production of serotonin in the brain , a substance responsible for controlling various functions of the body: sleep, hunger, sexual desire, mood, among others. (12)
To highlight: The main compound of cod liver oil is vitamin D, for this reason it is estimated that its use could be beneficial in patients with difficulties to level emotional states .
How should cod liver oil be taken?
Throughout this article, the benefits that the consumption of cod liver oil can generate have been presented, however this is purely informative, therefore we invite you to consult a specialist doctor to delve into the subject.
Important: Cod liver oil can generate contraindications in people who consume anticoagulant and hypertensive drugs , in this sense prudence is suggested.
On the other hand, this oil has two presentations in capsules and in emulsion. The intake in children is more recommended due to tolerance. However, it is suggested not to exceed the recommended dose, since episodes of vitamin A and D overdose may occur .
To highlight: The recommended doses for the consumption of cod liver oil are: children under 12 years 2ml; adolescents between 12 – 18 years 5ml; women over 18 years of age between 5 – 10 ml and men over 18 years of age between 10 – 15 ml.
Key Findings
- Cod liver oil is one of the most used nutritional compounds throughout history.
- Most of its attributes have been proven through studies, however there is a lack of evidence on the effects at the level of blood sugar regulation and usefulness in the digestive system .
- It is recommended to consult a doctor before being used by adults, in the case of children its effectiveness is much higher.
- The mercury contained in the cod is negligible, so there are no major risks due to metal contamination .

University Professional in the area of Human Resources, Postgraduate in Occupational Health and Hygiene of the Work Environment, 14 years of experience in the area of health. Interested in topics of Psychology, Occupational Health, and General Medicine.