ToggleWhat is peritonitis?
Peritonitis is, in general terms, inflammation of the peritoneum, which can belocalized or generalizedand be a consequent reason for an infection or not.
It can also be motivated bytrauma or chemical irritants, presenting in an acute or diffuse way and is of high mortality.
Note: Peritonitis in many cases is alsoinvolved with the appendix, in addition to being the result of complications of other pathologies such as renal and liver failure, among others.
It should be noted that two types of peritonitis can be generated. Primary or spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP), which is a common and serious complication of patients withcirrhosis and ascites.
On the other hand, there issecondary bacterial peritonitis (PBS), which occurs as a result ofcontamination of the peritoneal cavityby germs from the gastrointestinal tract, biliary tree, pancreas or genitourinary system.
Causes of peritonitis
The causes of peritonitis are quite varied and extensivetag. They will be described below, allowing us to identify and recognize them.
copious fluid
The accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavityCan lead to spontaneous bacterial peritonitis(1)tag. Theydo not require a perforation but an infection caused by exposure to chemical irritants such as bile or ascitic fluid.
An infection of a bacterial or fungalnature is one of the possible reasons for peritonitis to occur. If it is spontaneous,Aerobics and Gram-negative bacteria are the most influential elements in its development.
It is called secondary peritonitis, that which comes from this nature. It is a peritonitis thatis due to contamination of the peritoneal cavity by the passage of bacteria ( Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae ), through tissues that have been perforated spontaneously or traumatically. (two)
As previously described, trauma can be the cause of intestinal perforation or even due to complications after surgery.
Medical Conditions
As we previously mentioned, there are certain pathologiesthat can also be causes of peritonitis. They can also becomplicating results , and are part of the so-called secondary peritonitis.
The pathologies and factors that can lead to peritonitis are:
- Renal insufficiency
- Malnutrition
- Immunosuppression
- Diseases associated with malaria
- Tuberculous peritonitis
- liver problems
- acute pancreatitis
- Peritoneal dialysis
symptoms of peritonitis
Peritonitis as a medical complication has removed particular symptomstag. It will be mentioned and described below for its recognition and identification if necessary.
Abdominal pain and inflammation
One of the most characteristic symptoms of peritonitis is the presence of acute pain in the abdominal area, focused in the lower right part due to inflammation of the peritoneum and it usually develops advancing throughout the stomach area.
Note: This type of pain usually causes a lot of discomfort to the touch , which is always an indication for the diagnosis.
stomach disorders
Stomach disorders are usually characteristic of the presence of peritonitiscaused by appendicitis. Blockage inside the appendix leads tostomach upset and vomiting. He also has constipation and constant fatigue.
But intense
The constant feeling of intense or excessive thirst, as well as a constant need to urinate, is part of the symptoms of peritonitis.
Note: Both come from dehydration, which is considered one of the elements of infection and needs to be recognized as a warning sign.
Minor emission of urine
Excessive need does not go hand in hand with expulsion or excessive production. In fact, peritonitis Can cause fluid retention , which increases abdominal inflammation and can make the situation worse.
Fever and tiredness
Fatigue is a previously mentioned symptom, and it can be caused by the combination of the different symptoms that the patient presents.
The fever is due to the intervention of bacteria , being then more latent in secondary peritonitis, especially since it is caused by a sudden appearance of the clinical picture.
loss of appetite
The lack of appetite is persistent, the patients present decayand it is usually due to the pain pictures that they have to face. It also adds to the causes, the inflammation that occurs in the system.
When the severity is overwhelming, the symptoms have the capacity to evolve to hypotension, tachycardia and high fever.
Note: Late care for these clinical pictures entails serious complications, even death can occur in a few hours.
Treatment for peritonitis
For peritonitisthere are certain key treatments. They are continuous and intimately related to each other, due to their complementation so that recovery is satisfactory.
Emergency surgery
ToSurgical intervention is necessary to remove the tissue from our body that has been infected, thus preventing it from spreading, especially when it is produced through the perforation of one of our organs.
The liquid (blood, body fluids and in some cases pus) accumulated due to peritonitis is evacuated and treatment is carried out with antibiotics.
Antibiotics and pain relievers
Treatment of peritonitis includes penicillins and quinolones. In many cases, Medical Supervision is required, so the patient must be hospitalized until the infection is controlled. (3)
Note: These are strong treatmentsbecause it is a microbial growth in a sterile area of our body.
Key Findings
- Peritonitis is an infection in the abdominal cavity caused by different reasons in our body that must be treated urgently and with great care.
- Peritonitis is of high risk due to its high mortality, even in a matter of hours, so it is important to seek medical assistance for the immediate application of treatment.
- There are two types of peritonitis, which are bacterial and secondary peritonitis.
- Peritonitis can be the consequence of a pathological complication, being an infectious clinical manifestation with the presence of pain, fever, stomach disorders and abdominal inflammation.
- Peritonitis usually means the accumulation of fluids such as body fluids, blood, and in some cases pus (due to the intervention of bacteria).

University Professional in the area of Human Resources, Postgraduate in Occupational Health and Hygiene of the Work Environment, 14 years of experience in the area of health. Interested in topics of Psychology, Occupational Health, and General Medicine.