The behavior of the human being is affected by innumerable factors and some of them make usreactin an excessive and unexpected way, mainly altering the relations with our social environment and one of these behaviors isimpulsivity.
In the following article, we explain what impulsivity consists of, what its characteristics are and how we can control it.
ToggleWhat is impulsivity?
Impulsivityis a condition, by which the person can not control the way he reacts to the presence of some stimuli, temptations or desires he feels and is characterized by thesudden, unexpected and excessive reactionto any situation.
This behavior plays an important role inthe development of certain psychological disorders, such as Eating Disorder, Bipolar Disorder or Attention Deficit Disorder with or without Hyperactivity (ADHD). (1)
In this context, the patient with this type of behaviordoes not tolerate waiting well, tends to constantly postpone an obligationor responsibility and shows a greater tendency to fall into thecompensatory behaviors typical of animmature person.
To highlight: More contemporary authors have defined impulsivity as adimensional personality trait, which has been applied to many different aspects of animal behavior. (2)
What consequences does impulsivity bring?
Impulsivity when diagnosed as a behavioral disorder, brings with it consequences which we mention below:
1. Family and work problems
Impulsivity oftenaffects the social and work environment. This is understood becauseimpulsivity is a socially maladaptive behavior, and social groups tend to separate from subjects with aggressive behavioral tendencies.
2. Difficulties in learning and education
The tendency of these people is to concentrate more on theiremotionsthan on theirrational actsand fail to identify stimuli adequatelyto generate reasonable responses.
Note: Likewise, impulsiveness does not allow them to concentrate properly , they are frequently distracted and leave many activities unfinished, affecting their Learning process and therefore, the education they receive.
3. Emotional instability
The basis of the behavior of impulsive people is on negative emotions, whose main characteristic is the variation of mood, often for issues that have little relevance and that is why these individuals can go from one moment to another from euphoria. to sadness.
You should know: When these people have not been able to control their impulses, they can suffer from states of low self-esteem.
4. Abuse of harmful substances
Another consequence of not being able to control their states of dysfunctional impulsiveness is that they opt for options that cause states of relaxation and tranquility , starting to use prohibited substances that, far from generating a state of permanent calm in their minds, chronically damage and even perennial your overall health. (3)
5. Criminal conduct
When the individual cannot control their impulsiveness, does not seek help and is rejected socially and at work, they can generate behaviors that are outside the framework of morality and good customs in society.
What to do to control impulsivity?
Fortunately, if impulsivity is detected and identified early in an individual, the following strategies can be applied to control it:
1. Acknowledge the problem
The first step before starting any therapy, whether behavioral or pharmacological, is the recognition by the affected person that they have a problem.
Important: Performing An introspective act could be a valid strategy in this type of case, creating a State of reflection that may allow you to recognize your problem.
2. Reflect before acting
After having sincerely recognized that you suffer from a behavioral problem, it is necessary to think about it, make a comparison of behavior patterns between yours and the rest of those around you, for example.
Note: The act of reflection is very characteristic of Analytical People and it is a meditation on facts or circumstances, which can help you draw conclusions before taking any step.
3. Accept and understand failures
Another step that can ensure control over your impulsiveness is to rationally accept that your failures have only been setbacks in the learning process and you can gain maturity , an aspect that will surely make you Assess your behavior more accurately and allow you to make more accurate decisions. to correct it.
4. Practice relaxation and breathing techniques
As a complement to these practices, it is advisable to perform some exercises that allow your body to naturally achieve relaxing and calming effects on the Central Nervous System .
You should know: Activities such as meditation and breathing exercises can help you achieve this purpose.
5. Value and highlight achievements
Additionally, you must recognize your achievements and successes and make them yours. High self-esteemIsbuilt by accepting and acknowledging that your efforts have become goals achieved and that they may have benefited many other people.
To highlight: This practice will surely help you in your self- esteem and consequently Reduce your impulsiveness .
6. See a specialist if necessary
In those cases where dysfunctional impulsivity may be in a complicated stage, the help of professionals in psychology or psychiatry is necessary to diagnose the patient and decide which is the Most appropriate intervention strategy according to the complexity of each case. (4)
Key Findings
- Impulsivity is a condition in which a person cannot control the way they react .
- Impulsivity plays an important role in the development of certain psychological disorders.
- This behavior is characterized by a sudden, unexpected and excessive reaction to any situation.
- Impulsiveness generates problems of social and labor integration for the individual.
- Impulsive behavior can be corrected with the application of certain psychological strategies.

University Professional in the area of Human Resources, Postgraduate in Occupational Health and Hygiene of the Work Environment, 14 years of experience in the area of health. Interested in topics of Psychology, Occupational Health, and General Medicine.