What is dimoflax?

Dimoflax® is a commercial medicine developed by Novamed(1) laboratories. In its composition it has a combination of clebopride and simethicone, which reduce the tension of the accumulated gases and prevent their production, respectively.

It is a medicine for oral administration, so its presentation has capsules. The indicated dose is one capsule, three times a day. It is recommended that your intake is just before meals and that if no improvements are observed in a period of 72 hours, go to medical attention.

Note: Due to its effects and mechanisms of action, dimoflax® is a prescription medication to purchase.

What is dimoflax for?

Dimoflax® is a medicine that is mainly aimed at digestive discomfort, so below we will mention its main uses as medical treatments:

1. Aerophagia, meteorism and flatulence

Aerophagia is a disorder, where an excessive amount of air is swallowed during meals. It involves discomfort, belching and bloating.

To highlight: Meteorism and flatulence are concentrations of gases in the digestive tract, so the use of dimoflax® for these discomforts is appropriate due to the reduction of intestinal tension that is produced by the accumulation of gases , thus allowing the relief of symptoms. (two)

2. Slow digestion

Slow digestion is a disorder where gastric emptying slows down,usually as a consequence of bad eating habits and motility difficulties. Dimoflax®Relieves the pressure or distension present and benefits the process. (3)

3. Irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome or IBS is a disorder that affects the large intestine , causing diarrhea , constipation, and abdominal pain.

You should know: The presence of simethicone in the dimoflax® formulation allows an improvement in pain and distension, with a very significant effectiveness . (4)

Dimoflax Side Effects

All medicines have stipulated possible side effects,which can develop during the consumption of a drug during medical treatment. We mention below those of dimoflax®:

  • Sensation of being sedated, dizziness and vertigo.
  • Tremors, drowsiness and dystonia (involuntary muscle contractions).
  • Headache.

Important: If the side effects do not disappear after stopping treatment, it is important to seek medical advice for information.

Dimoflax contraindications

Contraindications are factors that we must consider before starting medical treatment to reduce the risk of developing adverse effects. We mention below those of dimoflax®:

  • Do not consume if you are allergic or hypersensitive to any of the components of the drug.
  • Do not indicate if the patient suffers from epilepsy.
  • Do not indicate if you have Parkinson’s disease.
  • Do not indicate if the patient has presented bleeding, obstruction or intestinal perforation.

To highlight: It is important to present the medical history when you go to the consultation, so that the professional can Administer a pertinent and adequate treatment .

Key Conclusions

  • Dimoflax® is a medication that has clebopride and simethicone in its composition , which requires a prescription.
  • Its route of administration is oral, so it is presented in capsules. The recommended dose isthree a day, each one just before food.
  • Among the side effects of dimoflax®, symptoms such as headaches, dyskinesia (name given to involuntary movements of the extremities), Vomiting and dizziness may occur. may occur.
  • The properties and components of dimoflax® make it an effective antiflatulent and reducer of the symptoms of digestive disorders.

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