In food, there is a molecule known as dietary fiber among its nutritional composition , which provides a large number of benefits to its consumers. Fiber is classified into two large groups or two types of fiber , soluble and insoluble fiber, where the main difference lies in its ability to be diluted in water.
Insoluble fiber does not have the same capacity and is the one that benefits intestinal transit and stool volume. However, in the following article we will delve into what soluble fiber is , what it is for, how to consume it and what are the main foods rich in this type of nutrient.
What is soluble fiber?
Soluble fiber is one that has the ability to dissolve in water, attracting it during the digestion process and turning into a gel, it also includes pectin and enzymes. It is characterized by its ability to slow gastric emptying and the absorption of nutrients in the intestine. (1)
Most foods have a mixture of both fibers, but soluble fiber is one that allows you to reduce food intake due to its increase and prolongation of the feeling of satiety.
To highlight: It is also known as fermentable fiber and has a great capacity to retain water, which provides physiological effects in relation to digestive functions mainly. (two)
What is soluble fiber good for?
Soluble fiber has a wide variety of applications in food and therefore in consumers, obtaining a large number of benefits. . We mention them below and explain them briefly, thus allowing their knowledge and use:
1. Reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases
Fiber lowers cholesterol and blood sugar levels, so the cardiovascular system is benefited and protected, allowing a reduction in the risk of suffering from diseases. Similarly, it reduces and controls blood pressure values and helps inhibit the formation of fatty deposits in the liver. (3)
Important: There are studies that have also verified the capacity of fiber with antioxidant activity, thus reducing the degradation of cells and inflammation that can cause complications or the appearance of disorders of a cardiovascular nature. (4)
2. Reduces cholesterol levels
Soluble fiber, mainly from sources such as vegetables and fruits , allows the reduction of LDL cholesterol concentrations , maintaining healthy levels and significantly reducing a large number of existing risks. (5)
You should know: The principle of cholesterol reduction is due to the fact that the gel formed in the digestive tract by soluble fiber and its absorption of water, binds in the digestive tract with bile acids, eliminating cholesterol and other lipid compounds through through excretion.
3. Regulates blood sugar levels
The gels formed in digestion also allow the absorption of carbohydrates and processed sugars that allow the decrease in glucose absorption, so that blood sugar levels are not altered. (6)
Note: By having a prolonged feeling of satiety, food intake is less and also protects against health disorders.
4. Promotes digestive health
Soluble fiber is a compound that is always associated with digestive health, this is due to its great benefits in the process .
In this sense, soluble fiber protects the elements involved in digestion, slows down the process to reduce excessive food consumption, absorbs unnecessary amounts of compounds that can affect health in the long term , and allows the whole body to function properly. through its benefits.
5. Helps control body weight
Due to the feeling of satiety that soluble fiber provides during the digestion process, food consumption is regulated and reduced, which allows the achievement of weight loss and control goals more easily.
6. Prevents some types of cancer
Soluble fiber has the ability, demonstrated through several studies, to dilute carcinogenic substances , especially present in the digestive tract. Therefore, the colon, rectum, lung, prostate, liver and stomach are protected and the risk of developing cancer cells is greatly reduced. (7)
How to take soluble fiber?
Soluble fiber is a component present in a wide variety of foods, so its consumption is quite simple, practical and accessible. However, there are fiber concentrates that can also be used as a supplement to food or supplements. The recommended daily intake is about 25 grams.
To highlight: The recommended daily intake is about 25 grams . In the same way, drinking plenty of water allows you to obtain greater benefits and greater benefit from the consumption of fiber, regardless of the nature of its origin.
What are the foods rich in soluble fiber?
As we previously mentioned, soluble fiber is present in a wide variety of foods . We mention below the most important ones for its use:
1. Whole grains
Whole grains are those that, unlike refined grains, are not subjected to any type of procedure to be consumed. Among them we can identify rice and oats , as well as bread made with whole wheat that allows easy inclusion of soluble fiber in the diet.
2. Fruits and vegetables
Among the fruits and vegetables there is a wide variety too, including oranges, carrots , broccoli , cabbage and corn among the main ones. These foods are capable of providing at least 1% by weight of soluble fiber , which facilitates their inclusion in the diet and a significant value that allows reaching the recommended daily intake.
3. Nuts and seeds
Among the list of nuts and seeds that provide soluble fiber to the diet are sunflower, flax, flaxseed , dried fruits such as plums and figs, almonds, pistachios and walnuts.
4. Legumes
Peas , beans and lentils are the main legumes that provide soluble fiber to the diet of consumers. They have different concentrations, but they are a great option for a balanced and healthy diet.
Key Findings
- Soluble fiber is a compound present in a wide variety of foods and is characterized by absorbing water and turning into a gel during the digestion process.
- It contains a large number of components such as pectin, inulin, gums and fructooligosaccharides that benefit the health of consumers.
- It allows the reduction of the risk of cardiovascular diseases, development of cancer cells and overweight.
- It is well known for slowing down the digestion process and a feeling of prolonged satiety, which reduces excessive food consumption and preserves health.

University Professional in the area of Human Resources, Postgraduate in Occupational Health and Hygiene of the Work Environment, 14 years of experience in the area of health. Interested in topics of Psychology, Occupational Health, and General Medicine.