What is ginatrifil?

Ginatrifil® is a commercial product ofBest(1) laboratories, which is composed ofthe metabolitesbetamethasoneclotrimazole and gentamicin, which have antifungal, anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties.

The presentations of ginatrifil®, are commonly in the form of cream orointments of 40 mg and 100 mg of the active ingredients, therefore it is administered directly through the skin and the most appropriate dose is an application 2 times a day.

Note: A medical study states that: “It is recommended to apply the cream with betamethasone 2 to 3 times a day. This medication must be prescribed by a doctor, who will indicate the most appropriate dose and form of administration for your treatment. (2)

What is ginatrifil for?

Ginatrifil® compounds such as betamethasone, clotrimazole and gentamicinact simultaneously with different properties, for cases ofskin infectionsby bacteria or specific inflammations. Therefore, this drug may be prescribed in the following cases:

1. Inflammation due to dermatosis

Dermatosis is a term coined to refer to a condition, encompassing the entire skinin the form of a lesion or infection. It is itself a kind of epidermal anomaly that can become benign or malignant.

To highlight: This condition is recognized by inflammation of varying degrees, so ginatrifil®, specificallythe betamethasone compound, acts as an anti-inflammatorythat is rapidly absorbed to decrease swelling and redness.

2. Fungal and bacterial skin infections

These types of infections are called mycosis, which areinfections caused by bacteria or fungithat can be superficial, until they become systemic (affecting other parts of the body under the skin).

On the other hand, ginatrifil® is also used for genital conditions such as vulvovaginitis or candidiasis (fromcandida albicans), as well asforcelluliteand athlete’s foot, since its compounds act as aminoglycoside spectrum antibiotics, whichprevent the cell growth of bacteriaattached to the body.

You should know: Ginatrifil® compounds areadaptable for the genital walls, as one study mentions that: “During vulvovaginitis, clotrimazole acts by inhibiting the biosynthesis of ergosterol or other steroids, which injures the fungal cell wall membrane and alters its permeability.” (3)

Ginatrifil Side Effects

The application of ginatrifil®, can bring with itadverse reactions not very desiredin patients who use it for the first time, so it is necessary to be aware of effects such as the following:

  • Folliculitis.
  • Skin irritation.
  • Redness.
  • Tinnitus (ringing disorder in one or both ears).
  • Dizziness.

Important: If necessary, you should discontinue the use of this cream if theeffects are prolonged and interfere with your daily life.

Contraindications of ginatrifil

Ginatrifil® should not be applied ina certain number of patients with disorders or conditions, which have negative interactions. Therefore, it is not recommended for these cases:

  • Hypersensitivity to betamethasone, clotrimazole and gentamicin.
  • Herpes virus rashes.
  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Recovery after surgery.

To highlight: It is necessary to opt for the use of a medical prescriptionproposed by a health specialist, to guarantee the safe administration of this medicine.

Key Findings

  • Ginatrifil® is a commercial drug withantifungal and anti-inflammatory properties, the composition of which is betamethasone, clotrimazole and gentamicin.
  • Ginatrifil® is prescribed for dermatosis or also formycoses caused by microorganisms.
  • Ginatrifil®may cause side effectssuch as rashes, irritation or redness.
  • Ginatrifil® should not be prescribed in cases ofhypersensitivity, herpes mycosis and diabetes.

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