Fish is one of the most delicious and healthy foods that exists, thanks to its high content of omega 3 fatty acids, calcium, protein, vitamin D and B vitamins, fish protects you against diseases such as diabetes, Alzheimer’s and depression.

In addition, the consumption of fish and shellfish provides you with nutrients of high biological value that are beneficial for cardiovascular health , in addition to reducing cholesterol, among other health conditions that can be improved with a good intake of fish accompanied by a healthy diet. feeding.

For these reasons, below we will detail the 11 best benefits of fish to improve the health of your body and mind.

What are the benefits of eating fish?

Eating oily fish, in addition to providing a high protein content, healthy fat, polyunsaturated fatty acids, iodine, essential amino acids and fat-soluble vitamins that the body needs to prevent certain pathologies.

Note: It also helps you directly improve the nutritional indices in your diet while lowering cholesterol , so that you get a good diet accompanied by a wide variety of benefits for your health.

In this sense, we have built for you a list with the 11 benefits of fish so that you can increase the intake of this food and naturally obtain its multiple properties that will improve your health.

1. It has a high content of essential nutrients

Oily fish is rich in important nutrients that many people lack:  iodine,   high-quality protein , and various vitamins and minerals .

Note: Almost all types of fish are very nutritious and healthy , but there is a certain type of fish that is even healthier: oily or oily fish.

Fatty fish , such as salmon , sardines, trout, tuna and mackerel,  are rich in fatty nutrients of great interest to our body :

  • Liposoluble vitamin D : acts as a steroid hormone.
  • Omega 3 : important for the proper functioning of the body and the brain.

2. Prevents type 1 diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is a type of autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas.

You should know: According to a study published by the journal Nutrition & Diabetes (1) ,  the consumption of fish oil or fatty fish reduces the risk of developing type 1 diabetes  in children and adults.

Although the results are provisional, experts believe that fatty fish can prevent this type of autoimmune disease  thanks to its content of omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and  vitamin D.

Note: It is speculated that fish consumption may also decrease the risk of multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis , but more evidence is still needed to confirm this fact.

3. Promotes development and growth

Fish contains omega 3 fatty acids and proteins that are especially important for the development and growth of the human being, especially in the diet of pregnant women.

Specifically, there is an omega 3 acid, called  docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) ,  which accumulates in the brain and eyes during their development  .

Note: It is advisable that during pregnancy and lactation women consume oily fish  to ensure an appropriate dose of omega 3, but  never more than 340 grams per week .

However, there are certain  kinds of fish that may pose risks to pregnant and lactating women :

  • Raw  or undercooked fish  often contain microorganisms that can harm the fetus.
  • Fish at the top of the food chain may   contain high amounts of mercury, a substance harmful to brain development.

Tip: Sardines, salmon or trout are delicious fish and very suitable options  for pregnant or lactating women.

4. Prevents and improves the symptoms of depression

According to research carried out by the journal Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity (2) ,  eating fish and shellfish frequently can reduce the risk of suffering from depression , a mental disorder characterized by loss of interest in life and daily activities, a state low mood, sadness and fatigue.

Likewise, it has been confirmed in many controlled trials that  the omega-3 fatty acids contained in fish positively influence people with depression,  considerably increasing the efficacy of antidepressant medications.

You should know: Eating fish can increase your self-esteem and improve your quality of life, making you a happier person . For its part, the omega 3 acids in fish  may also have benefits to improve the symptoms of other mental disorders, for example, bipolar disorder.

5. Protects children against asthma

Over the past few decades,  the number of people with asthma has increased dramatically . For this reason, it is important to investigate and find a way that can prevent the occurrence of this inflammation of the airways.

Important: A group of investigations carried out by researchers from the Plos One magazine (3) , assure that  children who eat fish regularly have a 24% lower risk of developing asthma, however they emphasize that more studies should be carried out.

Similarly, thanks to the large amount of omega-3 that fish has, it can help people prevent and combat respiratory diseases associated with asthma .

6. Prevents strokes and heart disease

Eating white fish or blue fish at least once a week can prevent strokes, cardiovascular diseases and lower blood pressure , as well as reduce the risk of death from these types of diseases, significantly improving heart health.

You should know: In a study published by the journal Nutrición Hospitalaria (4) , where more than 40,000 male individuals were taken into account,  a 15% lower risk of cardiovascular disease was observed in those who ate one or more servings of fish weekly .

In addition,  thanks to its high content of omega 3 acids and low caloric intake, experts consider that fatty fish is even better  than other types of fish and foods, when it comes to keeping your heart healthy and lowering blood cholesterol levels. .

7. Protects Against Age-Related Vision Loss

With the passing of the years and the arrival of old age, many people experience a loss of vision  that causes the inability to read and see up close. This eye disease is called  macular degeneration and is usually associated with nutrient deficiencies , especially fatty acids.

Note: As I have already mentioned, oily fish is one of the richest foods in omega 3 fatty acids compared to other foods such as meat , therefore including them in your diet can protect against such a disease and improve your visual health.

Below are the results of scientific studies carried out by the Arch Ophthalmol magazine (5) and The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (6) , which have analyzed the  relationship between fish consumption and the risk of macular degeneration :

  • 42% lower risk in women  who eat fish regularly.
  • 53% lower risk  of neovascular macular degeneration  in people who eat fatty fish once a week.

8. Improves the quality of sleep

Lack of sleep and poor quality sleep are a  very common disorder among the world population .

Although the causes are various,  it seems that a lack of vitamin D may be one of the triggers for this problem  and fish is an excellent source of this vitamin, which also provides multiple benefits for general health.

Tip: We recommend you eat fish, especially salmon, at least twice a week. This fish is rich in vitamin D, which can significantly improve your quality of sleep and therefore daily performance during your activities.

9. Prevents age-related cognitive decline

Aging is a very common risk factor for neurodegenerative diseases such  as Alzheimer’s. When a person gets older and ages, let’s say that so does his brain, which deteriorates and loses capabilities.

Note: Eating fish appears  to increase gray matter in the brain centers , the main functional tissue of the brain that contains the neurons that process information and store memories.

10. It is a source of vitamin D

Fish , especially salmon and herring,  and fish products are excellent sources of  vitamin D :

  • About  100 g of cooked salmon  contains about  100% of the RDA  for vitamin D.
  • One tablespoon of cod liver oil  contains  more than double the RDA  for vitamin D.

You should know: This compound helps strengthen bone health, since it improves the absorption of calcium. Remembering that calcium is one of the essential and necessary minerals for the proper functioning of the bone system and the prevention of osteoporosis.

In this sense, we recommend that you consume a diet rich in this food and thus obtain its wide variety of benefits and healthy fats.

11. It is easy to cook

The  wide variety of fish that exists allows you to choose according to your tastes and preferences, as well as economic means. Raw fish ,  grilled, roasted, on the barbecue or in sauce, there  are multiple options for cooking it and they are all delicious.

Note: Only  two weekly servings are enough to benefit from its properties and enjoy a healthier life easily .

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