ToggleWhat is tachypsychia?
Tachypsychia (from the Greek tachýs “fast” and psyché “soul” or “mind”) or also calledAccelerated Thinking Syndrome, is that condition in which the individualexperiences an acceleration in the speed of thought, which is difficult to control.
In this sense, according toAugusto Cury, accelerated thinking syndromeis atype of anxietyand occurs due to the excess of information, activity, worries and social pressures thatcause an acceleration of thinking.
Note: When the rhythm of thought iscontrary to that of tachypsychia, that is, a slow-speed thought, we are in the presence ofbradypsychia.
On the other hand, tachypsychiais not considered a pathologybut rather one of the symptoms of some underlying disease, which psychologists and psychiatristsuse to make a differential diagnosis.
In fact in psychiatric practice, it is classified within thealterations of the course of thought, more precisely to the acceleration of thought, which is the quantitative disorder of its speed and can manifest itself withverbiageorlogorrhea, as well as without it.
How to know if you have tachypsychia?
People with tachypsychia may show clinical symptoms such as worrying about something in advance, episodes of irritability, difficulty managing frustration , and difficulty living with slower people.
Similarly, in tachypsychia , lack of concentration are also recurrent .and memory deficit, sleep disorders, waking up tired, knots in the throat, gastrointestinal disorders and sometimes can suffer from episodes of high blood pressure.
What are the causes of tachypsychia?
Tachypsychia occurs in some mental illnesses and other conditions that we mention below:
1. Mental disorders
in the manic and hypomanic episodes of Bipolar Disorder type I and the
2. States of anxiety
The state of anxiety is characterized by persistent and excessive preoccupation with activities or events, even common routine matters that force the brain into an almost uncontrollable acceleration of thought.
3. Stimulant substances
Stimulant substances such as nicotine, caffeine, amphetamines, ecstasy, and cocaine , among others, can alter the speed at which we normally think.
To highlight: This happens because these substances alter the biochemistry of the brain , stimulating the production of hormones that excite or stimulate brain activity.
How is the treatment for tachypsychia?
Modern medicine has created some strategies to treat tachypsychia , which we mention below:
1. Cognitive behavioral therapy
Cognitive behavioral therapy is a therapeutic strategy that consists of a Short-term psychological treatment , which in the patient with behavioral disorders helps to modify negative thoughts and feelings.
Note: This therapy is applied in cases of mental disorders such as anxiety, bipolar disorder or depression.
2. Attention, concentration and mental control exercises
Another of the strategies used to control tachypsychia is the targeted incorporation of attention, concentration and mental control exercises, such as meditation , yoga and the use of mental games for concentration and thought change.
You should know:This will pleasemental relaxation, distraction, reasoning and will stimulate concentration towards defined objectives.
Key Conclusions
- Tachypsychia consists of an acceleration in the speed of thought.
- Tachypsychia is considered a type of anxiety.
- This condition is not considered a disease, but a symptom of an underlying pathology.
- This symptom is classified within the alterations of the course of thought.
- Tachypsychia is perfectly controllable with the help of therapies and exercises for mental relaxation.

University Professional in the area of Human Resources, Postgraduate in Occupational Health and Hygiene of the Work Environment, 14 years of experience in the area of health. Interested in topics of Psychology, Occupational Health, and General Medicine.