Enough of falling into the usual trap that all rolls are low in calories, here you will find out how to order sushi without throwing away all those hours of exercise in the gym.
By: Activopia
Are you one of those people who can’t help but count the calories of each meal? If so, then you’ll be excited to learn how some sushi dishes can make you fatter than others. Say goodbye to myths and find out what ingredients bring you closer to or further away from your ideal figure.
Surely you have been told a million times about the longevity of the Japanese population due to their healthy diet. What no one is telling you is that they do know what they eat. Although around the world the rolls have acquired a popularity that increases every day, this is not the daily dish consumed by the Japanese . Don’t be fooled, their rice toppings and high-calorie fillings such as cream cheese, avocado or pieces of tempura fish make them just as enemies of your daily diet as other foods considered fast food.
Then, if you love tuna, I’m sorry to say that it’s the easiest fish for restaurants to mask, so every time you see a plate of spicy chopped tuna with a lot of sauce, think twice.
Wasabi, being an essential accompaniment element in each sushi dish, also became an element for which some establishments sought substitutes to maintain prices. A kilo of wasabi, depending on its quality, can cost up to $160. For this reason, establishments have found vegetables such as radish, which are similar in their bitter taste. Many restaurants use it mixed with mustard and coloring that gives it its green appearance to pass it off as wasabi.
Curious data
Did you know that there is a correct order to eat the portions of sushi? The proper way to taste it is to start with the fish with the mildest flavors and end with the strongest, the light-toned pieces first and the pinkish and red ones last.
On top of this, sushi was originally designed to be eaten plain, dipping them in sauce is a custom that arose much later and decidedly not native to Japan. In turn, the most appropriate thing is to dip them on the fish side and not the rice side, as is usually believed.
If Sushi is Fattening or Not, It Depends on You
Now that I’ve told you about how it’s possible to eat a healthy diet without giving up your guilty pleasures, how will you act on your next visit to your favorite sushi restaurant?
You already know that starters are your best friends, although soups or salads are your thing, you will come out well. Then, when ordering the main dish, you should only lean towards the options that have more protein than rice and avoid tempura (seeing that 10 of its pieces are equivalent to a complete hamburger due to its fat content).
For every tray of California Rolls covered in rice that you don’t eat, you can eat two of Sashimi, so you won’t leave the establishment hungry. Now, it’s not bad to try a little. If you go out with your partner and he/she orders classic rolls, you can afford to try, the key is not to overdo it.
With soy sauce you can go ahead! No creamy sauces because you lose all the effort (1 tablespoon of mayonnaise is 99 calories in a single bite). And always remember: if it is a treat that you treat yourself to perhaps once a month, try to opt for restaurants with the best quality reviews, so you will avoid subjecting your digestive system to the experiments of low-cost establishments with lower-quality fish.
The drink with which you accompany your meal is very important. You achieve nothing by ordering a salad if you accompany it with a soda. Green tea is always the best option when it comes to your health and it is also very refreshing.
Did you like it? Tell us in the comments what you would do differently from now on.
Nico Salas.

University Professional in the area of Human Resources, Postgraduate in Occupational Health and Hygiene of the Work Environment, 14 years of experience in the area of health. Interested in topics of Psychology, Occupational Health, and General Medicine.