Usually, although diets or eating regimens aim to reduce weight , in fact we can underestimate how important it is to lose belly, which is an area of ​​the body where a lot of fat usually accumulates. 

In this sense, excess belly can be caused by different reasons such as fluid retention, excess adipose tissue, gas,  etc. , becoming an area of ​​the body that causes insecurities to many people 

For this reason, in the following article we will address the factors that we must take into account to lose belly in a healthy way and how to apply a diet properly.

What to do to lose belly?

There are many factors that influence the formation and growth of the belly , which are closely linked to the type of diet that the individual has. We will mention below the main factors that we must take into account to lose it:

1. Moderate the consumption of refined carbohydrates and trans fats

Refined carbohydrates are those found in processed foods such as sugar and pasta , which lose many of their nutritional qualities and affect blood glucose levels, resulting in an increased risk of developing health problems. (1)

Trans fats, for their part, are a fatty acid of an unsaturated nature that is found in some foods and in excessive amounts it causes damage and conditions in the individual’s health. 

Note: Both elements must be reduced to avoid excessive weight gain and therefore the growth of adipose tissue in the abdominal area. (two)

2. Reduce the consumption of salt, dairy and sugar

Salt consumption can cause fluid retention in the body, which produces formation of more volume in the areas of the abdomen . In the case of dairy products and sugar, their negative effects are reflected in excessive consumption, causing digestive disorders and a slowdown in fat oxidation, respectively. (3) 

3. Drink enough water

Studies carried out in Obesity: A research journal, showed that the consumption of at least one and a half liters of water daily and a promising consumption before meals, allows a reduction in calorie intake and as a result a 44% success in comparison to other subjects who do not. (4)

To highlight: Drinking water, by itself, consumes exactly 23 calories , so a prolonged intake will benefit the goal of losing weight and therefore losing belly.

4. Consume fruits, whole grains and foods with fiber

Fruits whole grains and legumes are foods rich in fiber that greatly benefit the digestion process and intestinal transit, so they will allow correct and efficient elimination of excesses, as well as avoiding disorders such as constipation, reducing gas and eliminating fluid retention. (5)

5. Eat slowly

Eating slowly is key in the diet to lose belly, since it greatly reduces the risk of developing metabolic syndrome, abdominal obesity, and high levels of cholesterol, triglycerides, and glucose 

You should know: The speed at which you eat speaks a lot about your lifestyle and dietary habits, so it is quite an important factor.

6. Perform aerobic and strength exercise

Regular physical activity helps burn stored fat , especially in abdominal areas. Mainly aerobic exercises such as sit-ups, cycling, planks, burpees, jumping rope, leg elevation are recommended and the inclusion of weight and strength will improve the results.

How is the diet to lose belly?

The diet to lose belly is the key to achieving the objectives, complemented with adequate water consumption and physical activity . We mention below the foods that must be taken into account, as well as menu examples that serve to recognize and take advantage of it: 

1. Foods that can be eaten

There are a number of foods that are recommended due to their nature and their nutritional composition , which greatly benefit the fulfillment of the objectives. Among the foods that can be eaten are:

  • Fruits rich in water and fiber such as apple, strawberry, banana, kiwi and pear.
  • Vegetables and vegetables such as eggplant, tomato, carrot, spinach and cabbage.
  • Whole grains and legumes such as chickpeas , rice, lentils, and corn. 
  • Proteins such as red meat , fish and chicken. 
  • Nuts and seeds, as well as vegetable oils such as olive and soybean.

2. Foods to avoid

In the diet to lose belly, there are foods that must be reduced or eliminated in order to avoid their effects on our body. They will be mentioned below:

  • Processed products, such as cookies, snacks, and soft drinks.
  • Refined carbohydrates such as pasta, sugar and white bread.
  • Juices, coffees, teas, alcoholic beverages and sugary drinks.
  • Dairy products with high levels of sugar such as yogurt and ice cream.

3. Example of a diet menu to lose belly

Once some of the allowed foods and those that should be avoided are known, we can mention an example of a diet that allows the inclusion of a balanced diet and the reduction of foods that produce adverse effects on the objectives pursued:


Considered the most important meal of the day, breakfast has the ability to provide the energy to start our routine . Therefore, an example would include:

  • Whole wheat bread, avocado and coffee without sugar.
  • Carrot cream, toasted slices of whole wheat bread and green tea, without sugar.
  • Chopped fruit with Greek yogurt, no sugar added. 


At lunch it is important to include proteins and that they are stronger meals. Always taking care of the recommended portions of the following foods:

  • Grilled chicken, potatoes and carrot, brown rice and an apple.
  • Mixed salad, grilled fish and brown rice.
  • Stuffed baked eggplant, mozzarella cheese, olive oil and whole wheat bread.

Afternoon snack

The snack is important for the inclusion of all the food portions that are recommended and also cover the daily nutritional requirements. Therefore, some ideal snacks in the diet to lose belly are the following:

  • 1 cup of tea of ​​your choice (green, black, matcha tea), unsweetened. 1 apple.
  • Whole wheat toast with avocado. 
  • Natural yogurt (preferably Greek), fruits and oats.


Dinner is the last meal of the day, characterized by being the lightest where its schedule varies depending on the culture and customs. We mention several examples that can be considered and taken advantage of.

  • Pumpkin cream , toasted wholemeal bread and lemon water , without sugar.
  • Fruit salad, Greek yogurt , chia seeds or granola.
  • Whole wheat bread, mozzarella cheese, avocado, unsweetened ginger tea.

Key Findings

  • A diet to lose belly focuses on reducing foods that can lead to inflammation, fluid retention or increased adipose tissue.
  • Drinking water and doing physical activity are the correct complement to a diet that focuses on reducing the belly and losing weight.
  • There are recommended foods and others that should be avoided in order to achieve the objectives, where their nature and nutritional composition greatly influences.
  • Consuming natural and healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables and legumes, in addition to eating slowly, will allow greater efficiency in losing belly.

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