Apple cider vinegar is a product made from apple pulp or fermented from it, which is cider, whose use existed since the time of Hippocrates for medicinal purposes .
This vinegar has received much praise for its applications in everyday life and healthy properties, so in the following article we will show you 9 of the scientifically backed benefits of apple cider vinegar .
What is apple cider vinegar?
Also called cider vinegar, it is one of the types of vinegars combined by fermentation of alcohol and apple juice . It is the second most used type of miscible liquid in cooking and various foods, after white vinegar .
In this sense, it is credited with having a variety of antiviral and antibacterial properties and effects , used in past times to relieve coughs, prevent diseases or relieve pain by containing antioxidant and anti-inflammatory elements.
Important: A study mentions that: “Actually apple or cider vinegar stands out for its content of acetic acid and minerals” . (1)
What are the benefits of apple cider vinegar?
Cider liquid has many important components for the health of the body in people, so we will describe the main benefits of apple cider vinegar:
1. Lowers blood pressure
Apple cider vinegar can reduce and control blood pressure thanks to its composition. This happens, since the pressure is regulated by the potassium in the apple, which lowers the sodium levels in the blood .
Note: Cider vinegar also facilitates blood circulation through the body, thanks to its antioxidant effects.
2. Lowers cholesterol and triglycerides
Apple cider vinegar is part of the foods that lower cholesterol and triglycerides in a positive way. Since it does not contain any type of fatty acids or cholesterol fats in the composition, it does not favor the production of these substances.
To highlight: Thanks to a study it was determined that: “The results concluded that apple cider vinegar has a significant antihyperlipidemic effect in hyperlipidemia induced with a high cholesterol diet” . (two)
3. Balances blood sugar levels
Apple cider helps balance blood glucose levels naturally, because it boosts the metabolism of carbohydrates or better known as sugars.
You should know: Apple cider vinegar is recommended in moderation for people with type 2 or type 1 diabetes , as it strengthens insulin sensitivity and stimulates the absorption or digestion of starchy carbohydrates in the gastric system and the blood sugar.
4. Improves digestive disorders
Apple cider vinegar improves digestive disorders due to its enormous amount of acetic acids. With this, the PH of the apple manages to facilitate digestion .
It can also ease inflammation in the intestinal tract , promote gas release, and even lower blood sugar levels.
5. Eliminate fluid retention
This is one of the main reasons for which apple cider vinegar is known, due to its diuretic property that intervenes in the elimination of edema or fluid retention.
Important: Apple cider vinegar purifies toxins lodged in the liver , kidneys, and urinary tract, and with a diuretic effect, decreases the presence of liquids accumulated under the skin.
6. Fights bacteria and fungi
Apple cider vinegar is ideal for eliminating resistant bacteria and fungi such as Candida albicans .
In fact, it has been studied how vinegar has antibacterial properties due to acetic acid, from which many bacteria or viruses do not survive since the PH of the human host changes drastically. (3)
7. Contributes to weight loss
Apple cider vinegar is considered a contributor to help lose weight or lose weight, as well as being a purifier of toxins and fats .
To highlight: Apple cider vinegar promotes the digestion and metabolism of nutrients , which even provides great satiety thanks to pectin, which is a type of natural soluble fiber , which is concentrated in a variety of fruits.
8. Improves skin and hair health
Apple cider boosts collagen production for hair and non-sensitive skin.
Note: Thanks to acetic acid, apple cider vinegar in tablespoons can help remove grease from the hair, it is effective in the process of moisturizing the skin , it is good for reducing the presence of acne and improving the PH of the epidermis to eliminate microorganisms. .
9. Prevents cancer
Finally, apple cider vinegar is a hopeful food to prevent and serve as a treatment for cancer , according to several studies. (4)
You should know: Although certain determinations are missing, studies agree that it is capable of reducing the growth of cancer cells , as well as the formation of tumors and decreases pain and inflammation of patients.
Apple cider vinegar properties
With all the aforementioned benefits, we can attribute all its benefits to the nutritional composition of apple cider vinegar. Here are the main properties of apple cider vinegar:
1. Vitamins and minerals
Being a fermented product, it lacks vitamin content for the most part. However, it retains a high content of essential minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium , phosphorus and even sodium in its entirety.
2. Other compounds
On the other hand, apple cider vinegar is composed of enzymes, polyphenols, carbohydrates , calories and abundant water, as well as a wide variety of amino acids and natural fibers .
To highlight: It is known thanks to several studies that: ” Cider vinegar contains Methionine , which is necessary for the production of cysteine, which helps fight cholesterol . ” (5)
How should apple cider vinegar be taken?
Apple cider vinegar can be used in several ways. It can be used by diluting no more than two tablespoons of cider vinegar in a glass of water , to prevent damage to tooth enamel and that its nutrients act in favor of people’s bodies.
On the other hand, it can be included in foods such as salads , mainly vegetables, vegetables and meats, in the form of a dressing.
Note: Apple cider vinegar can also be applied directly to the skin , with the help of cotton and without exceeding 1 tablespoon, the application time should be only 20 seconds and then the skin area should be washed completely.
Key Findings
- Apple or cider vinegar is a liquid made from apple juice and fermented apple cider.
- Consuming apple cider vinegar provides benefits for hair health, helps in weight loss, as well as levels blood sugar.
- Contains essential minerals , a variety of amino acids and soluble fibers.
- It can be applied directly to the skin, just as it is added as a seasoning to food, it can even be taken on an empty stomach diluted in water as a detox drink.
University Professional in the area of Human Resources, Postgraduate in Occupational Health and Hygiene of the Work Environment, 14 years of experience in the area of health. Interested in topics of Psychology, Occupational Health, and General Medicine.