Currently there are a wide variety of diseases to which we are exposed. For this, it is necessary that our body is prepared to fight and attack against all kinds of harmful agents.
That’s where we need the involvement of white blood cells , which are cells that play a key role in the body’s immune system .
In this way, it is required that the production of these cells in the body can be increased daily , for which in this article we will provide you with all the necessary recommendations to fulfill this mission.
What are white blood cells?
White blood cells are part of the stem cells of the body’s immune system, their main function being to defend and fight against infections , toxins, bacteria and viruses found in the body.
In the same way, these cells are produced in the bone marrow and are distributed throughout the body through the blood. In a human body there are approximately 5,000 to 10,000 white blood cells per cubic millimeter.
To highlight: There are 5 types of white blood cells that are: neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, basophils and eosinophils. All of them are distributed in the body for different functions such as: locating damaged cells, caring for organs, remodeling tissues, responding to allergic reactions and dissolving clots.
Recommendations to raise white blood cells
White blood cells are responsible for caring for and protecting the body from all kinds of bacteria and viruses. Here are some recommendations so that you can increase the production of these cells:
consume enough water
To improve the health of the immune system, it is necessary to stay hydrated. It is recommended to drink between 8 and 10 glasses of water a day , since this helps to eliminate toxins from the body and prevent cell damage.
Note: Being hydrated, the body has the ability to regenerate and produce more white blood cells, therefore it is necessary to consume water only from places where it is guaranteed to be clean. This also helps to avoid cell intoxication by means of the vital liquid.
Increase consumption of foods with omega 3 and 6
Omega 3 and 6 are polyunsaturated fats , very useful for the body. They work with an anti-inflammatory for the immune system, therefore it is recommended to consume foods such as sardines, salmon and horse mackerel.
Tip: Some foods high in omega 3 and 6 are nuts and seeds. Likewise, natural oils also have high concentrations of polyunsaturated fats, along with dairy products such as eggs, milk and yogurt, which help the immune system to regenerate.
It is necessary to take into account that the consumption of omega 3 and 6 must be regulated . You should only ingest what the body needs and the cells require it to regenerate. If not, the blood could be supersaturated with fats.
Consume foods rich in vitamins C, B, A and D
Food is very useful to increase the production of white blood cells in a healthy way. For this, it is necessary to consume foods with high concentrations of vitamin C , since they encourage the immune system to produce more lymphocytes that attack pathogens.
Highlights: Vitamin D and E can be found in foods like milk, eggs, grapes, nuts, and mushrooms. These substances are excellent antioxidants that help the body to attack infectious diseases. Vitamin A and group B can be found in red meat, fruit and vegetables.
Similarly, vitamins A and group B are vital to help the body support biochemical reactions . They also allow the synthesis of nucleic acids and are necessary to improve NK cells and lymphocytes.
Incorporate foods with zinc, iron, copper and selenium
Mineral intake helps improve the protective capacity of the immune system . Among them, we can highlight zinc, which helps the body in more than 300 enzymatic processes, thanks to the fact that it contributes to the functioning of the body’s defenses.
Similarly, copper allows the maintenance and maturation of immune cells. On the other hand, iron facilitates a greater capacity for phagocytosis in white blood cells; and selenium increases the production of cytokines to prevent disease.
Note: These minerals can be found in foods such as crab, oysters, mussels, eggs, wheat germ, mushrooms, and sunflower seeds .
Increase consumption of foods with fiber
Fiber has always been recognized for the great benefits it has for the care and functioning of the body. In addition, it helps the immune system to modulate and identify the cells that protect and care for the body.
Important: Consuming fiber in our daily diet helps the production of anti-inflammatory proteins, which allows rapid recovery from illnesses and discomfort.
Avoid fried foods
It is no secret to anyone that fried foods are harmful to the body . This is because the levels of fat in the blood increase, making the body vulnerable to disease.
In this sense, the high temperatures of the oils destroy the vitamins and minerals in the food, which prevents the body from fully absorbing the nutrients. They can also cause an increase in cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
To highlight: A study carried out at the Superior Institute of Military Medicine Dr. Luis Díaz Soto of Cuba, affirms that a good diet improves the body’s defenses, while the deficiency of quality food causes cell division and a decrease in function of the lymphocytes. (1)
Moderate consumption of processed carbohydrates
The big problem with simple carbohydrates is that they are quickly absorbed into the blood. This can cause high levels of fat and sugar that lead to diseases that weaken the immune system.
Note: Excess carbohydrates cripple the immune system , as the white blood cells that ward off invading bacteria and viruses can drop significantly after ingesting excess sugar.
In the same way, the saturation of sugars in the bloodstream causes the deterioration of cells and prevents the body from being prepared to battle against bacteria. It is recommended that carbohydrate intake be controlled and without excess.
Doing physical activity
Physical activity helps keep the body healthy and strong. In this way , the body is prepared and able to face diseases, for which reason exercising helps to eliminate bacteria from the respiratory tract.
Exercise and sport cause changes in the body’s white blood cells and antibodies, so raising body temperature through physical activity prevents the growth of bacteria and infections.
Important: A study carried out at the University of Antioquia in Colombia revealed that physical activity produces physiological changes in the immune system . It also allows the increase of neutrophils, NK, B and T cells in the bloodstream. (two)
Sunbathe properly
The sun’s rays serve as a medicine to improve the quality of the blood , allowing the production of white blood cells to increase. In addition , the sun with its benefits reinforces the body’s defenses to face infections.
To highlight: Sunlight also allows blood vessels to dilate and blood circulation to be better. This increases the levels of neutrophils and lymphocytes in the blood, which are the white blood cells that fight infections.
Avoid stress
Low levels of white blood cells are synonymous with a weak immune system and prone to any type of infection.
Note: Excess stress, depression and anxiety can cause defenses to drop.
Keeping the body in long periods of stress causes an increase in substances such as adrenaline and cortisol, which allows the body to prepare to react and decreases its white blood cell capacity to defend the body from diseases.
Important: A study carried out by the Official Organ of the Venezuelan Society of Internal Medicine , showed that patients exposed to anxiety, stress and depression have a significant decrease in the production of white blood cells. (3)
While, a study from the University of Extremadura in Spain , was able to put into practice that relaxing cancer patients through therapeutic messages increases the production of white blood cells and neutrophils . (4)
Key Findings
- There are 5 types of white blood cells and they all have different and specific functions.
- Having low levels of white blood cells makes the body prone to disease.
- White blood cell levels should be checked regularly. For this it is recommended to go to a specialist doctor.
- Physical activity helps release toxins and improves the immune system.
- Stress and anxiety generate toxins that decrease the production of white blood cells.

University Professional in the area of Human Resources, Postgraduate in Occupational Health and Hygiene of the Work Environment, 14 years of experience in the area of health. Interested in topics of Psychology, Occupational Health, and General Medicine.