The supplements complement very well the work that is done inside and outside the gym , with a balanced diet to accelerate muscular effort.

Although they are not essential, they are usually functional for different metabolisms , which is why we will show you in the following article the 9 best supplements to increase muscle mass that have been proven by science.

What are supplements to gain muscle mass?

Dietary supplements are food products to be taken and are intended to stimulate the absorption of nutrients in the body so that it works properly, especially during training , exercise, muscle recovery, even for body weight control.

In this sense, the supplements have a content of vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids, proteins and enzymes , which can be combined with other foods in the diet and help prevent diseases.

Note: One study mentions that: “Supplements are found on the market in various forms , including capsules, tablets, liquids and powders” . (1)

What are the best supplements to gain muscle mass?

There are various types of food supplements that can be taken, with essential nutrients with various functions , so we will show you which are the best supplements to increase muscle mass:

1. Whey protein

Whey protein (WP) is one that comes from whey, commonly in powder form. It is essential to improve physical performance, strength and muscle recovery, it is divided into concentrate, isolate and hydrolyzate to increase the absorption of nutrients.

To highlight: A study mentions that: “Whey protein has a mixture of globular proteins that are quickly digested to obtain muscle mass . ” (two)

2. Creatine

Creatine is a well – known nutritional supplement used for sports performance. Creatine is a chemical compound with several benefits, since it provides and stores protein in muscle tissue , increasing its strength and muscle contraction to release ATP (adenosine triphosphate) protein synthesis.

Important: It is known that: “The human body requires a total amount of 2 grams of creatine daily, of which 50% is synthesized by the body itself while the other 50% must be supplied through the diet . (3)

3. Glutamine

L-glutamine is a great supplement of an amino acid, which is not synthesized by the body. Glutamine is involved in the absorption of proteins, which are lodged in the tissues and stimulates the production of growth hormone that helps to gain muscle.

You should know: This compound reduces post-workout pain , as well as providing energy and better physical performance.

4. Branched Chain Amino Acids

The branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) are 3 specifically : Valine, Leucine and Isoleucine. These chemical compounds are found in whey protein and are responsible for building and increasing skeletal muscle fibers, accompanied by increased metabolism.

Note: BCAAs, apart from muscle growth, also decrease muscle atrophy , increase physical energy and promote immune defenses.

5. Caffeine

Caffeine is a commonly consumed ingredient in supplements and is a component of coffee and tea. This compound is responsible for providing energy or protein levels , which can last for many minutes or hours , although it also has the function of dilating and promoting muscle contractions.

Bottom Line: Natural caffeine in moderation is good, boosting performance for pre-workouts, strength for certain weight-bearing activities, and high-intensity muscle growth post-workout.

6. Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are found in supplements to save protein and prevent the breakdown of muscle tissue before a workout.

In this sense, the most essential carbohydrates are fructose , dextrose and maltodextrin, the latter allows rapid absorption and manages to increase people’s muscle energy.

7. Beta-hydroxy beta-methylbutyric acid (HMB)

HMB is an essential supplement to increase muscle health and weight, being originated by leucine. It is important to improve the breakdown of nutrients and proteins, in the same way it increases the anabolic construction of muscle protein , which leads to a great improvement or a recovery of the mass of the same tissue.

You should know: One tab states that: “The International Society of Sports Nutrition recommends that if you are one of the healthy adults who wants to try HMB, take 3 grams per day for positive effects.” (4)

8. Beta-alanine

Finally, Beta-alanine is an important amino acid as a food supplement, which the human body does not synthesize on its own. This non-essential amino acid helps increase carnosine in tissue and muscle mass. 

On the other hand, this substance decreases the intensity of fatigue and tiredness caused by lactic acid after strenuous workouts, which helps to increase the volume of the body’s muscles.

Key Findings

  • Supplements to help with muscle mass gain are made up of vitamins, amino acids, proteins, and minerals 
  • There are supplements that share similarities with each other such as whey protein and branched chain amino acids 
  • The best supplements are often found in powder or capsule form 
  • They should be consumed in moderation and accompanied by balanced diets. 

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