Perception helps us to have information about thethings around usor the situations we face. In this same context, it is important tohave information about ourselvesto locate ourselves on a real plane in front of our environment, defining this asself-perception.

This is how in the following article, we will explainwhat self-perception consists of, its most relevant characteristics and above all we will give you some guidelines on how youcan improvethe way you perceive yourself.

What is self-perception?

Self-perception is a concept that is intimately linked to other aspects such as self-concept,self-esteem and self-image. It refers to aconscious and objective wayabout the impression you have of yourself, in terms of yourabilities, aptitudes, attitudes, among others.

You should know: Terms that could be interchanged with self-perception could beself-worth, self-identity, andself-knowledge.

Thanks to self-perception, the human being from an introspective planecanunderstand his emotions, his mood or his current situation. In this sense, self-perceptionis not an evaluative act (good or bad), rather it corresponds to a reflection on what you are.

On the other hand, this concept has been studied by severalpsychological theoriesand one of them was developed by the American psychologistDaryl Bem(1) called “The Theory of Self-perception”(2). He argued that people’s attitudes and behaviors have their origin in the self-perceptions they have of their behaviors.

How can we improve self-perception?

The way we perceive ourselves (positively or negatively) will affect our own image. That is why thisintrospectiveact must be carried out in the most objective way possible. Here are some tips on how to improve the way we perceive ourselves:

1. Recognize the virtues and abilities

One of the situations that Self-Perception Altersconsists of paying attention to the criticism of others and accepting it as true. In this sense, you must begin byself-acknowledging your own virtues and abilities.

To highlight: It may happen that at this moment you do not know that you are kind , or that you are just, or that you are prudent, or that you have special abilities for work, study, or sports.

what you have overcome and how you did it; All these points help you

2. Identify fears and insecurities

Introspection is the observation that a person makes of their own consciousnessor their states of mind to reflect on them and it is one of the ways to identify and recognize the fears and insecurities that trap you. No one but you can identify them and the advice to overcome it is theHelp of Apsychology specialist.

You should know: There are strategies that you can use at home to know yourself such as the mirror technique , a tool that will allow you to provide a focus on your person.

3. Be patient with yourself

In this sense, there are techniques that induce you to a state of relaxation and emotional tranquility such as meditation and yoga. Surely this state of tranquility will help you to have a different perspective on yourself and on the situations you face.

Note: This process can be slow, but we assure you that it will help you increase your ability to reflect on yourself and thereby improve your self-perception.

4. Pay attention to fitness and health

Other factors that you must attend to to improve your self-perception is to review your physical condition and your health. If you are a person with obesity, without a doubt the perception of you in this aspect will not be favorable.

If you also suffer from a disease such as hypertension, diabetes or another disease, you will surely perceive yourself as a sick , tired and fatigued person.

Important: If you have alterations in your physical or health condition, you must attend to them promptly in order to improve your self-perception.

5. Set objectives and goals

Another way to improve your self-perception is to set yourself new challenges, but yes, they must be perfectly viable, achievable over time and adapted to your current abilities.

To highlight: As you progress in your achievements, you can Acquire new challenges that are more complex than the previous ones and with this you feel that you can improve more every day.

6. Foster interpersonal relationships

Relationships can represent a point of evaluation,, where you can compare your appreciation of yourself and that of others and again reflect on it, you set new goals that allow you to improve or enhance your skills.

Important: Foster social relationships only in those groups of people who have similar objectives and goals to yours .

7. Thank you for what you have

person undoubtedly improves the perception you make about yourself, but beware, this

Note: There is nothing more gratifying than thanking the people who help you or collaborate with you, at least as a moral retribution, which sometimes represents more than material gratitude.

Key Findings

  • Self-perception consists of consciously and objectively obtaining an impression about yourself.
  • It is an introspective process, that is, that only you can do it.
  • The result of self-perception is a Reflection Process to review your abilities, aptitudes and attitudes.
  • In some circumstances, the result of self-perception may not match reality.
  • Self-perception improves the relationship that must exist between the person’s physical and social environment.

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