What is firac plus?

Firac plus® is a commercial medicine developed byGrossman laboratories(1). Within its compositionit has pargeverine hydrochloride and lysine clonixinateas active ingredients, which gives it the analgesic and antispasmodic properties characteristic of the drug.

Its presentation can be intablets of 10 mg, for an oral administration every six or eight hours. There is also an injectable solution, whichcan be applied intravenously or intramuscularly.

Note: Due to its composition and mechanisms of action, firac plus® is a prescription drug forits acquisition.

What is firac plus for?

This drughas wide uses for treatments, thanks to its components and the mechanisms of action thereof. We mention below the main uses of firac plus®:

1. Conditions of the digestive system

Digestive disordersusually include a wide range ofuncomfortable symptoms capable of reducing a patient’s quality of life.

In this sense, the presence of pargeverine hydrochloride acts on the spasms that can occur within the muscles of our digestive system and lysine clonixinate acts with its analgesic capacity. (two)

To highlight: Firac plus® can be used for treatment of painful spasmodic syndrome , esophageal and gastric disorders, colitis , hepatic colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, cholecystitis and even renal colic.

2. Genitourinary conditions

Genitourinary affections are those that in general terms are translated as a serious deficiency of the renal functions of the organism, such as Retentions , incontinence, cystitis, failures in the ureters, bladder, etc.

You should know: Firac plus® reduces symptoms such as inflammation, pain and acts on spasms . (3)

3. Conditions of the bile ducts

Biliary conditions are those that affect the gallbladder such as pancreatitis, stones, among others. They usually produceinflammation in the neck of the gallbladder and obstruct the pancreatic ducts .

Note: In these cases, firac plus® is indicated to Reduce pain and act as an anti-inflammatory. (4)

Side effects of firac plus

All medicines have stipulated possible side effects, which Can develop during treatmentusing this drug. We mention the firac plus® ones below:

  • Nausea, vomiting and dizziness.
  • Drowsiness, confusion, dry mouth, and malaise.
  • Increased amount of urine.
  • Constipation, constipation and tiredness.

Important: If side effects appear and are not reduced or eliminated by stopping treatment, it is important to seek medical assistance .

Contraindications of firac plus

Contraindications are factors that we must take into account to Reduce the risk of adverse effectswhen taking a medical treatment. We mention the firac plus® ones below:

  • Do not take if you are allergic or hypersensitive to any of the drug components.
  • Do not indicate to patients with active peptic ulcer.
  • It should not be indicated if the patient has presented gastrointestinal bleeding.
  • Do not indicate if the patient has glaucoma.
  • Do not indicate if the patient suffers from pyloric stenosis (thickening of the pyloric muscles).

To highlight: The medical professional should be notified of the health history, to recognize What is the appropriate and pertinent treatment .

Key Findings

  • Firac plus® is a Medication Widely Availableand used as a treatment thanks to its antispasmodic and analgesic capacity.
  • It is a product that must be indicated under medical prescription and with great care of its contraindications.
  • Firac plus® is indicated in treatments of three daily tablets, every six or eight hours depending on the severity of the disorder and the pain.
  • Firac plus® is also found in a vial presentation, where there is a more personalized dose with respect to the level of severity of the condition.

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