According to their function, foods can be classified as regulators, energy and builders . Building foods include that group of nutrients whose function is to participate in the construction and repair of tissues, muscles and blood cells for the body to function.

In the following article, we give you the necessary information about building foods, their characteristics, functions, and their main sources of consumption.

What are builder foods?

Building foods, or also called plastic foods, are one of the types of foods whose main function is to build our body and regenerate wear and tear. Its origin comes almost entirely from the animal kingdom, although there are plant origin but in smaller quantities.

These foods provide the body with the necessary proteins or essential amino acids for the construction of muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments, joints, neurotransmitters , neuromodulators, hormones , enzymes and antibodies, among others. (1)

Important: The human organism does not make protein reserves and the surplus is discarded in different ways, so constructive foods must be consumed constantly.

What are the functions of building foods?

The functions of this group of foods are based on their nutritional contribution . Here we mention them:

1. Boost the immune system

Thanks to the consumption of building foods, the body strengthens the work of the immune system , by providing essential proteins or amino acids for the synthesis of a protein called antibodies that are formed in white blood cells. Folic acid participates in this, a micronutrient that is part of this type of food.

Note: These antibodies are part of the immune system and help fight viruses and bacteria or toxins.

Some of these builder foods contain omega 3 and 6 fatty acids , which are involved in the synthesis of prostaglandins, which prevent the formation of thrombi in the circulatory system.

2. Build tissues, muscles and blood cells

Undoubtedly, the primary function of building foods, as well as training foods , is to provide the body with the necessary macronutrients , especially proteins, for the creation of new tissues such as blood, muscles and blood cells such as red and white blood cells and platelets. , or also its repair.

Important: daily the body destroys 1 gr of protein for each kilo of body weight, for which the organism must make itself of constructive foods to replenish it. (two)

3. Promote the healing process

Healing is a complex biological process that occurs after an injury, and results in the division and synthesis of proteins , generating a tissue called scar.

For this to happen , the body must have enough micro and macronutrients provided by building foods, mainly proteins or their essential amino acids for their synthesis, which allow the healing process to be favored.

4. Foster in embryonic development

For this phase of pregnancy, the mother’s body needs to have essential nutrients to feed the embryo with sufficiency and quality, therefore needing a high percentage of nutrients such as polyunsaturated fats, DHA , folic acid , vitamin B6 and B12 and iodine. . (3)

To highlight: A building food with all these qualities is represented by blue fish. Among the benefits of salmon is the contribution of these nutrients. (4)

What are the builder foods?

The building foods have animal and vegetable origin. Here are the main foods in this group:

1. Meat and fish

Red meat and fish meat, especially oily fish, are sources with high protein and essential amino acid contents. Red meats contain micronutrients necessary for many organic functions in addition to proteins.

Note: Red meat is a source of saturated fat, so it should be consumed in moderation.

For its part, oily fish contains micronutrients and, in addition to this, contains a significant amount of omega 3 polyunsaturated fats, beneficial as a source of energy.

It is important to note that the consumption of builder foods must be supported by the consumption of regulating foods , protective foods and energy foods to obtain a complete and balanced diet.

2. Eggs and dairy

Eggs and dairy products of animal origin such as cheese, yogurt, or butter, among others, represent an option with a high percentage of protein intake.

In general, almost all products and by-products of animal origin are high in protein and essential amino acids, as well as some micronutrients.

Important: You should be careful with the consumption of eggs and dairy, since they represent a source of saturated fat, in case you suffer from high cholesterol.

3. Legumes, oilseeds and seeds

Depending on the species, the protein content ranges from legumes to 36 gr per 100 gr in soybeans, for example, which is one of the legumes with the highest protein content , while green beans provide 1.83 gr of protein per 100gr. of consumption.

In reference to oilseeds, they can include nuts such as walnuts , almonds , hazelnuts, among others, or pumpkin , flax, sesame, or sunflower seeds . Essentially from them oils are obtained from their polyunsaturated fats.

Highlights: This group of building foods provide a good amount of vegetable protein, as well as other micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals, and are a source of energy due to their high content of healthy oils.

Key Findings

  • The largest amount of building foods have animal origin.
  • There are vegetables that are part of the building foods, which provide protein but in less quantity.
  • The main contribution of this type of food is protein and essential amino acids.
  • The intake of builder foods should be accompanied by regulating and energetic foods.

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