Medical science has created various contraceptive methods to prevent an unplanned conception from occurring in women .
Some of these methods are oral, others are placed invasively on the woman, however, there are some that are easier to use and less traumatic, such as the contraceptive patch.
By virtue of the above, in this article we present the information you need to know about the contraceptive patch and how to use it.
What’s the contraceptive patch?
The contraceptive patch is a transdermal device that adheres to the skin and consists of a hormonal contraceptive method for women, that is, it prevents pregnancy. (1)
This contraceptive device works thanks to a combination of female hormones such as estrogen and progestin that have a dual effect, since on the one hand they prevent ovulation in women and on the other, they increase the mucus that is produced in the cervix and it becomes thicker, somehow blocking the passage of the sperm to the egg.
Note: The effectiveness of contraceptive patches depends to a large extent on their correct use , with more than 95% chances for women not to get pregnant.
How is the contraceptive patch used?
Using the contraceptive patch has its practices and methods to ensure its effectiveness. This transdermal device consists of a small plastic sheet that carries, as mentioned above, a combination of hormones, which are absorbed through the skin. (two)
In this sense, the contraceptive patch is placed on the skin of the arm, back or leg during the first 24 hours after the start of menstruation and lasts 7 days, after which a new contraceptive patch is applied.
Normally the packaging brings 3 contraceptive patches , one for each week on the same day of the week and the fourth week is not placed because it corresponds to the period of menstruation, and then the cycle starts again.
To highlight: In any case, it is advisable to follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
What are the advantages of the contraceptive patch?
Here we mention the advantages that the use of the contraceptive patch has for women:
1. It is easy to use and has a high level of effectiveness
The placement of the contraceptive patch is very simple, since you only have to remove the adhesive tape that covers the patch and place it on the surface of the skin and, as we mentioned before, the statistical probabilities of the literature consulted on the effectiveness of this contraceptive method are estimated at 95%. (3)
You should know: Some medications can decrease the effectiveness of the contraceptive patch , so you should inform your doctor if you are using any additional drug therapy.
2. You don’t have to remind yourself daily
Another of the advantages of the contraceptive patch is that once it is placed it is not necessary to remember daily as in the case of the contraceptive pill .
Note: This situation has an important advantage for those women who have multiple daily occupations or who travel frequently.
3. It is suitable for women with gastrointestinal problems
For those women who suffer from frequent gastrointestinal problems such as vomiting or diarrhea or simply their body does not tolerate the intake of the contraceptive pill, this would be the ideal method to avoid fertility and pregnancy.
Important: It is recommended that your doctor be the one to advise you on the advantages and disadvantages of the use of the different contraceptive methods available. (4)
What disadvantages does the contraceptive patch have?
The use of the contraceptive patch includes some disadvantages which we mention below:
1. It can cause side effects
In some women, the birth control patch can cause some hormonal side effects such as headaches, nausea, breast tenderness, or certain allergic skin reactions.
However, this does not happen in all cases and if they appear with continuous use, they disappear.
2. It is visible and can be peeled off
The contraceptive patch usually comes in beige to simulate some type of skin color, but it is visible if it is placed on an area exposed to the environment such as the arm.
To highlight: This device also runs the risk of detaching, due to excessive contact with water or sweat and also with an involuntary accident; Likewise, it can also be detached voluntarily. (5)
3. Does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases
Like the rest of the existing contraceptive methods for women, these are designed to prevent unplanned pregnancy, but they do not protect against sexually transmitted infections, for which prevention must be practiced.
4. It can alter menstruation and mood
One of the possible effects on the body of women, due to the combination of estrogen and progestin, is the delay or temporary suppression of the menstrual cycle for a long time.
Likewise, another of the hormonal effects of the use of contraceptive patches is in the central nervous system , through the appearance of depressive states .
You should know: If you still suffer from these annoying symptoms for a few months, see your doctor.
Key Findings
- The contraceptive patch is a transdermal device, which consists of a hormonal contraceptive method.
- The contraceptive patch contains the combination of two dual-acting hormones such as estrogen and progestin.
- The contraceptive patch prevents ovulation and blocks the passage of the sperm to the egg.
- The effectiveness rate of the contraceptive patch exceeds 95% when used correctly.
University Professional in the area of Human Resources, Postgraduate in Occupational Health and Hygiene of the Work Environment, 14 years of experience in the area of health. Interested in topics of Psychology, Occupational Health, and General Medicine.