Stress, depression, and anxiety. None of these feelings seem unfamiliar to us. We have all had to live a stressful or sad time, and it is part of life. For this reason, more and more people are oriented in the search for inner peace, in the face of these situations.
But the longed-for inner peace is not simply something you can get as usual. It’s not something I can decide to do and then do.
Achieving peace in mind and body, and achieving happiness, is also not impossible, it just takes time. To do this you have to fill yourself with positive thoughts, practice meditation and realize that there is nothing in this world that we cannot achieve.
That is why inner peace is a state that must be achieved and improved, a journey that requires a lifelong commitment and that can be achieved thanks to several techniques that we will discuss in today’s article.
Next, we’ll look at the fundamentals behind inner peace: its spiritual and mental connotations, its practical applications in everyday life, and how you can incorporate inner peace into your way of living.
What is inner peace?
But first, what exactly is inner peace? One thing you should keep in mind is that there is no such thing as a state that lasts a lifetime. We are human, and as such, we have feelings of happiness, love, understanding, peace, but also anger, fury, sadness, anxiety, etc.
Inner peace is a way of reaching a state of tranquility and a way of seeing and perceiving the world around us. The concept of inner peace is often associated with Buddhism, but it is not always a religious or spiritual choice, it can also be seen from various philosophical schools, such asStoicism.
However, to understand what inner peace is, we must understand that it is not inner peace. Inner peace is not:
Being passive and letting life go by, being calm and never having fun, rejecting opportunities, not having more energy because you have everything inside, becoming a calm, reserved and even shy person
Benefits of having inner peace
There are hundreds of physical and mental health benefits of achieving inner peace. Next we will see some of these…
Reduces stress and anxiety
This may not be unexpected news, but it is quite obvious that achieving inner peace significantly lowers stress and anxiety levels. It is an excellent way to avoid anxiety attacks or panic attacks naturally and without the need to take medication.
In a study published in PubMed , it was found that stress and anxiety levels in people who practiced mindfulness meditation dropped significantly. This is because when we meditate we achieve inner peace.
Negative habits and practices are changed
To achieve inner peace, it is necessary to acquire good habits and discard the bad ones. One does not achieve inner peace simply by thinking about it, but one must also do their bit.
However, as you can imagine, embarking on the search for inner peace includes healthy changes in your diet, adopting healthy habits such as meditation and gratitude. All of this will have a positive impact on your life and will put you in a better mood, help you sleep better, and improve your interpersonal relationships.
Increases focus on achieving goals and objectives
There is no better way to achieve your goals than by being realistic and pursuing your dreams calmly and objectively. If you practice this lifestyle, you will see that you will have another way to approach your goals, in a more peaceful, calm and safe way.
Channel energy towards the positive
When one focuses on the good and the positive, thoughts begin to shift effortlessly. Perhaps at first it is necessary to do it consciously, but you will see how over time that will change and it will be more and more unconscious and the positive automatically becomes part of your life.
Improve interpersonal relationships
Positive thinking can dramatically improve your relationships. Not just intimate relationships, but also personal relationships, like the one you share with your family, friends, co-workers, and even strangers.
You can change how you feel, how you act, and your positive emotions and thoughts can affect everyone around you, especially the people closest to you.
The reason is simple, think of it like this… if you have negative thoughts, they will affect your mood and how you feel about yourself, which will affect your relationship or interaction with other people.
If you think positive thoughts, you will feel happier and more content, which will make those around you feel comfortable and happy when they are with you.
Promotes self-care
Taking care of your peace of mind is taking care of yourself. When a person takes care of his mental health, he also takes care of his body (his temple), and his thoughts and feelings. And so this also impacts other parts of our life, it’s like a kind of snowball of positive changes.
Recommendations to achieve inner peace
Here we tell you what are the best ways to achieve inner peace. They are simple changes, which in the long run, can make a big difference in your quality of life and the way you perceive the world and relate to others.
1. Accept situations that cannot be changed
Sometimes the best way to calm anxiety and nerves, negative thoughts and sadness is by accepting situations that we cannot change. Why worry about what we can’t control? This can ruin our mood.
If you want to put this into practice, start by asking yourself: Is this something I can control?
If the answer is yes, then there’s no point in worrying, and if the answer is no, there’s no point in worrying either, right?
It is important to know what things are under your control. Anything beyond that can distract you and put stress on your life.
2. Getting rid of unnecessary loads
You must be open and direct with your needs and desires. Learn to identify what your burdens are and those things that stress you or hurt you and let them go. If you can’t fix a problem, just accept it and let it go. It is useless to worry or become bitter about an issue that has no solution.
Not only are you more likely to get what you want in the end, but you’ll also feel more in control of your life, giving you security and peace of mind.
Don’t let others get in your way, take charge of your life. You have the control.
3. Simplify and enjoy life
Just take a few minutes to declutter your workspace. According to the specialist in minimalism as a philosophy of life,Marie Kondo , an orderly, simplified and clean space brings clarity and order to the mind.
Tidy up, simplify and organize your home and your life will also be positively affected by living in a more relaxing environment. Get rid of what you no longer use, that only takes up space and collects dirt, it will only make you clean more in the end, it can also make someone else happy, it is time to let go of the old.
4. Learn to listen to our concerns
It is important to learn to listen to ourselves in order to understand what is happening to us and why it is happening to us, so that we can solve our problems more effectively.
Try to live a life in accordance with your values. It is all too easy to allow society to dictate our choices. You don’t have to dedicate your life to a career to impress others. Make your own decisions and do what you love.
5. Avoid negative criticism of others
The moment you start judging others, you put yourself in a kind of cell. The ego loves to judge. Much of our culture is based on judgment.
Non-judgment can be applied to anything: people, situations, thoughts, feelings, or things. It takes you deeper into the truth.
6. Put gratitude into practice
According to the prestigious Forbes magazine, the practice of gratitude has many benefits that are already proven by science. Among these, improving and starting new relationships, improves physical and mental health, enhances empathy and reduces aggression, improves sleep and self-esteem, and improves mental toughness.
Take a moment to be thankful for something in the present moment: the coffee you’re drinking, the comfortable chair you’re sitting in; the sweater that keeps you warm; the soft aroma in your room, etc. As you practice this every day you will notice changes in your mood.
7. Learn to forgive and ask for forgiveness
We often think of forgiveness as something we do on behalf of someone who wronged us. But forgiveness is not about others, it is about ourselves.
There is nothing wrong with forgiving someone who hurt us in order to feel better. This is an active choice we make when we need relief from the toxicity of anger and grief.
8. Practice breathing exercises
Breathe slowly and deeply, expanding your belly. Pausing for a few seconds with the air in your belly and exhale slowly. Repeat this four times and… Congratulations, with this simple practice, believe it or not, you have just calmed down your nervous system.
Controlled breathing reduces stress, increases alertness and stimulates our immune system. For centuries, yogis have used breathing techniques to promote concentration and improve quality of life.
There are studies that show evidence of the benefits of practicing breathing exercisestag. Studies have found that controlled breathing can help reduce anxiety, insomnia, post-traumatic stress, depression, and attention deficit disorder.
9. Practice meditation
According to a Studypublished in PubMed, meditation has the power to not only calm nerves and lower stress levels to achieve inner peace, but it also offers numerous benefits for physical health. Some of these benefits include:
- Reduce pain.
- Lower blood pressure.
- Improve irritable bowel syndrome.
- Fight ulcerative colitis.
- Reduce anxiety, depression and insomnia.
- To quit smoking.
10. Perform physical exercises
Have you ever noticed how good you feel when you leave the gym? This is because when we exercise we feel good about achieving something ourselves, we also release endorphins that put us in a good mood, while we get rid of toxins.
According to a study published in the Wiley Online Library, exercise is not only good for the body, but also for the brain and for preventing and even treating mental illness and psychological problems, such as trauma.
11. Rest properly
Sleeping well is the key to a healthy, happy and peaceful lifestyle. In addition to helping you find inner peace, it can improve your mood, your health, and the quality of your life.
Most people don’t realize the effects that lack of sleep can have on the body. Sleep heals the body and restores the brain chemicals that make us function normally.
When you don’t rest you lose your ability to fight disease, which increases your risk of contracting all kinds of illnesses, according to the Mayo Clinic .
12. Focus on the present moment
A peaceful mind is in the present. It does not try to compulsively think about the past and the future. You can bring your attention back to the present moment in harmony. True peace arises in the now.
University Professional in the area of Human Resources, Postgraduate in Occupational Health and Hygiene of the Work Environment, 14 years of experience in the area of health. Interested in topics of Psychology, Occupational Health, and General Medicine.