ToggleWhat is talkativeness?
The term of loquacity, has its definition in the Spanish dictionary of theRoyal Spanish Academy (RAE) (edition of the tercentenary 2020), which defines it as “quality of loquacious” and that in turn defines this term as“Que habla mucho o mucho“.
This word has its etymology in terms of the Latin “loquacĭtas” and “idad” whose translations are “to speak a lot” and “quality”. For the purposes of psychology, talkacity refers tothe action or tendency that a person has to talk a lot.
On the other hand, it is considered by the literature as a manifestation of other conditions such aslogorrheaortachypsychia.
You should know: Other meanings that are applied when the loquacity is excessive, isthe verbiage.
What are the characteristics of loquacity?
Individuals with this tendency, have certain characteristicsthat identify them and that we mention below:
1. Encompasses an excess of words and abundant language
One of the main characteristics of talkativeness is an abundant use of words in the speech that is transmitted.
In this sense, the loquacious person has no metric measure of what he expresses, since the main interest is to keep the attention of the audience. Therefore, loquacitydoes not contain quality in the oratory that is expressed , due to the inconsistent content.
To highlight: In the English culture, the excessive use of words is not appropriate if they do not have an interesting content to contribute.
2. It is an important skill in different professions
For certain professional activities, loquacity in an individual constitutes an important toolin spaces such as sales or politics, which require maintaining the attention of a target population. In this particular case it can be said that the personis eloquent and loquacious.
Note: Loquacity is also manifested in writing, where the speaker has no limit on the characters or symbols to use in his text.
3. She can be funny and persuasive.
Popularly, the person who tries to convince other people with extensive stories and experiences through oratory, with funny and entertaining speech, is said to have a smooth talk .
You should know: This strategy is widely used by People whopursue an immediate purpose,, as is the case with marketers, where the main tool is the word and the style of language used.
4. It can be superficial, messy and empty.
One of the characteristics of loquacity is that despite the fact that it presents fluid and exaggerated speech, the speech, being extensive and without limits, does not make sense, due to the disorderly way in which it is presented.
To highlight: This speech, whether oral or written, is usually superficial,devoid of interesting content and empty of concrete ideas. In fact, people who suffer fromAccelerated Thought Syndrome (tachypsychia), usually have these characteristics.
5. It is associated with speech disorders and emotional problems
As we have mentioned on several occasions, loquacity is a manifestation of some psychological or neuronal pathologies, which cause the articulation of oral or written words in an excessive way.
It is therefore a characteristic among anxious peopleWhosuffer from some types of mania in bipolar disorders or in chronic depressive states .
Important: In these cases, it is appropriate to attend a consultation with a specialist doctorto treat these psychological problems and correct loquacity.
Key Conclusions
- Talkativeness in psychology refers to a person’s tendency to talk a lot.
- Loquacity consists of the abundant use of words, in the oral or written discourse that is transmitted.
- Loquacity can be an important tool in professionsrelated to sales or politics.
- The speech in these people is usually extensive and without limits, so it does not make sense due to the disordered way in which it is presented.

University Professional in the area of Human Resources, Postgraduate in Occupational Health and Hygiene of the Work Environment, 14 years of experience in the area of health. Interested in topics of Psychology, Occupational Health, and General Medicine.