Vigorexiais a disorder described in 1993 by Dr.Harrison Pope. It is anemotional disorder, characterized by gaining muscle mass excessively affecting mainly young men and women to a lesser extent.

In its beginnings it was named as reverse anorexia, since it is the opposite ofanorexia, here the patient looks less large than he really is, it is described as a disorder that is characterized by distortion of the image.

Vigorexia is also known asmuscle dysmorphia. In this sense, the person suffering from this disease does not have a realistic picture of his own body, so he constantly seeks to gain muscle mass.

Next, in this article we tell you what exactly vigorexia is and how to detect it.

What is vigorexia?

It is amental disorder, in which the person who suffers from it becomes obsessed by his physical condition to pathological levels. Vigorexia, for various reasons, is not recognized as a disease by the international medical community.

It is also known asAdonis complexinverted anorexiaormuscle dysmorphiaand mostly affectsmen between 18 and 35 years old andwomen, but to a lesser extent(1). Did you know that its incidence is four out of ten thousand people?

Causes of vigorexia

The causes of a person acquiring this disorder can be caused byphysiological problemsand in many cases, emotional, taking the environment of the person a preponderant role.

When we talk about the disorder being associated with the environment, we refer to the mainsocial, cultural and educational factors that influence the type of obsessive-compulsive personality. (2)

There are also other factors, which will be mentioned below:

Distortion of the body schema

The distortion of the body schema consists in the altered perception of the physical characteristics ofthe body itself. Those who suffer from it consider themselves younger, older, ugly or beautiful than they really are.

Important: According to Dr. D’Arcy Lyness , this is a body dysmorphic disorder that is related to obsessive-compulsive disorder , which causes the person to become obsessed with their imperfections and seek ways to improve physically. (3)

Dissatisfaction with the physical image

There is an alteration of the physical image, which consists of a failure to estimate the size of one’s own body. In the case of vigorexia, it happens that they look less bulky than they really are.

Note: Body dissatisfactionin men is one of those responsible for the increase in vigorexia. This dissatisfaction is associated with the increase inSocial pressure towards an increasingly muscular male body and as an Ideal of Beauty .

Personality disorders

There is no exact relationship between vigorexia and the personality disorder. Although there are cases in which the trigger is disorders, such as Compulsive Personality or an eating disorder such as bulimia or anorexia , they are not directly related.

emotional disturbances

The ideal of a perfect body makes young people who are emotionally weak and dissatisfied with their bodies, worry about improving their physical appearance, analyzing their weight, the state of their muscles and the amount of fat on a daily basis.

This leads them to withdraw more and more into themselves and their obligation to achieve a body that for them has to be perfect, producing an emotional disturbance that in very advanced cases could lead to depression . (4)

Eating disorders

The alteration of the feeding, without following a complete diet with several types of foods and nutrients carries a danger. Since many proteins and carbohydrates are consumed and little amount of fat, causing manymetabolic disorders . (5)

Important: According to a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition , reproductive hormones need the presence of fat to function properly. (6)


The psychiatrist Enrique Guerra tells us that people who suffer from vigorexia have an obsessive personality , in some cases they have a history of bullying and have suffered family dysfunctions in childhood. (7)

symptoms of vigorexia

One of the main symptoms is that the patient develops a training program characterized by constant intensity and great effort, the most common practice is weight lifting .

Note: Patients with vigorexia show excessive concern about their diet, since they seek speed in the process of achieving a statuesque body and eliminating all fat.

Exaggerated concern for the body

Those who suffer from vigorexia see themselves as weak people, which leads them to spend hours in the gym and become obsessed with their diet, with their weight, the state of their muscles.

Performing intense and priority exercise

What brings as a consequence, that more and more prolonged and intensephysical exercise must be carried out and prioritizing the exercises that produce more effort, thus causing a true addiction to this substance.

strict diet

Vigorexia is not strictly an eating disordertag. Although he shares a concern for the figure and a distortion of the body image, along with the constant desire toGain muscle mass .

Note: Diets are characterized by an exaggerated consumption of protein foods: white tortillas, chicken breasts and protein powder. They are daily components in the monotonous and unappetizing unbalanced diet.

Low self-esteem

A greater need to obtain a socially perfect body leadsto greater dissatisfaction with it. Thelack of self-esteem is related to the ideal internalization of the body, due to dissatisfaction with it.


According to Science Reports , people with vigorexia often suffer from concentration problems, chronic fatigue , loss of vitality, muscle aches and pains, and a slow heart rate . (9)

Given the almost daily effort made by those who suffer from vigorexia, it is normal for them to feel tired, the obsession with achieving a perfect body means that they do not rest properly, turning this into chronic fatigue .

Withdrawal from family and friends

Vigorexia is related to obsessive-compulsive disordertag. The obsession with the physical leads the person to train every day, negatively affecting their personal relationships and theirmental and physical health.

Important: Body image dissatisfaction is a problem that should be addressed early, as the damage to Physical and Mental Health could be devastating for those who suffer from it.

Neglect of work and educational activities

As it happens in the previous point, in an advanced moment of the disorder, the vigorexics have a high tendency to neglect their work and educational activities because they dedicate more time to physical exercise than to their other activities.

treatment for vigorexia

According to the Journal of Athletic Training , to treat vigorexia, in many cases, a multidisciplinary approach and work made up of nutritionists, doctors and psychologists is necessary to ensure a complete recovery. (10)

When the disorder is very advanced, drugs are often used to control obsessive-compulsive symptomstag. However, drugs are not enough, so anadequatepsychological treatment must be carried out.

Psychological therapyworks to control recurring thoughts about the body and feelings about it. That is why it is essential to explore the various causes that produce the disorder.

Note: It is important to clarify that the person will need the support of their family, friends, and even gym partners to face the treatment and be able to recover their life.

Psychological therapy

The main objectives of Psychological treatment are: to make the person change the perception they have of themselves, so that they develop a more realistic image.

It also seeks to strengthen self-esteem,combat perfectionism, improve social relationships and broaden their horizon of interests. This is achieved by making the patient notice that there are many rewarding activities that are not limited to the practice of physical exercise.

Prescription drugs

Generally, the drugs used for this disorder are antidepressantstag. Various substances such asselective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and Non-Selective Inhibitors can be used to reduce dysmorphic symptoms.

Note: Some antidepressant psychoactive drugs such as Clomipramine and Fluoxetine are used in the treatment and the latter has shown a beneficial effect in the short term (11)tag. Psychoactive drugs such asEscitalopram and Venlafaxine are also administered , but to a lesser extent.

Proper diet and exercise program

The first great challenge is to get the person suffering from this disorder to recognize that they have a problem and that they want to do something about it.

With a Proper diet and exercise program, the changes can be very good.

Changing eating habits will improve health by obtaining a healthier body, complemented with a good exercise plan for successful recovery.

Key Findings

  • Vigorexia is a mental disorder, where the patient becomes obsessed with his physical condition to pathological levels.
  • The causes are caused by physiological or emotional problems.
  • The alteration of the diet, consists of many proteins and carbohydrates and little fat, causing metabolic disorders.
  • Vigorexia sufferers look weak, and may spend hours in the gym and obsess.

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