The human body requires a series of elements to be able to carry out all the metabolic cycles and processes that are generated in the different systems that make up the organism. 

For this, a good and balanced diet is necessary, complemented by the intake of abundant water . 

In this sense, in the following article you will be able to know what foods are and their main types , so you can start a more balanced and nutritious diet.

What are foods?

Food is any type of substance or product, which fulfills the function of providing nutrients, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, energy and fats to the body, so that it can perform each of its functions and stay healthy. 

Note: According to the Nutrition and Diet Manual issued by the Complutense University of Madrid (1) , foods are classified by their origin , these can be of plant or animal origin. Likewise, within these food groups there are also drinks and condiments .  

On the other hand, once the food is digested and metabolized, the organism is in charge of expelling the waste that no longer provides any type of nutritional value.

What are the main types of food?

The classification of foods is generally carried out by groups according to the nutritional composition of each one , also taking into account the functions that they can perform and the benefits of each of these substances for human health. Here are the main types of food:

1. Proteins

Proteins are a group of nutrients considered essential for the proper functioning of the human body.

Within them, the forming , regulating , energetic and building foods stand out , rich in omega 3 fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. They stand out among them: 

  • Beef and chicken, fish ( salmon , tuna , among others), eggs, milk and cheese.
  • Legumes, cereals, nuts. 
  • Mushrooms, grains, chickpeas, beans, peanuts among others. 

To highlight: This type of nutrients is divided into two large groups: proteins of high biological value and low biological value . In the first group are foods of animal origin, while in the second those of plant origin. 

2. Dairy

Dairy belongs to the group of regulating and building foods . It is a group of products derived mainly from cow’s milk, which contain large reserves of vitamins and minerals such as calcium, potassium and vitamin B12 that help improve bone and muscle function. Among the most common derivatives are:

3. Fruits and vegetables

These are food groups of plant origin, which are composed of carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, a high water content and components that benefit people with high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, among other pathologies. These foods include: 

  • Fruits: Banana , papaya, avocado, apple , oranges, among others.
  • Vegetables: Pumpkin, broccoli , spinach, lettuce, among other essentially green leafy vegetables. 

You should know: In the food wheel, vegetables are part of the group of protective and regulating foods, thanks to their quality of being low in calories and a source of nutrients and essential components for the human body. (two)

4. Cereals

This group of seeds is composed of energy foods. Its main function is to provide carbohydrates, energy, calcium, iron and vitamin B1 mainly, they also have a high fiber content, an essential nutrient to reduce cholesterol levels and facilitate intestinal transit. Some of these foods are: 

5. Legumes and tubers

They have a good amount of protein, which directly benefits human health. They are part of the building, protective or regulatory and energetic foods . They are low in calories and fat so it becomes important to include them in the diet. Among them are: 

  • Legumes: Lentils , peas, beans, chickpeas, among others.
  • Tubers: Carrots , potatoes, celery, radish, among others.

6. Oils and fats

It is a type of food that cannot be dissolved in water, however, it has the important function of providing essential fat or fatty acids for the proper cellular and hormonal development of the individual. Some of the most prominent are:  

Note: This group is part of energy foods, which in turn is categorized into monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids known as good and beneficial fats for human health. (3)

Key Findings

  • Foods are substances or compounds of animal or vegetable origin, which provide essential nutrients to maintain optimal health. 
  • They are divided into 6 large groups made up of proteins, dairy products, fruits and vegetables, legumes and tubers, cereals, oils and fats. 
  • Each type of food is classified into a group based on its nutritional value . 
  • It is important to maintain a varied, balanced and healthy diet, in order to guarantee a good development and functioning of the organism.

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