There is a line of drugs called mucolytics, which are responsible for facilitating the expectoration and fluidity of bronchial secretions for subsequent eliminationAmbroxole is a drug with this mechanism of action and therefore falls into this category.

In the following article, we will delve into whatambroxol is and what it is forwith more specificity, in addition to mentioning its side effects and contraindications.

What is ambroxol?

Ambroxol as mentioned previously, is a mucolytic drug whose active ingredient is ambroxol hydrochloride, which acts on the pneumocytes stimulating the secretion of their fluids (a mixture of lipids and proteins), so that bronchial secretion is decreased and its expulsion is facilitated thanks to its expectorant capacity.

It can be indicated in children after two years of age, in syrup doses of 2.5 ml three times a day, while those over 5 years of age are indicated doses of 5 ml two or three times a day. In adults, there are oral treatments and intravenous solution.

Note: The drug is metabolized in the liver sothat at least 10% of its proteins and active substances are eliminatedthrough the feces. (1)

What is ambroxol for?

Ambroxol due to its nature and properties, is indicated as expectorant treatment in certain types of respiratory conditionsordiseases. We mention and briefly explain them below:

1. Acute and chronic bronchitis

Bronchitisis achronic respiratory infection, which usually occurs after a flu or cold, which leads to inflammation of the lining of the bronchi and a constant cough. (2)

To highlight: Ambroxole is used in the treatment, due to itsantitussive properties (to suppress the cough reflex), anti-inflammatory and expectorant.

2. Pneumonia

Pneumonia is also an infectious and inflammatory disease, which affects the sacs of the lungs (it can be one or both), where they can even fill with liquids and produce symptoms such as cough, fever and difficulty breathing.

You should know: Ambroxol is indicated in this case, to increase the fluidity of existing secretionsin conjunction with antibiotic treatments. (3)

Ambroxol Side Effects

Like any medicine, ambroxol can present certain side effectsduring its use. We mention them below so that they are kept in consideration and can be identified if necessary:

  • Gastrointestinal disorders such as diarrhea, vomiting and nausea.
  • Dry mouth, allergic reactions and burning.
  • Heartburn, dyspepsia and palpitations.
  • Feeling restless, disoriented and lightheaded.

Important: In case of presenting some of the aforementioned side effects, it is important to see a medical professional. Self-medicate is not recommended.

Ambroxol Contraindications

There are also contraindications, which must be taken into account for the correctand safe use of this drug. We mention them below for your contemplation and knowledge:

  • Do not consume if you are allergic or hypersensitive to any of the components of the medication.
  • It is not recommended for children under 2 years of age.
  • Do not consume if there is suspicion of pregnancy or if you are lactating.
  • Do not prescribe in case of active peptic disease.
  • It is not recommended in patients with renal insufficiency.

To highlight: It is recommended to inform the specialist doctor about the health history, before starting treatment with ambroxol.

Key Findings

  • Ambroxol is a mucolytic drug in the form of a 15 mg syrup, recommended  in a dose of 5 ml 2 or 3 times a day .
  • Helps Reduce the viscosity of secretions and therefore works as an expectorant.
  • Ambroxol administration requires medical supervision and indication to avoid adverse reactions.
  • The recommendations are that in case of infectious respiratory diseases, it is used in combination with antibiotics for a greater effect or efficacy.

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