Not alltypes of intelligencerelate to numbers,letters, spaces, or symbols. Intelligenceis also related to the world of sounds, melodies and cadences; This ability belongs tomusical intelligence.
In the following article, we explainwhat musical intelligence consistsof and describe its characteristics.
ToggleWhat is musical intelligence?
To get into context, we must know the meaning of the word music and according to the dictionary of theRoyal Spanish Academy (RAE), music is the “Art of combining the sounds of the human voice or instruments, or of one and the other at the same time, so that they produce delight, moving the sensitivity, whether cheerful, sadly.” (1)
Thus, Howard Gardner(2) defines musical intelligence as “The ability of the human being to appreciate, discriminate, transform and express musical forms, as well as sensitivity to rhythm, tone and timbre”.
To highlight: This intelligence is a component of the “Theory of Multiple Intelligences”, postulated by Gardner. (3)
What are the characteristics of musical intelligence?
Here are some characteristics that identify people with musical intelligence:
1. Musical forms are perceived and created
Those people who develop musical intelligence, are facilitated thecomposition, execution, change and valuation of all kinds of sounds.
Note: In particular, these people present themselves with apeculiar interaction with the rhythm, tone, cadence and timbre of the soundsproduced in nature and in the environment.
2. Melodies, rhythms, timbres and tones are detected
Musical intelligence enables the ability tocreate and follow patterns of sounds, understand melody and all musical concepts related to rhythms, timbres and tones.
You should know: The information that the brain receives receives through sounds for musical intelligence is like numbers for Mathematical logical intelligence or letters for Linguistic Intelligence.
3. There is ease in composing and interpreting music
The person with this developed ability, as well as being able to create, anticipate and follow harmonic patterns of sounds , can also compose pieces through the use of musical instruments.
To highlight: There are people who have developed musical intelligence towards composition and there are others towards execution, however there are exceptional individuals who have developed both skills or more, for example, Mozart (4)was a conductor, composer and prominent pianist.
4. Emotions and ideas are manifested through music
the perception of sound in the individual.
For example, classical music was designed by a musician with a particular personality and is aimed more or less at people with the same behavior patterns, and so it is with every musical genre.
5. Different musical genres are distinguished
As we have referred to in previous paragraphs, the sounds according to who composes or interprets them can generate a pattern shared by people of the same tendency, for example jazz, classical music or rock.
How can musical intelligence be developed?
There are strategies that can help you Develop musical intelligence.Here we mention some of them:
1. Listen to music, sing and dance
One of the aspects with the greatest impact in the development of musical intelligence is to Stimulate the auditory faculties to encourage a taste for music.
In this sense, singing also favors musical intelligence, especially in the execution of very diverse tones and melodies, which must necessarily be processed by the mind before being executed.
On the other hand, dancing is the expression of what the body feels with the music and that is why there are as many ways of dancing as there are musical genres, achieving a mental synchrony between the harmonic sounds and the body.
Note: It is important to mention that at this point you will also be developing kinesthetic intelligence .
2. Play a musical instrument
Developing musical ability through playing any musical instrument is also an Appropriate strategy to develop musical intelligence.
You should know: It is vital then that when a boy or girl is interested in a musical instrument , the agreement is to support him.
3. Learn other languages
Learning other languages also meansLearning about other cultures and their manifestations , including their musical forms , an aspect that can enrich musical intelligence.
To highlight: You can also achieve the development of musical intelligence, with the learning of other languagesthrough musical themes.
4. Go to musical events and activities
Witnessing musical activities in their different manifestations contributes to developing the ability for music. This strategy can make the listenerLearn to distinguish between different musical patterns , harmonies, tones, melodies, among other components of music.
Important: Due to these considerations, it is clear to warn about the importance of Musical Education from Childhood .
Key Findings
- Musical intelligence is the ability of the human being to appreciate, discriminate, transform and express music through sounds.
- People with this ability Achieve an interaction with the rhythm, tone, cadence and timbre of sounds.
- Musical intelligence creates the ability to understand melody and all musical concepts.
- Musical intelligence is associated with other types of intelligence such as kinesthetic, linguistic, interpersonal, and intrapersonal.

University Professional in the area of Human Resources, Postgraduate in Occupational Health and Hygiene of the Work Environment, 14 years of experience in the area of health. Interested in topics of Psychology, Occupational Health, and General Medicine.