Reiki energy uses the so-called universal energy field. That is, it is based on the principle that everything is energy and that humans can channel it and direct it to make use of it.
When referring to Reiki, we are talking abouta system that uses the laying on of hands to channel sending energy without touching the patient(1).
To highlight: This technique was initiated by the Japanese Christian monk Mikao Usui(2) in the late nineteenth century. He gave it this name from the kanji “rei” (soul, spirit, deity) and “ki” (energy, vitality, strength) in Japanese. Reiki symbolizes the concept of spirit energy flowing throughout the universe.
Next, in the following article we share valuable information so that you know in depth about this type of energy, used to provide well-being in the mind and body.
ToggleWhat is Reiki energy?
When we speak ofReiki energy(3) we refer to a high vibrational energy. This energy is restorative and healing. Its use is to harmonize the energy of being.
Note: Since the human being is constantly changing, so does energy. We all have moments when we feel full of vitality, like others where we feel that it weighs us down to the air.
In this sense, Reiki proposes to harmonize the aura and strip us of those negative energiesthat, for some reason, are stagnant. Therefore, Reiki helps us to tap into universal energy, receiving it with love and humility.
Characteristics of Reiki energy
In order to transmit Reiki, the person must be initiated(4). In this way, it is considered that once this step is taken, its central channel is opened and permanently connected to universal energy.
According to this therapy, the Reiki giver is simply a mere channel of energy and does not decide how much energy to give or where the patient should receive it.
Below, we mention the most outstanding characteristics of this healing practice.
It is an alternative healing therapy
The Ministry of Health of Catalonia defines alternative and naturist therapies as those that care for people in an integral way. These meet the objective of restoring, balancing and harmonizing health (5) .
In addition, it uses elements that will act in the same direction as the natural biology of the human being, enhancing its own energy.
It has its origins in Buddhism and Hindu influences.
Master Usui connected with Reiki energy, seeking in Zen Buddhism the answer to the meaning of his life. For this, he climbed Mount Kurama in Kyoto to meditate(6)
Although this technique has its origins in Buddhism, it has Hindu influences focusing on healing from the alignment of the Chakras(7)
To highlight: According to this culture, they are energetic vortices that govern the seven endocrine glands, as explained by an academic study published in the Magazine findings(8) In turn, they regulate all functions of the body, including the aging process.
Its action is to unblock the flow of vital energy
Energy is stagnant when we think negative and worries overwhelm us. This technique focuses on making energy flow, in order to make room for vital and positive energy to circulate naturally.
In this way, it uncovers everything that blocks us and prevents us from being well. Among its main possibilities is that of healing and unlocking.
Runs from a sender to a receiver
This practice consists of a transmitter or channel, transmitting vital energy to a receiver, which can be another person or himself (auto reiki).
It should be noted that Reiki can also be directed at a distance, as long as there is an intention and permission from the person who is going to receive it. And since it is applied to humans, it can also be directed to other living beings such as animals and plants (9)
Sessions run to 45 minutes
Sessions usually last between 30 and 45 minutes, sometimes even longer. This is because it is considered that after 30 minutes the Reiki energy can have an effect on the recipient, according to a publication in the electronic and quarterly Journal of Nursing (10)
There are several systems and currents
Today there are several systems and currents apart from Usui Reiki. Among them are Tibetan Reiki, originated by William Lee Rand, Celtic Reiki channeled by Martyn Pentecost, Zen Reiki, among others (11)
Principles of Reiki energy
Reiki uses the vital energy of the universe and when referring to it we are also talking about universal love. This energy has a high vibration frequency and it is important to take care of it and use it in daily life with simple actions.
Be thankful
Every minute that we are alive is a great moment to be Gratefultag. While there are times when it’s hard to see, even big crises are opportunities.Remember that we cannot change what happens to us, but we can change our attitude.
Do not get mad
When we get angry, we lower our vibrational frequency and we find ourselves unable to think clearly. Before you get angry, ask yourself what makes you angry and why it affects you.
Don’t worry
Hate is not the opposite of love, but fear. Fear inhibits us, makes us prone to disease, exhausts us, and consumes us. Fears are a logical response to danger.
However, when fears are constant and irrational, they must be released and let go . Ask yourself what you are afraid of and what would be the worst that could happen if it did happen.
Be diligent
When we are diligent we make full use of our abilities,since we feel optimistic and energetic and we can take advantage of the day in a better way. In order to achieve this state it is vital to be focused on ourselves.
Note:Discover what makes you feel full and gives you vitality. How many hours a day do you dedicate to it? Could you dedicate more?
To be nice
Being kind goes beyond a matter of education. When we are kind we feel worthy of gratitude and, at the same time, we fill our soul with our good deeds.
Note: I invite you to ask yourself the following questions: Do you consider yourself a kind person? Why does it give you satisfaction to do good deeds?
Effects of Reiki energy on health
Several studies on the impact of Reiki on health show that the technique improves the treatments of those people who use it as a secondary therapy (12)
To highlight:Over the years, in some hospitals it is already used as an additional therapy for some patients. For example, at theRamon Hospital(13) Hospital, which is used to complement traditional medicine for cancer patients.
Vital energy balance
This therapy balances vital energy, generating a feeling of well-being and fullness. Since, by feeling better and having a positive thought we feel better and we can make full use of our capabilities.
Relieves tension in the nervous system
According to a study carried out by researchers from the La Paz University Hospital , Reiki has brought emotional and affective benefits to patients, increasing understanding and acceptance of oneself (14)tag. It generates a state of peace, tranquility, energy and relaxation and produces changes in lifestyle.
Helps drain negative emotions
This results
Increases energy level
According to Dr. Mikao Usui’s Manual, , Reiki practices energize the human being, increasing their energy at different levels. At the physical level, through the warmth of the hands, at the mental level, through the visualization of the symbols, at the emotional level through the love that flows and at the energetic level due to the universal energy (16)
Stimulates the endocrine glands
The endocrine glands are associated with the seven chakras, such as the crown chakra, which is associated with the pineal gland.
Each chakra is an energy center, which is located between the etheric body and the physical body. By acting on the chakras, these glands are also acted on, since by transmitting heat and increasing their energy, they are stimulated.
Intervenes in the causes of diseases
According to a study conducted by researchers at the Institute of Behavioral Sciences , many illnesses have their origins in emotional episodes. These episodes can become the beginning of a crisis, its aggravation and even its chronification (17)
Promotes mental balance
According to a study carried out by scientists from the La Paz University Hospital , Reiki can balance the biofield, reducing stress and strengthening the body’s ability to heal itself (18)
Note: The reduction of anxiety and balance generated by this therapy occurs because the patient feels optimistic and reduces stress, stimulating self-healing.
Reiki energy considerations
When we talk about Reiki energy, we are referring to a therapeutic touch and a pseudoscience that emerged in the 1920s, precisely in 1922 by Hawayo Takata (19) It is important to note that no alternative therapy can replace seeing a doctor.
Note: In case of practicing any of these therapies, it must be done in addition to traditional medicine.
It has no endorsement or scientific foundation
There is no scientific evidence that shows that Reiki transmits energy or that there is an energy of universal love, which we can all use to increase our frequency.
Reiki is born from an assumption that has been questioned on several occasions. In one of them an 11-year-old girl, Emily Rose (20) designed a simple experiment to determine whether therapists can sense the supposed energy field of humans. She concluded that they hardly felt it.
It does not replace conventional medical treatments
Reiki is a complementary therapy. In case of having an anxiety disorder we must attend a psychologist. An analysis by the American Cancer Society , affirms that those who only use alternative therapies have a higher mortality rate, since they lose valuable time before resorting to conventional medicine (21)
People with pacemakers should be careful
It is not recommended to receive Reiki in areas where we have a pacemaker or any similar device , nor in metallic implants, since accidental contact or heat from the hands can interfere with their operation.
It should not be done during surgical interventions.
Although this practice has been carried out during surgical interventions to reduce the stress and anxiety of the patient, performing Reiki during a surgical intervention can distract doctors, therefore it is not recommended.
Hands should not be placed on open wounds or burns
The heat of the hands can cause pain or be counterproductive when approaching open wounds or burns. To avoid any adverse effects, it is not recommended to give Reiki where we have wounds or to put the hands far enough away so that the patient does not feel pain.
Key takeaways
- Reiki is a system that uses the imposition of hands to channel sending energy without touching the patient. When we talk about Reiki energy, we refer to a high vibration energy. This energy is restful and healing. Its use is to harmonize the energy of being.
- Reiki as a characteristic has that it is an alternative healing therapy, of Buddhist origin and Hindu influences, its action is to unblock the flow of vital energy, that is, it focuses on making vital and positive energy flow naturally. It runs from a sender to a receiver, its sessions can last up to 45 minutes.
- The principles of this energy are based on being grateful, not getting angry, not worrying, being diligent and being kind.
- Several studies on the impact of Reiki on health show that the technique improves the treatments of those who use it as a secondary therapy. Reiki relieves nervous system tension, helps to drain negative emotions, increases energy level, stimulates endocrine glands, intervenes in the cause of diseases, etc.
- It is important to note that this is an alternative therapy and is not a reason to replace seeing a doctor.

University Professional in the area of Human Resources, Postgraduate in Occupational Health and Hygiene of the Work Environment, 14 years of experience in the area of health. Interested in topics of Psychology, Occupational Health, and General Medicine.