Acting quickly in situations without thinking, but from within us emerges that impulse that seems right to us, but of which we have no explanation, is what iscalledintuition.

But that intuition when developed changes andtransforms into an intuitive intelligence. Intuitive intelligence is an important part of our daily actions, helping us togrow personally and professionally.

In the following article, we share in depth an important information regarding thisskill that can be developed effectively.

What is intuitive intelligence?

Intuitive intelligenceis closely related to previous experiencesand in general the individual does not explain why he reaches a conclusion without having previously meditated on it.

Based on this, we will now understand what intuitive intelligence is: it comes from the Canadian sociologist Malcolm Gladwell, who started from the concept of “thin-slicing”, in his wonderful book “Why do we know the truth in two seconds?” tag. (1)

The philosopher maintains “that we are able to give meaning to situationsbased on truly ephemeral experiences.” Therefore, we have the ability to prioritize what is most importantin a short space of time. Malcolm Gladwell called this ability “Intuitive Intelligence”.

Note: On the other hand, intuitive intelligence is a hidden mechanism, which is within our unconscious, but has no relation to Freud’s psychoanalysis. It is a skill that has been key to the survival of the human species. It allows us to make decisions with great security, but we do not know how it happens.

What are the characteristics of intuitive intelligence?

This skillconsists of very particular and well-defined characteristics, which allow it to be differentiated from other skills. Here we give you the most relevant information:

1. It constitutes using the information consciously

In an article entitled “Intuitive intelligence: Theory and implications in human behavior”, it is referred to that “this form of intelligenceregulates instinctive, impulsive and unconscious behaviorsthat occur without a logical-formal processing of environmental information, so the subject does not report volitional or explicit control of them”. (2)

With this it is interpreted that that the decisions that are adopted suddenly can be prioritized according to the elements of intelligence and memory built and not on the basis of emotions only.

To highlight: In another article on ““Intuitive intelligence and education in creativity” (3) , it is mentioned that it it is not possible for an individual to consciously access all the information they have stored.

2. Allows the achievement of goals and objectives

This built ability allows the achievement of proposed goals and objectives, because it connects us with our interests tag. In an article entitled “Intuitive intelligence and “Intuitive intelligence and decision-making” , it was concluded that ““therefore, a developed and balanced intellect is necessary is necessary to act “to act “intelligently”, and and in turn, a mature and structured level of intelligence is necessary to act .” “creatively.” (4)

From this it follows that intuitive intelligence leads us to creativity that allows adequate decision-making with Pragmatism, to achieve objectives and goals of interest. It is not necessary to have a lot of information to achieve the goal.

3. Contributes to the acquisition of skills and problem solving

4. Understand holistic reflection

Holistic reflection basically consists of learning to search within ourselves for the most positive way to take control of the solution from a global perspective.

You should know: Holistic intelligence allows, with the least amount of information, , to to have a total vision of the situation in a short space of time , , allowing quick and accurate decisions to be made, mainly considering our interior and our sensations.

5. Develop paradoxical thinking

Intuitive intelligence develops a paradox with what we must consciously do to make a decision. Culturally and academically they teach us that to make a decision you have to think about it, meditate on it. Sometimes we spend hours and days to act.

Note: Intuitive intelligence encourages us to act according to our experiences accumulated in the unconscious, but that somehow manifest or arise without our consciously requesting it, at our own will.

6. It is complemented by sensory intelligence

Considering that sensory intelligence is the the ability to perceive the different nuances of information provided by the senses, intuition, Knowledge and intuitive thinking complement what we perceive from our environment , giving our decision a shared context with reality. that surrounds us

How to develop intuitive intelligence?

Some people are born with developed intuitive knowledge, but this ability is enhanced with practice tag. Here are some ways todevelop intuition and intuitive intelligence:

1. Learn to listen proactively

Intuitive intelligence is nourished by learning to listen to our interlocutors , capturing their experiences and taking it as part of our learning.

We must let the criticisms we make be within us, taking the opportunity to learn and to argue .

To highlight: From the current exchanges of ideas, , the the unconscious is partly nourished , , waiting for similar opportunities in the future, to intuitively give an immediate response to that situation.

2. Analyze critically

Criticism must be done from the perspective of our interests , as long as our goals are measurable and achievable. The opportunity to learn to develop this capacity is thatthatthe goals and objectives are clear , so that our intuition works on real interests.

3. Listen and follow the instinct

Learning is also based on trial and error tag. One way to know if we are doing it right or wrong is that we rehearse or take the results from it tonourish our experience .

You should know: Following small hunches and making decisions on them helps us us Understand our own intuitive process by , helping us to correct.

4. Observe and understand the environment

We cannot detract from the context in which we find ourselves. Intuition tells usHow to act at a certain moment based on previous experiences, but we must be clear about where we are in order to adapt, if applicable, the action to be taken according to the context in which we find ourselves.,

5. Attend to emotions

Emotions an important part of the Development of Intuitive Intelligence in in our brain, , since they generate that feeling of alarm, warning, which announces to us in advance that something is happening or is about to happen .

6. Read between the lines

The messages in opportunities cannot be understood literally. It refers to to hearing a person’s thoughts out loud and understanding them from a different perspective.

Note: Many times, individuals are not capable of directly expressing what we really want or think. It is opportune then, to develop intuitive intelligence, interpreting beyond what happens or happened or what or what he said or what he wanted to say.

Key Findings

  • Intuitive intelligence is closely related to previous experiences, where the individual does not explain why he reaches a conclusion without thinking about it beforehand.
  • It is an ability that has been key to the survival of the human species and allows us to make decisions with great confidence.
  • Intuitive intelligence allows the achievement of proposed goals and objectives , because it connects us with our interests.
  • Intuitive intelligence develops a paradox with what we must consciously do to make a decision.
  • Intuitive intelligence can be developed through proactive listening , critical analysis, and observation of the environment.

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