Sometimes some people constantly suffer from flu, tiredness and colds. Sometimes it is usually about diseases that appear suddenly and do not heal easily, which is due to the fact that the body has low defenses.
When the body’s defenses are low, the immune system is completely vulnerable and exposed to attack by any type of bacteria, virus, disease, or pathological threat.
It is important to increase defenses to prevent future health problems, so in this article we will inform you of the most common causes that generate this problem, and some treatments to strengthen the immune system.
What are low defenses?
The defenses are in charge of preventing viruses, bacteria and diseases from entering the body, which are known as the “immune system” or “immune system”, since they are a set of organs and cells that protect the body from substances and microorganisms that can alter our health.
Important: When defenses are low, the body is exposed to contracting viruses, fungi, parasites, and infections . This is because the cells, organs and tissues of the body are weak and do not have the capacity to reject the invading agents.
What are the symptoms of having low defenses?
Inexplicable fatigue, flu and skin diseases are symptoms that determine that the defenses are low. However, knowing the most common signs to know if an immune system is weak is the key to being alert and preventing worse complications, some of which are the following:
1. Constant fatigue
Usually a low level of defenses in the body can cause unusual tiredness and fatigue. This symptom is present, even when we are resting or at bedtime, where a great constant exhaustion is usually felt, despite having slept all night.
To highlight: The symptoms of constant fatigue are droopy eyes, dark circles and heaviness when reading or doing any activity that requires concentration. This is because the immune system is weak and the body is consuming more nutrients than it is receiving.
2. Recurring infections, colds and allergies
Low defenses cause disorders that affect different areas of the body. The immune system becomes insufficient to fight germs and bacteria , which is why they enter easily and generate infections, colds and allergies, appearing symptoms such as sneezing, nasal congestion, chills and phlegm.
Similarly, recurring allergies occur when the patient is exposed to allergens such as dust, pollen, mold, and smoke, where the body’s defenses do not have the ability to fight the invading body, thus generating various reactions.
3. Problems to heal
In some patients, it may happen that they have wounds or scratches that take longer than usual to heal. This is because the immune system does not have the necessary amount of white blood cells to allow the healing process to be faster.
4. Muscle and joint pain
Low defenses can cause muscle and joint pain. It is usually a nuisance that appears for no apparent reason. The ailment increases when tension, effort or overload movements are made.
Note: These symptoms do not appear in a specific area and are present even when you are sleeping, which can occur because your muscles and joints are not absorbing the amount of minerals they need.
5. Abscess formation
Abscesses are produced by bacteria and parasites that lodge in the dermis . They are usually caused by external substances that enter the skin through a scratch, bite or puncture.
The weakened immune system means that the body cannot heal quickly, nor does it have the ability to attack the infection . By having a low level of white blood cells, the walls and tissues of the skin do not have the ability to heal and generate a skin disorder.
6. Consumption of antibiotics without improvement
Some patients consume drugs and antibiotics to control some pathology, where sometimes they do not see the effect of the treatment. This is because the bacteria present in the body have mutated and create resistance to the antibiotic, because the body’s defenses are not helping to combat this problem.
Note: Bacteria that become stronger in the presence of antibiotics can make an infection much more difficult to treat.
How is the treatment to raise the low defenses?
Every person who has a low level of defenses becomes inefficient, whether they are always tired or have a cold. For this reason, we will recommend the following treatments so that you can improve the immune health of your body:
1. Rest properly
Sleeping between 8 hours or more a day reinforces the defenses. This is because sleep increases immunological memory and the body is prepared to protect itself from a possible condition.
Also, rest allows the immune system to release cytokine proteins that help fight inflammation and infection in the organs. It is at the time of sleep that the body regenerates, strengthens and eliminates all toxins.
Important: The National Autonomous University of Mexico carried out a study where it has been recognized that there is a strong relationship between sleep and the immune response . Not sleeping properly decreases the production of antibodies and impairs cell activity. (1)
2. Maintain a balanced diet
Having a healthy diet helps to keep the defenses at the correct levels . For this reason, it is recommended to consume proteins, carbohydrates, fats and fiber in a balanced way. It is best not to abstain from any type of food, since they are all necessary for the proper functioning of the body.
Fruits such as oranges, lemons, strawberries or apples cannot be missing from our daily diet , they have vitamins C and antioxidants that improve defenses. Nor can we forget legumes, dairy, grains and fish that help strengthen the immune system.
To highlight: A study carried out by the Dr. Luis Díaz Soto Higher Institute of Military Medicine , in Cuba, verified that a correct diet establishes a stable immune response. In addition to that, healthy diets help improve defenses and fight various diseases. (two)
3. Perform physical activity
Practicing a sport or exercising constantly creates antibodies and increases the production of white blood cells . This allows the immune system to have the ability to fight diseases and antibodies.
4. Control stress and anxiety
Emotions play a fundamental role in the health of the immune system. Being exposed to stress, anxiety, melancholy, hatred and sadness , allows the body to be vulnerable to suffer any type of disease.
Tip: It is advisable to avoid exposing yourself to negative emotions at all times and carry out relaxing activities such as painting, coloring, meditating or playing sports, in order not to fall into depression and release stress.
A study carried out in Cuba, where the health before and after newborns was evaluated after suffering stress, showed that there was a deterioration in the state of the immune system, both in the formation of cells and in the state of mind. (3)
5. Avoid smoking and moderate alcohol consumption
The excess of alcoholic beverages and cigarettes lowers the defenses and keeps the body in constant exposure to diseases. This is because the number of lymphocytes, which help protect the body from bacteria, is reduced. It also causes cell death and weakens the epithelial barriers of the lungs.
Note: For this reason, the recommendation is to avoid the consumption of these substances that are harmful to health.
6. Complement the diet with nutritional supplements
To improve the condition of the organism and strengthen the defenses, it is necessary to have the necessary nutrients in our body. Vitamins and minerals that help the production of white and red blood cells should be consumed.
Note: Consume foods or supplements that contain vitamins C, B and zinc , improve the state of leukocytes and help cell regeneration. It is recommended to use supplements with these substances 3 to 4 times a week.
7. Maintain a positive frame of mind
It is necessary to remove all negativity and bad spirits from our minds , these sensations generate weakness in the defenses. Confinement and situations that generate excessive stress should be avoided.
You can dedicate days off a week, do recreational activities and get enough rest after daily tasks. If you are going through situations of anguish, it is best to remain calm and propose all possible solutions to the problem.
Key Findings
- The defenses are in charge of taking care of our body from diseases.
- People who frequently suffer from flu, chills, tiredness, and allergies are cases that indicate that there is a decrease in the immune system.
- Emotions must be taken care of , since these are essential to strengthen defenses.
- Having a diet rich in fruits and foods that contain vitamins C, B, and zinc is essential to raise defense levels.
- Weak defenses are lethal for chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes, leukemia, and anemia.
University Professional in the area of Human Resources, Postgraduate in Occupational Health and Hygiene of the Work Environment, 14 years of experience in the area of health. Interested in topics of Psychology, Occupational Health, and General Medicine.