There are fine lines in human behavior that distance casual, and even repetitive,behaviorfrom obsessive behavior.
For the same therewill always be determining and influential factorsas it is in the case ofdromomania, defined in general terms as an inability to remain in the same place.
In the following article we will delve into what this disorder is, what are the causes that produce it, signs and treatments applicable to patients.
ToggleWhat is dromomania?
Drombomaniais considered by theRoyal Spanish Academy,(1) as apathological elementwhere conscientiously,impulsive behaviors to escapeobsessively occur, eitherfor reasons of travel, experiences or desire to know the world.
The situation leads to the production ofinconveniences in the quality of life of theindividual and even compromising their abilities to have assertivework or personal relationships.
Fun fact: Jean-Albert Dadas was one of themost recognized casesregarding this pathology when he was treated in a hospital forexcessive exhaustionafter having traveled through European countries on foot without an apparent reason or reason.
In this sense, dromomania are abnormal and uncontrollable impulses to travel, mobilize and travel places escaping from the reality of life of the subject. It is even considered an addiction.
Causes of dromomania
Drombomania can be motivated by different causes, which will be mentioned and described below to facilitate the understanding of this pathology.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder
Asobsessive-compulsive disordercan lead an individual to make compulsive purchases, as they are usually called,there are also impulsesfor the determination tomove from a placeor to acquire a ticket to a next destination.
Note: Dromomania constitutes an urgent need to change places.
Hysterical personality
People with hysterical personality dissociation tend to be more likely to be impulsive, due to the lack of control over the momentary emotional picture and the disposition and inclination towards this type of decision.
acute stress
Important: A stress picture can produce different types of anxiety and then leads to the influence on drug addiction actions.
Family problems
signs of dromomania
The signs or symptoms that occur in dromomania are characteristic to determine and identify the presence of this disorder. They will be mentioned and described below.
state of nervous excitement
The state of nervous excitement appears as a Biological response from the Central Nervous System to a challenge or situation that requires a greater effort than others.
Many times it is the feeling of well-being when secreting dopamine, even managing to get the plane ticket or getting ready to start the trip, which turns the situation into an addiction.
To highlight:It is important to mention that in many cases, such as the one previously cited by Jean-Albert Dadas, one is not aware. It’s like asleepwalker , but traveler.
Irresistible urge to escape
As we have been describing throughout the article, the need to escape in an uncontrollable way is one of the most prominent symptoms of this disorder. There is no attachment to places, people or ties.
Added to all this, there is a need for experiences, travel and to know the world that produces a greater inclination of the irresistible desire to constantly escape.
Escape without planning or organization
When the need appears, nothing is taken into consideration. That is why itis considered a disordertag. He ignores work, family, responsibilities and makes the decision even without prior planning.
Note: In many cases, it is after the painting that you become aware of what you have left behind and you start your way back.
Unaware of the condition
You are not aware of the disorder,being obsessive and pathological. People onlyundertake a trip for no apparent reason, without explanation and without considering the possible consequences that may be obtained by altering the daily life that is carried out. (3)
Curious fact: Dromomania continues to this day, being considered a Medical Curiosity due to its origin and considerations for which an accurate explanation has not yet been achieved.
Later feeling of guilt
When, what has been called in some investigations as “Ambulatory Automatism” disappears, and one becomes aware of the actions and the behavior taken, there is a feeling of guilt and remorse, above all for the careless activities and the urgent need to take them back
Treatment for dromomania
There are certain treatments that can be applied to individuals who present dromomania to improve the quality of life of the patient,his family and in many ways reduce the chances that these pictures continue to occur. It is even treated as an addiction.
Drugs prescribed by a specialist
Treatment is applied to disorders or pathologies developed jointly , or those that under medical supervision are considered capable of reducing the risks of the appearance of ambulatory automatism pictures. (4)
Cognitive behavioral therapy
The application of cognitive behavioral therapy has the ability to analyze the origin of the disorder and the factors that trigger its appearance in the individual.
In addition to that, it is about controlling the characteristic impulses of this type of pathologies, which have been systematized and analyzed for their control. (5)
Key Findings
- Dromomania is considered a pathology or disorder due to the individual’s inability to control their impulses.
- In many recorded cases, especially in France, a kind of somnambulism stands out.
- There are psychological factors that influence the appearance of the pictures, such as stress, hysteria, family problems and pathologies such as schizophrenia.
- In many cases it occurs without awareness of it. It is not considered a problem until the quality of life is greatly affected.
- denial techniques applied by individuals to hide, from themselves, the presence of a pathological disorder.
- Drug addiction can be treated with psychological therapy and medication if necessary.
![Jane Bones](
University Professional in the area of Human Resources, Postgraduate in Occupational Health and Hygiene of the Work Environment, 14 years of experience in the area of health. Interested in topics of Psychology, Occupational Health, and General Medicine.