We have all gone through a difficult time in our lives that has depressed us.
If you have ever experienced the loss of a loved one, a relationship has ended, you were fired from work or you are going through a complicated situation from which you see no way out, or you are alone, all people have had to live any of these situations.
On the other hand, there are many types of depression, there are also chemical and hormonal imbalances in the brain that may be causing depression.
However, it’s nothing you can’t handle. In addition, there are many techniques and mechanisms that you can implement right now to overcome depression.
In this article we tell you everything you need to know and can implement to deal with this difficult time and how to overcome it.
What is depression?
First things first, before we can solve any problem we must know it thoroughly and know what it is about.
According to the World Health Organization, depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide. Globally, more than 300 million people of all ages suffer from depression. And the incidence of the disorder is increasing and comes in several forms.
Depression is a complex condition that involves many body systems, including the immune system, as either cause or effect.
Disrupts sleep and interferes with appetite; In some cases, it causes weight loss or weight gain. Depression is also often accompanied by anxiety and recurring thoughts.
Many people suffer from depression and it is believed that it may be related to diet (due to a lack of consumption of omega-3 fats ) or to the variety of bacteria that inhabit the intestine.
However, depression involves mood and thoughts, life problems, feeling down, bad feelings, and even feeling down on your luck or losing streak.
Unfortunately, depression does not distinguish age. Nowadays, regardless of your age, even children suffer from some form of depression or symptoms.
The important thing is that even in the most severe cases, depression is very treatable with therapy and similar activities. Just seek professional help or share your feelings with a loved one, who will always have the best intentions and a high level of understanding.
In some cases treatment can take years, but in many a few weeks may be enough.
Characteristics of a depressed person
, the National Health Service of the United Kingdom, some of the aspects to consider in the event that you suffer from depression are symptoms of depression that can be complex and vary according to each individual.
If you are depressed, you may feel sad and hopeless, lose interest, which interferes with your work, social, and family life.
There are many other symptoms of depression, but the most common in people are the following:
experience negative feelings
Depression can even cause negative feelings that interfere with the individual’s social life such as avoiding contact with friends, participating in fewer social activities, neglecting hobbies and interests, difficulties at home, work or family life.
Focus on problems and failures
Depression can also cause you to get into endless problems, since when a person is depressed they focus only on the problems and their valences, instead of focusing on the positive things and what really matters.
It is normal for a person suffering from depression to not stop talking only about the problems of all the bad things that happen to them, leaving aside other people and other problems unrelated to what is causing symptoms of depression.
They have low physical energy and demotivation
As we have seen before, depression can also cause low energy and motivation levels. According to an article published in Psychology Today, it suggests that depression stems from a lack of achievement and goals and a loss of self-confidence.
According to Harvard Health Publishing , depression is a complex illness with many possible causes, including genetics, medical conditions, events, and brain chemistry.
In this regard, it can be challenging to distinguish between tiredness and depression-related fatigue.
Fatigue and depression can be quite similar. People with depression are more likely to experience chronic fatigue, which in turn leads to more depression. This relationship creates a cycle that can be difficult to break.
Have health conditions
Depression is a serious problem, since it can cause many health conditions, including the risk of suicide, cardiovascular problems, psychological and psychiatric disorders, digestive problems, and even cancer.
A study published by the National Library of Medicine , analyzed the incidence of cardiovascular problems in correlation with patients suffering from depression.
This study concluded that a large part of these patients began to have cardiovascular problems caused by depression, stress and anxiety, in addition to genetic predisposition and dietary differences.
They tend to isolate themselves from the environment
It shouldn’t surprise you to see a person suffering from depression become isolated. People struggling with mental health issues are perhapsthe most isolated social group .
Depression can cause people to isolate themselves. Also, isolation is common among people with depressive disorder.
What actually happens is that those around the person suffering from depression do not fully understand their problems, which is not their fault.
When you are depressed, coping with other people becomes difficult. People with depression have an inability to tolerate stimuli. This is one of the reasons why people isolate themselves.
In fact, when people feel so sad they don’t want to answer questions or explain why they feel bad, because it hurts them more.
They may not realize they are depressed
It is very likely that the person suffering from depression also does not realize that they are depressed.
When you are so immersed in your thoughts and feelings you may not notice some things that may even be obvious like a state of depression.
What to do when you are depressed?
While this is true, you may feel alone, overwhelmed, and like nothing can help you. The key is to understand the symptoms, so avoiding these feelings only makes things worse.
Making changes in our lives is not as difficult as it seems, but with the right strategies you can take the necessary steps to improve your mental health.
Check out these tips for coping with depression and living a more fulfilling life.
1. Ask for support from family and loved ones
Isolating yourself from others can make depression worse. It may be difficult at first, but make an effort to socialize with your family and friends.
Whether it’s going for a walk or having coffee, spending time with loved ones can lift your spirits. That is why we recommend you interact with people who encourage you.
2. Request specialized medical attention
Psychotherapy is an effective method of treating depression. A therapist can help you better understand your depression and teach you new coping strategies.
Do not hesitate to be completely open and honest in your sessions, your therapist is there to help you, not to judge you.
3. Try to identify the source of the depression
One of the main reasons people get stuck in patterns of depression is because they don’t know themselves. It is important to explore your thought patterns and feelings.
Many people are not able to identify what is causing them depression.
It can be a situation, a person, or our own behavior, which is why self-awareness is a very powerful tool to avoid these problems.
Once you clearly determine your way of thinking and seeing the world, you will learn to make the necessary adjustments to see real change. You will also begin to understand the impact of thoughts.
4. Perform physical and recreational activities
Exercise can do a lot more than keep you in good shape, it can also make you release endorphins.
These chemicals can help you have a more positive outlook on life and alleviate the symptoms of depression. Exercise at least three times a week for 20 to 30 minutes.
5. Take care of the diet
Also pay attention to your diet, since food influences your mood.
It is not necessary to follow strict diets, but try to eat healthy, that is, include plenty of fruits and vegetables, fish, eggs, and lean meats in your diet and avoid consuming ultra-processed carbohydrates and high-sugar foods frequently.
6. Focus on the positives
Try to think positive thoughts, one thing you can do to have genuinely positive thoughts is to keep a gratitude journal where you write down 3-5 reasons why you are grateful each day.
It can be something as simple yet as important, such as being alive, having health and loved ones and a roof over your head. You will see that with the passage of time and as you fill those pages your vision of life will be more positive and happy.
7. Avoid comparing yourself to others
Be careful when comparing your progress with that of others. Usually, we compare our greatest weakness with another person’s greatest strength.
This is unfair (and usually not accurate). Your first chapter will never be the same as someone else’s chapter 30.
8. Do the things you like
Don’t wait until you’re “in a good mood” to have a good time. Schedule a healthy hobby every day. Just remember to do these activities with the right attitude.
Sometimes doing what we like the most is the best way to avoid depression, do not deprive yourself of watching your favorite series or going out for a drink with your best friends, since the best moments are those little moments of enjoyment in life .
9. Value yourself as you are and forgive your failures
Value who you are and all that that means. Each person has their own story, a past, a present, and a different future.
Learn to love and accept yours, since that is what makes you unique and unrepeatable. Learn to forgive your faults and work on it instead of filling your head with negative thoughts.
10. Have realistic expectations
Many times depression is caused by projects that have not materialized, which make us feel like a failure.
However, many times we fail to achieve our goals because we do not have realistic expectations.
For example, if this year I decided that I am going to lose 100 kilos, this may be an unrealistic expectation, so it is very unlikely that I will achieve it and if I do not achieve it, it is very likely that I will get depressed.
So, instead of proposing to lose 100 kilos, I will propose to lose 30. In this way, the figure must reach my goal and I will not only strengthen self-confidence, but also self-esteem, in addition to promoting positive thinking.
11. Focus on living in the present
Practice mindfulness as much as you can, try not to think about your own judgment. You may not be able to at all, but little by little try to return to the present and keep your attention on what you are doing, this helps to generate more self-compassion and higher self-esteem.
consequences of depression
Depression can cause many contraindications and consequences, below we will tell you which are the most common.
Health problems
Depression can cause various health problems, as we have seen before.
Some of the most common are psychosomatic, that is, an organic lesion that is considered to be of psychological origin.
An example of this can be gastroenteritis or indigestion.
A study published in Dialogues In Clinical Neuroscience found that one of the most common causes of insomnia, that is, trouble falling asleep, is depression.
This is due, in large part, to the anxiety generated by depression and recurring thoughts at night.
Heart agitation
According to the Johnsons Hopkins Medical Journal, a large percentage of people with depression without prior heart disease seem to develop heart disease at a higher rate than the rest of the population.
Concentration and memory problems
When you suffer from depression along withattention problems, this can worsen some of your inattention symptoms, such as feeling restless or having trouble concentrating.
Affective, social and economic conflicts
Depression can generate problems at work, this can cause economic and social problems since people with low incomes tend to have more problems in the social and affective sphere.
Then, depression becomes like a wheel where you get depressed and have problems at work.
Therefore, depressed people have economic problems that lead them to have social conflicts, that keep them depressed and so on…
Finally, the largest cause of suicides per year is due to depression. According to data:
- About 800,000 people commit suicide each year.
- Suicide is the third leading cause of death in young people between the ages of 15 and 19.
- 79% of suicides occur in low- and middle-income countries.

University Professional in the area of Human Resources, Postgraduate in Occupational Health and Hygiene of the Work Environment, 14 years of experience in the area of health. Interested in topics of Psychology, Occupational Health, and General Medicine.