Thebrain is considered one of themost important organsof the human body, with a wide variety of vital functions, which have been grouped according to their purpose, one of them beingthe emotional brain.
In the following article, we will explain whatthe emotional brain consists of, we will describe its characteristics and we will mention what its functions are.
ToggleWhat is the emotional brain?
To enter into context, emotion is thepsychophysiological reaction of thehuman being that arises before a certain stimulus and is divided into: primary emotions and secondary emotions. (1)
Thus, the emotional brain, emotional mind or limbic system(2), is the seat of some primary emotional manifestationssuch as fear and aggression. In man, the emotional brain isthe center of affectivity and feelings, it is where emotions such as sorrows, anxieties and intense joys are processed. (3)
In fact, some authors have used this concept as a metaphor to refer to thesemental phenomena, popularizing it with other concepts related toemotional intelligence(4), as well as functions directly related tolearning and memory processes.
You should know: The emotional brain is a component of the “Triune Brain Theory”, developed by Paul MacLean, which proposes a brain structure divided into three brain systems: the neocortex, the emotional brain and thereptilian brain. (5)
In the context of the previous lines, it can be said that in the emotional braincohabits part of the unconsciousofFreud’s Psychoanalysis, where emotions also rest.
What is the function of the emotional brain?
As we have anticipated, the emotional brain exists todirect some functions related to our affectiveand sentimental manifestations, which we mention below:
1. Process emotional stimuli
Human behavior is based on reactions to the different stimulithat it faces. Today, we already know that the limbic system is the region whereresponses to emotional stimuli are generated.
In this context, the emotional brain is in charge of managing the the indicated response to the perceived stimulus, for example, when faced with a danger signal that generates fear, the limbic system would generate an alarm response. This response is regulated by therational brain in those cases in which it is excessive, and is typical of individuals with a rational personality .
2. Manage learning and memory
that will be processed by the cognitive prefrontal cortex.
Note: In humans, non-stressful situations allow sensory information to to pass to the prefrontal cortexwhere it can be stored in long-term memory, aiding the learning process. Otherwise, in stressful situations, the flow of information from the amygdala to the prefrontal cortexdecreases significantly.
3. Integrate complex brain functions
The emotional brain or limbic system, together with the structures of the rational brain, process emotional stimuli and integrate or linkThey to complex brain functions such as reasoning, memory or attention, thus displaying appropriate behavior.
To highlight: This is a privileged capacity of man , due to the evolutionary development of the brain.
4. Interpret what is perceived externally
The emotional brain also has the function of perceiving the different stimuli that come from the environment, which are interpreted by the limbic system, to generate a response or an emotion according to the stimulus.
For example, if we perceive a stimulus related to to a a pleasant surprise, the emotional brain processes and interprets it, generating a response or emotion in the form of joy of a certain magnitude, and the rational brain regulates the magnitude of that joy.
5. Follow associative logic and categorical thinking
Under normal circumstances, both the affective part and the emotional part are in balance and coordinated with respect to each other. In these cases,the emotional mind is much faster than the rational mind to process and generate a response, and it activates quickly without stopping to analyze the consequences of an action.
You should know: When the balance between the emotional brain and the rational brain is lost , emotions cannot be processed properly, giving rise to two types of personality : the Impulsive Personality and the Immature personality .
This property allows us to know what we can understand about the reality we perceive and at the same time simplifies it through categories.
Key Findings
- The emotional brain is the seat of some primary emotional manifestations and the center of affectivity and feelings.
- The emotional brain is made up of the thalamushypothalamus, hippocampus, and amygdala.,
- The limbic brain is also in charge of functions directly related to learning and memory processes.
- This emotional brain is part of the components of the “Theory of the Triune Brain”.
- The emotional brain can define modes of behavior such as impulsive or immature.
University Professional in the area of Human Resources, Postgraduate in Occupational Health and Hygiene of the Work Environment, 14 years of experience in the area of health. Interested in topics of Psychology, Occupational Health, and General Medicine.