Emotional detachment is a psychological state that can be reached to lead a freer and happier life, in order to free ourselves from those things that we consider unnecessary or harmful in our lives.
The action of detachment has become important, since it is the way in which we are free to live new changes and life experiences. So that we prioritize things without having to live with the emotional pain of leaving others.
Therefore, in this article, you will find the meaning of detachment, as well as the characteristics and principles that this concept entails. In the same way, how can you practice to lead a freer and fuller life.
What is detachment?
Detachment means suppressing the affections and emotional interests we have with objects, activities, animals, and people. In other words, it’s the art of letting go of what we think is most important in our lives when it isn’t.
Astudyconducted at theNational University of Quilmes, states that several authors define detachment as the need to destroy or weaken emotional ties linked to objects, animals or people.
Features of detachment
Emotional detachment has several characteristics that people can experience, once they reach this psychological state of independence, these being the following:
It constitutes freedom from the unnecessary
Detachment is getting rid of those interests that are truly unnecessary, in order to increase the focus on the things that are. So that we can move forward in our lives without any remorse.
Onestudymentions that detachment allows people to free themselves from personal or interpersonal commitments, in order to foster greater freedom and individuality, without having the fear of loss for something that was thought necessary to have.
Requires accepting what cannot be changed
In emotional detachment, it is necessary to accept the things that cannot be changed, making people adapt to their situations, so that it does not harm their mental health over time.
In the same way, it is necessary to create a mentality based on the fact that not everything can be obtained in the way we want, since circumstances or obstacles will arise on various occasions that will change our plans.
It’s flowing with reality
Flowing with reality is another characteristic of detachment, which consists of not living with false illusions and worries about things that were important to them. Acting coherently to what is happening.
To practice it is to stop suffering
Practicing a healthy detachment significantly influences people so that they stop suffering emotionally, favoring a good self-esteem and state of mind for those who carry out this practice.
In the same way, a Study carried out at the Rafael Landívar University mentions that worries, emotional dependencies, mistrust and selfishness are discomforts that can disappear with a healthy detachment.
Allows you to balance your own essence
Emotional detachment allows people to balance their own essence, because they are freed from those commitments that oppressed their personality, restoring the confidence and security they had lost.
Lets you get rid of fear, stress and anxiety
Thanks to a healthy detachment, people can free themselves from the emotion of fear and feelings of stress and anxiety , since by weakening emotional ties, they will not have to worry or worry.
ToStudycarried out by Miguel Fernández Rodríguez on emotional autonomy mentions that fear, stress, anxiety and anguish are caused by a harmful attachment. Therefore, it encourages a healthy detachment in people.
Contributes to tranquility and harmony
Detachment contributes to people a state of tranquility and harmony in their lives, favoring them to carry out their daily activities with greater efficiency and enthusiasm. Likewise, to the improvement of their interpersonal relationships.
Allows you to relate in a healthier way
Another characteristic of emotional detachment is that it allows people to relate in a healthier way. Well, they no longer have the fear and anguish of what affected them in the past, making them freer and safer when socializing.
Principles of detachment
Detachment has a series of principles, which are necessary to accept and internalize in our minds. Although they are not practices to reach this state, they are necessary to understand and achieve it, these being the following:
Everyone is responsible for himself
A basic principle of detachment is that people should become responsible for themselves, so it is necessary to have more awareness about mental and physical health, as well as sufficient discipline to fulfill duties and obligations.
Happiness is your own decision
In detachment, happiness becomes an individual decision in people, because it is possible that other people’s actions or situations affect the state of mind, but even so, in difficult times one can become happy internally.
In the same way, we must try to ensure that comments or actions that are directed towards us do not change our state of mind, so as not to be emotionally dependent on third parties.
You need to accept reality
Detachment makes it necessary for people to accept reality, so that they can assume the new challenges and circumstances that they are going to face. This as a benefit helps personal growth through experiences.
Requires being in the present moment
Emotional detachment requires that we be firmly located in the present moment, making it necessary to avoid thoughts and fears of the past so as not to fall back into low self-esteem.
It is important to know how to give and receive without pressure
In detachment, it is important to know how to give and receive without any kind of pressure, being aware of the actions we take to reach a possible balance and be in complete harmony.
It is necessary to assume the changes, losses and absences
An essential principle in detachment is to assume the changes, losses and absences of those things that we are no longer going to be able to have. So they make us more focused on the present and our future projects.
How to practice detachment?
The practice of emotional detachment, are small psychological efforts that contribute to improving self-esteem and tranquility in people, among which are the following methods:
Be aware of what you want to free yourself
To start practicing a healthy detachment, it is necessary to be aware and be clear about what we want to free ourselves from. In which it is taken into account, feelings, emotions, moments of the past, animals and people.
Value the spiritual more
A practice of emotional detachment is that the spiritual part should be valued more. Meditation and introspection are tools that serve as an aid to analyze and improve our beliefs or spiritual acts.
Adapt to changes and new experiences
Adapting to the new changes and experiences that we live, are a way of practicing detachment, since they keep us in a constant self-improvement that prevents us from thinking about the situations of the past.
Prioritize the importance of things
It is necessary to prioritize the most important things when we practice detachment, this makes us more productive and efficient in daily routines. At the same time, it stimulates self-esteem by accomplishing and focusing on things.
Avoid toxic people and situations
It is recommended to avoid toxic People and situations in our social circle, because they harm our mental health in some way, in which we can constantly have stress, anxiety and nervousness due to it.
Learn to give without expecting to receive
You have to learn to give without expecting to receive. For the reason that this helps us to be more generous and kind people. It also prevents feelings offrustration and helplessness when we consider that we are not receiving fair treatment.
Stay true to your principles
In detachment, we must remain faithful to our principles, to be in accordance with the actions we carry out and be consistent with the values that we consider correct. This as a benefit provides harmony and tranquility for our lives.
Focus on the here and now
In the practice of detachment, it is necessary to be focused on the here and now, leaving things of the past behind to face the present, trying not to make the same mistakes and, if possible, be at peace with everyone.
Likewise, do not think excessively about the future that is yet to come, so as not to create a state of anxiety due to events that have not happened, and also to be more efficient in our personal goals.
University Professional in the area of Human Resources, Postgraduate in Occupational Health and Hygiene of the Work Environment, 14 years of experience in the area of health. Interested in topics of Psychology, Occupational Health, and General Medicine.