Have you come to hear on certain occasions about the consumption of water with lemon? It is not for less, it has even become very relevant in recent times of pandemic and from before it was customary because it allowed the elimination of microorganisms from the environment.

For this reason, it is so important in this article to know what are the true and magnificent benefits of drinking water with lemon , and really, there are quite a few.

Benefits of water with lemon

It is important to note that this drink is usually taken on an empty stomach (without having eaten food since the night), so it is customary to opt for it in the morning and before bedtime, but why is it really consumed? These are the main benefits of drinking lemon water:

1. Strengthens the body’s defenses

Lemon is a citrus that manages to largely reinforce the immune system, the source of our body’s defenses . The key? the vitamins it contains.

Fortunately, lemon water is rich in vitamin C (ascorbic acid), being one of its most important bioactive components , since it acts as an antioxidant, an electron donor that prevents oxidative damage and a balancer of leukocytes.

Note: Adding important information about water with lemon and its components, we find the following “Vitamin C in lemon helps in the formation of collagen, bones, teeth and red blood cells, favoring the absorption of iron from food and resistance to infections . ” (1)

2. Improves blood circulation

The greater fluidity of blood in the body is due to the presence of minerals and antioxidants (vitamin product) that the body receives after ingesting lemon water.

Minerals are necessary for better blood circulation, magnesium and calcium are involved in them (elements that lemon has), since magnesium regulates blood pressure and balances blood sugar , while calcium helps to contract the blood veins, allowing better functionality in the nervous system.

To highlight: Vitamin C again is also key to greater blood circulation, because it also protects red blood cells and prevents cardiovascular diseases just like vitamin B12.

3. Fight free radicals

This is a very important issue, where the vitamin C contained in the water with lemon has a greater role, remembering that free radicals are those molecules that our body produces , but their excess production in the long term can generate cellular alterations in the genetic material .

The synthesis of vitamin C (being an antioxidant) can control or neutralize the oxidizing actions of free radicals with the release of electrons (of which vitamin C is a great donor).

Important: To fully understand the actions of vitamin C, an analysis mentions the following: “An antioxidant is a substance capable of neutralizing the oxidizing action of free radicals by releasing electrons in our blood . ” (two)

4. Helps detoxify the body

It can be said that water with lemon is a great purifier of microorganisms , because lemon is a fruit with great citric acid.

This compound is a great antioxidant, especially for cleaning the mucous walls in the gastrointestinal area and releasing gases, which is why when lemon juice is added to water, the stomach is purifying itself of toxins or other microorganisms ( like bacteria specifically) and can relieve constipation.

Note: To complement this information, an analysis mentions that ” Some studies have indicated that lemon acids enhance the action of vitamin C and have a notable antiseptic effect . ” (3)

5. Prevents respiratory conditions

The citric acid in lemon water is quite important to prevent respiratory conditions, due to the cleansing and detoxification of the mucous walls such as the throat and lower lung passages (through gargles).

It is capable of eliminating microorganisms or other toxic agents , which lodge in the throat and nose (where they can spread to the rest of the body), being complemented by the richness of vitamin C as an antioxidant.

6. Reduces the formation of kidney stones

Kidney stones are a well-known pathology , made up of hard deposits made of minerals and salts that usually lodge in the kidneys, but in excess, becoming painful and dangerous.

To highlight: Plenty of water consumption is important to prevent dehydration and kidney stones, supplemented with lemon juice , it becomes a more effective treatment, so lemon water provides citrate to the body (a chemical substance that inhibits the formation of a kidney stone in the urine).

7. Contributes to weight loss

Hot water with lemon contributes a lot to lose weight, naturally and with the right time, what are the factors that make this possible?

Vitamin C mainly, by raising the defenses of the immune system also stimulates metabolism, so the body manages to burn fat by natural actions and citric acid. In addition, adequate water consumption generates a feeling of satiety.

8. Improves mood and concentration

Lemon is a flavoring, so it is not surprising that its aroma and flavor manage to relieve tension on a physical and mental level . Lemon water is itself a great nighttime drink.

It is a stimulant of mood and concentration, it can also relieve sensations such as anxiety or depression. This can be used during the day or in the evenings, on the other hand, for those who have trouble sleeping (suffering from insomnia), the consumption of this drink is essential.

Properties of water with lemon

It is time to learn about the properties that make the aforementioned benefits possible, we will go into more detail about the compounds in lemon water. These are the main properties:

1. Vitamins

Lemon contains vitamins that are important and fortunately are water soluble (dissolve and mix with the liquid).

Vitamin C (50 mg) being a great antioxidant, vitamin E (0.5 mg) being a protector against free radicals, vitamin B (0.11 mg) helps in obtaining energy in the body and vitamin A (2.3 mg) strengthens the body and the immune system.

2. Minerals

These are the nutrients that the body needs, in this sense , lemon is rich in many of them , mainly calcium (12 mg), iron (0.4 mg), potassium (149 mg), phosphorus (16 mg) and magnesium. (18mg).

Note: Others, equally soluble, are sodium, zinc and iodine.

What contraindications and effects does lemon water have?

This drink can work wonders, however, it has certain contraindications , because it is not recommended for those who have worn tooth enamel, gastric ulcer or heartburn and migraines. It is also not recommended for use in children under 4 years of age.

Important: The effects are negative if this drink is consumed in excess (which is unnecessary), since citric acid can damage dental enamel, even more so if people do not have certain health and oral hygiene, other recurring problems are diarrhea or problems digestive. It is important to limit this drink and consume it in moderation.

Key Findings

  • Lemon water is a drink that is consumed during the morning on an empty stomach or at night. 
  • Drinking water with lemon has several benefits such as improving blood circulation, strengthening the immune system and improving mood. 
  • It has a wide variety of vitamins and minerals that are soluble in water. 
  • It is not recommended for people with poor oral hygiene or gastric problems. 

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