What is dexamethasone?

Dexamethasone is a drug belonging to the glucocorticoid group, used mainly for thetreatment of severe allergic reactions. It has a concentration of 4 mg per dose, withdexamethasone phosphate sodium as the active ingredientof the drug.

On the other hand, there are presentations of dexamethasone intablets and ampoules of solution for injection, both with the same concentration mentioned and with recommended doses of 0.5 to 10 mg per day, depending on the treatment indicated.

Note: Due to its mechanism of action and nature, it is a drug thatrequires a prescriptionto be acquired.

What is dexamethasone for?

Dexamethasone is used for the treatment of certain conditions,where inflammations are mainly present. We mention below its main uses:

1. Inflammatory states

Due to the fact that dexamethasone is corticosteroid in nature, its anti-inflammatory capacities are of great power, even covering chemical, mechanical and immunological causes .

To highlight: Dexamethasone is indicated to reduce inflammatory conditions in cases of abscesses, surgeries, allergic reactions and herpes. (1)

2. Respiratory, skin and eye conditions

3. Rheumatic and autoimmune diseases

Rheumatic diseases are disorders that affect tendons , bones, ligaments and joints, that is, the musculoskeletal system.

You should know: Dexamethasone allows the reduction of symptoms such as inflammation , in addition to treating autoimmune diseases such as lupus and arthritis. (3)

Dexamethasone Side Effects

All medicines have stipulated possible side effects,which can develop during their consumption in treatments. We mention below those of dexamethasone:

  • Increased appetite and energy.
  • Irritability and mood swings.
  • High blood sugar levels.
  • Bloating and headaches.
  • Heartburn, nausea and vomiting .
  • Muscle weakness and impaired healing capacity.

Important: If you have side effects and they do not disappear when treatment is stopped, it is important to seek medical attention for information .

Dexamethasone Contraindications

Contraindications are factors that we must take into account to Reduce therisk of developing adverse effects. We mention below those of dexamethasone:

  • Do not indicate if the patient has presented allergy or hypersensitivity to any of the drug’s components.
  • Do not indicate whether the patient has hypertension or cardiovascular disease.
  • Do not indicate if the patient has any infection of a fungal nature.
  • Do not indicate if the patient has diabetes mellitus.
  • Do not indicate if pregnancy is suspected or if you are breastfeeding.
  • Do not indicate if the patient has osteoporosis.

You should know: It is important to indicate the medical history, so that a pertinent and adequate treatment is assigned.

Key Conclusions

  • Dexamethasone is a medication from the corticosteroid group , indicated for patients with the presence of inflammatory conditions.
  • Its administration can be orally or in injectable solution intravenously.
  • Dexamethasone treatment may be indicated for various medical conditions such as tuberculosis, cerebral edema, lupus, arthritis, and respiratory conditions.
  • Dexamethasone is a medication that must be prescribed by a medical professional for its acquisition and use.

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