What is rhinorrhea?

Rhinorrhea, or nasal congestion, is a condition in which there is excessive secretion of phlegmthrough the nasal passages, due to increased mucus. (1)

This manifests itself through anincessant runny nose, associated with the obstruction of the nose that prevents the passage of airdue to inflammationof the tissues that line the inside of the nose.

Note: Rhinorrhea is a symptom thatcauses intense itching in the nose, added to the redness of the outer skin.

What causes rhinorrhea?

or autoimmune conditions, which we mention below:

1. Flus, colds and allergies

The most common pathologies that lead to rhinorrhea are the flu and the common cold , since they are pathological pictures of the upper respiratory tract that among their symptoms are nasal congestion and excessive mucus.

On the other hand, patients who have a picture of allergic rhinitis are likely to suffer from other pathologies, where the sinuses of the skull become inflamed due to an infection, manifesting as rhinorrhea. (two)

2. Infections and systemic diseases

Also viral, bacterial or fungal infections in the paranasal sinuses as in the case of sinusitis , among its symptoms is runny nose.

On the other hand, systemic diseases constitute a group of diseases that affect the entire organism . They may initially present with mucopurulent rhinorrhea due to obstruction or alteration of mucus transport.

Important: It must also be considered that the presence of runny nose along with other key symptoms may indicate the presence of Covid 19. (3)

3. Cold and physical exercise

Exposure to low temperaturesgeneralcauses nasal obstruction, with the consequent mucus, representative signs of rhinorrhea.

To highlight: The presence of rhinorrhea during physical exercise, if there is no other attributable cause, is due to the constant flow of cold air through the nostrils.

4. Medicines

The use of certain medications in some people can cause a runny nose, as in the case of aspirin , ibuprofen and drugs for high blood pressure such as beta-blockers, even the abusive use of nasal decongestantscan also cause a runny nose. (4)

How is the treatment to relieve runny nose?

Rhinorrhea can be treated in several ways, which we mention below:

1. Consume clear liquids

Among the first options to use to treat rhinorrhea, is the consumption of abundant fluids and even consuming chicken broth to fluidize the phlegm and allow it to circulate more quickly as it exits the nostrils.

2. Apply warm compresses

Another option to use to achieve nasal congestion and relieve pressure on the nostrils is the use of warm compresses placed on the nose and forehead.

You should know: If you do not have the possibility of warm compresses, Use a cloth dipped in warm water that will also help stop a runny nose.

3. Perform vaporizations

The use of vaporizations to treat rhinorrhea is another natural option to decongest the nose and relieve nasal mucosa.

In this case, a container of boiling water should be placed on the floor and the head covered with a cloth placed on top of the container, so that the vapors are received for a few minutes .

4. Perform a nasal wash

It is also useful to periodically perform nasal washes with saline or Physiological Solution to decongest the nasal passages, since sodium chloride helps reduce inflammation in the mucous membrane section and also helps reduce runny nose.

5. Decongestant and antihistamine drugs

Pharmacological treatment is another therapeutic strategyto treat rhinorrhea. In this case, your doctor can prescribe medications such asanticholinergics, corticosteroids, antihistamines, and decongestants in drops or sprays.

6. Go to the doctor if necessary

The best thing to do in these cases is to attend a medical consultation so that the specialist doctor can make a detailed diagnosis of your case and recommend the most appropriate therapy for your health condition.

Key Findings

  • Rhinorrhea is a condition in which there is excessive secretion of mucus through the nasal passages.
  • Runny nose can originate from exposure to environmental hazards, as well as flu, colds, and allergies.
  • Rhinorrhea can be effectively treated by consuming hot fluids, applying warm compresses, and medications prescribed by a specialist .

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