What is italdermol?

Italdermol® is the name of a medical product, whose outstanding active ingredient is the aqueous extract of triticum vulgare (also an additive of gentamicin), which gives the drug mostly anti-inflammatory and healing characteristics with multiple presentations.

Note: italdermol® belongs to the drug product line of Italmex Pharma laboratories . (1)

What is italdermol used for?

  • Italdermol® has in its composition triticum vulgare (from wheat germ oil), which has the mechanism of action of stimulating complex tissue repair processes (tissue repair), thanks to the fact that it contains vitamin A, it is also one of the products that works as an antibacterial against gram- negative agents , facilitating healing and chemotaxis. (two)
  • It is used to treat:
    • Burns .
    • Bedsores (pressure ulcers).
    • sores _
    • Dermatosis.
    • Delayed healing.
    • Plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery.
    • Diaper dermatitis .
    • Nipple ulcers.
    • Abrasions.

Dosage and routes of administration of italdermol

Italdermol® has several presentations of commercial products available, mainly in the form of a topical application cream with 15 g of triticum vulgare , in addition to italdermol G® with an additive of gentamicin sulfate in the form of a 1150 g cream, also it is found in gauzes and ovules . The indications of italdermol® with its varied presentations in adults are the following:

  • Cream and gauzes: It is recommended to apply topical cream 1 to 2 times a day in the area of ​​the affected skin or tissue and previously washed.
  • Ovules: It is recommended to use the ovules for vaginal application once a day according to the previous indications.

Side effects of italdermol

Italdermol cream® and its derivative products can bring about a series of adverse effects during treatment with these drugs by acting on the lesions presented, therefore, it is recommended to have prior knowledge about the following reactions:

  • Itching.
  • Sensitivity to the active substance and gentamicin.
  • Erythema.
  • Growth of non-susceptible bacteria.

Important: If adverse effects occur and worsen the patient’s health, treatment with this drug should be discontinued and see a medical specialist.

Contraindications and warnings of italdermol

Italdermol® is contraindicated for a certain number of patients, who may have serious consequences through the interaction of this drug with certain conditions or delicate health conditions. It is not recommended for these cases:

  • Allergy to active ingredients.
  • Third degree burns (for gauze or creams).
  • Pediatric population.
  • Pregnancy.

Avoid if you have:

  • Antibiotic therapy.
  • Risk of dermatitis.


  • It is recommended to use this drug with the prescription or prescription of a doctor.
  • Keep this medicine out of the reach of children.
  • Reserve at room temperature.
  • Store in a dry environment and avoid deterioration

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