Thedigestive systemis one of the most important and complex systems of our body. This is responsible for synthesizing food through mechanical and chemical processes where all itsstructures and elements intervene.
In the following article, we will delve into a topic from which almost no individual escapes throughout his life: diseases of the digestive system. Where we will highlight the most important, the triggers and treatments.
ToggleWhat are diseases of the digestive system?
Diseases of the digestive system are conditions that are responsible for disrupting the proper functioning of thesystem and producing quite characteristic and uncomfortable symptoms. Vulnerability usually increases depending on the eating habits of the individual.
Note: There is a lot of relationship between nutrition and gastrointestinal diseases, so the alterations involved in food will be reflected in our body. (1)
Diseases of the digestive system
Below we will mention and describe themain diseases of the digestive system, recognizing their triggers and applicable treatments. Thus allowing its identification if necessary.
1. Gastroesophageal reflux
Gastroesophageal reflux is also known by its acronym RGE, and is defined as thespontaneous passage of stomach contents into the esophagus. It is considered a physiological phenomenon motivated by the ingestion of food.
Note: Its main symptom is acid regurgitation and usually affects at least 10% of the population.
For its treatment , the use of antacids, prokinetics and antibiotics is prescribed , in addition to dietary care, mainly eliminating dairy products.
2. Ulcerative colitis
It is a condition that is mainly concentrated in the colon and rectum. It produces among its symptoms, an inflammation of the internal walls and presents with diarrhea and abdominal pain. The nature of this diseaseproduces ulceration in the areas and therefore the evacuations have a presence of blood. (two)
Note: Inflammation of areas such as the stomach, intestine, esophagus, and duodenum are usually determined through an X-ray evaluation.
A specific cause is unknown, but there are factors that influence its triggering, such as genetic, environmental, nutritional factors and the presence of stomach bacteria. Medications (antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, analgesics and dietary supplements) or surgeryare applied for its treatment .
3. Irritable bowel syndrome
It is a disorder that affects the large intestine causing colic, abdominal swelling, pain in the area and gas. You may even have diarrhea, constipation, or both.
To highlight: It usually occurs from stress or an inefficient diet, where constant treatments and therapies may be needed.
Laxatives and antidiarrheals are useddepending on the case, together with antibiotics and antispasmodics. It is important for patients with irritable bowel syndrome to control their diet and their moods.
4. Gallstones
They are formed in the gallbladder area and are hard pieces that in most cases are made up of cholesterol. It usually presents symptoms such as sporadic abdominal pain, which gradually intensifies, nausea and pain in the lower back area.
Important: In some cases they can present asymptomatically,due to the influence of the size of the stones formed. And as the only treatment, except for the one applied to alleviate the symptoms,its removal is recommended through surgery, where the gallbladder is also usually removed.
5. Celiac disease
It is also known as gluten sensitivity and is caused by gliadin. Genetic, environmental and immunological factors influence. They present asymptomatic capacity or cases where it is evidenced by weight loss, nausea, anemia and bone pain.(3)
Celiac disease requires as a treatment a change in the diet that is strict and responsible, to prevent pain or the consequence of a decrease in the absorption capacity of nutrients in the organism.
6. Pancreatitis
Pancreatitis is, in general terms, an inflammation of the pancreas caused by gallstones or excessive alcohol consumption. Many times it requires hospitalizing the patient to receive adequate treatment and define the source of the disorder. The application of low-fat and liquid diets is recommended.(4)
7. Hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids are sprouted and swollen veins in the area of the anus, similar to varicose veins and can be felt by touch. In some cases they present pain and bleeding, as in others they do not.
Note: Pregnancy, obesity, certain foods and other physical efforts are reasons for the appearance of hemorrhoids.
In cases of itching and mild appearance of hemorrhoids, an increase in fiberin the daily diet is recommended along with laxatives. It is necessary to go to a professional to rule out reasons and in some cases, obtain relief.
8. Viral hepatitis
Viral hepatitis, or HCV, is a type of hepatitis that causes inflammation in the liver areatag. This inflammation can cause irreparable damage, so its identification and effective treatment is very important. It is spread through fluids such as blood, saliva, urine and semen.(5)
To highlight: This type of evolution and consequences tend to be mainly aspects of hepatitis B, hepatitis C and alcoholic hepatitis.
9. Crohn’s disease
It is a disease of intestinal and inflammatory nature,which can have fatal complications. It presents characteristic symptoms, where weight loss, anemia,fatigue and abdominal pain are evident. are evident.
This disease has no cure, but steroid treatments are applied to reduce the progression of the disease, where in some cases surgery is necessary.
Important: Patients with Crohn’s disease are more prone to colorectal cancer, so they must attend constant and rigorous medical check-ups.
10. Colorectal cancer
Colorectal cancer is a disease that covers the area of the colon and rectum,producing a multiplication of cells of a cancerous nature. It is usually identified through the presence ofsymptoms with bleeding when evacuating, abdominal pain and constipation with a sensation of obstruction.
To highlight: It is a fairly aggressive disease, so it is recommended that it be identified and treated in time.
Key Findings
- Diseases of the digestive system affect a constant and important system in the correct functionality of our body.
- They are conditions and alterations that are born as a consequence of a poor diet and a lot of stress, as well as environmental and genetic factors.
- All gastrointestinal diseases usually have progressive and evolving symptoms, as long as they are not treated correctly, so it is important to seek professional medical attention.
- Among the elements of the digestive system that are most affected by this type of disease are the stomach, small intestine, large intestine and colon.
University Professional in the area of Human Resources, Postgraduate in Occupational Health and Hygiene of the Work Environment, 14 years of experience in the area of health. Interested in topics of Psychology, Occupational Health, and General Medicine.