The consumption of healthy food is key to guaranteeing a life full of well-being and benefits for the human being. In this sense, healthy oils are included in that range of foods necessary for the body to function harmoniously.
In the following article, we provide you with all the information you need to learn about this type of oil and how to use it.
What is a healthy oil?
A healthy oil for cooking is that food that contains a very low percentage of saturated fat, rich in omega 3 and 6 fatty acids and without cholesterol content.
You should know: These healthy oils for cooking are entirely of vegetable origin, since those of animal origin contain high percentages of saturated fat and bad cholesterol.
It should be noted that this type of oils are beneficial for the body since they increase good cholesterol levels, help maintain cardiovascular health and are sources of vitamins, minerals and antioxidant compounds necessary to strengthen the immune system.
Note: Healthy oils are those that are high in monounsaturated fat and polyunsaturated over saturated.
What is the best healthy oil for cooking?
There is a good variety of healthy oils for cooking with various characteristics and properties. Here we mention the vegetable oils suitable for our health:
1. Extra virgin olive oil
Extra virgin olive oil is one of the most used oils worldwide in cooking, because its nutritional composition contains a combination of unsaturated fats that make it very suitable for human consumption.
You should know: Olive oil comes from the olive, which is the fruit of the olive tree, since a third of its pulp is oil.
In its nutritional composition , the important presence of vitamin E stands out, a vitamin with antioxidant capacity. Its consumption mainly favors cardiovascular health, preventing diseases such as arteriosclerosis, heart attack, among others. (1)
2. Canola oil
Canola oil is considered one of the best oils for health and is extracted from the canola seed, which originates from Canada.
Its combination of fatty acids make it a healthy oil for human consumption . The monounsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E stand out in its composition , it does not contain cholesterol and it has a low content of saturated fats. (two)
To highlight: This food contains omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids , nutrients that regulate the presence of cholesterol in the blood, contributing to the well-being of the heart and preventing diseases such as diabetes. (3)
3. Coconut oil
Coconut oil, despite belonging to the group of vegetable oils and having a high percentage of saturated fats , these fats are medium chain, which are transformed into energy directly in the liver without being transported by the blood. In addition, they have the property of reducing cholesterol, increasing metabolism and helping to regulate appetite. (4)
In this sense, coconut oil can be used perfectly in the kitchen for frying, since it supports high temperatures without degrading , in addition to using it in dressings in your diet.
Note: Good or healthy oils should preferably be used in a virgin state , that is, without being processed or refined, since in these processes they lose nutritional properties.
4. Avocado oil
Avocado oil also stands out for its combination of unsaturated fats, with the presence of omega 9 in the form of oleic acid. This food is also cholesterol free, very low in saturated fat, and also contains no vitamins or minerals. (5)
This oil is used in the kitchen to dress salads, prepare a variety of sauces and is ideal for marinating raw fish.
You should know: Some studies indicate the beneficial effects of consuming avocado oil in the daily diet with a hypocholesterolemic effect. (6)
5. Walnut oil
Walnut oil is also rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, with a greater presence of omega 3 and omega 6, being a fatty acid with therapeutic properties on the cardiovascular system and also strengthens the immune system. (7)
To highlight: Walnut oil is of high quality , because it is the only one that has a very high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids. (8)
6. Hazelnut oil
Hazelnut oil is also part of the healthy foods for your kitchen and above all for your health. Following the characteristics of this type of oil, it does not contain cholesterol, it does not contain minerals but it provides a good amount of vitamin E. (9)
It is very rich in monounsaturated fats, with approximately 78 grams per 100 grams of edible portion, followed by polyunsaturated fats with 10.20 grams in the same proportion.
Note: Hazelnut oil is beneficial for heart health and is a regenerator of body cells.
7. Sunflower oil
This vegetable oil comes from sunflower seeds and is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, among which linoleic acid stands out with a concentration of 62% of total healthy fats.
You should know: Sunflower oil contains a significant amount of vitamin E which, as mentioned, has antioxidant potential. (10)
Sunflower oil is widely used in the kitchen, both for frying and as an ingredient in salads, sauces and other foods. In relation to health, it helps to combat arthritis, joint and bone pain, as well as helping to hydrate the skin and favor the production of elastin and collagen.
8. Sesame oil
Another of the healthy oils is sesame oil, from sesame seeds. It is nutritionally composed of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, with a large presence of gamma linoleic fatty acid, favoring heart health.
Note: Sesame oil contains a large amount of vitamin E and a chemical compound called sesamol, both of which have antioxidant properties. Additionally, it contains lecithin , a compound that promotes brain functions.
9. Peanut oil
Also called peanut oil , it has the ability to withstand high temperatures, making it ideal for frying foods. Due to its mild flavor, it is used to make salads, mayonnaises and vinaigrettes. It contains a large amount of unsaturated fats, predominantly monounsaturated and vitamin E.
This food promotes heart health, prevents diseases such as obesity and circulatory conditions such as high blood pressure, and also helps prevent certain types of cancer.
10. Grapeseed oil
Grape seed oil is another of the healthy foods that you should use in your kitchen and include it in your daily diet. The seed contains approximately 16.7% of this oil, reporting in a study the presence of linoleic (71.5%), oleic (17.2%), palmitic (6.6%) and stearic (4.3%) acids. It does not contain minerals but provides 192% of the recommended daily value for an adult of vitamin E. (eleven)
To highlight: It is widely used and recommended for dietary regimens, it also reduces oxidative stress from free radicals; the contribution of resveratrol makes it a fabulous anti-inflammatory and is a suitable food for the health of your heart.
11. Rice oil
This food comes from rice bran, through the cold pressing method. The bran of this food contains between 17 and 22% of oil, which can be extracted and which, after the refining process, becomes an important nutrient for human consumption and stands out for its composition in unsaturated fatty acids (oleic and linoleic acid). .
You should know: The consumption of this food and thanks to its antioxidant action, prevents premature aging of the skin as it acts against free radicals. It also activates the production of collagen, maintaining the elasticity and firmness of the skin.
12. Flaxseed oil
Flaxseed oil comes from the cold pressing of flax seeds . This extraction technique preserves its nutritional components intact, among which are approximately 75% polyunsaturated and 15% monounsaturated acids, it also contains an important antioxidant tocopherol.
It is widely used in the kitchen to dress salads as ingredients for some sauces. Regarding its health benefits, it strengthens the health of the circulatory system, regulating blood pressure levels, avoiding heart disease and obesity.
Key Findings
- The so-called healthy oils are rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated acids and low in saturated fats.
- These oils do not contain cholesterol and have vitamin E as an antioxidant source.
- Healthy oils are recommended to preserve the health of the circulatory system, prevent obesity and dyslipidemia.
- Due to their vitamin E content, they favor the fight against free radicals, preventing premature aging of healthy cells.

University Professional in the area of Human Resources, Postgraduate in Occupational Health and Hygiene of the Work Environment, 14 years of experience in the area of health. Interested in topics of Psychology, Occupational Health, and General Medicine.