What is drug daxon?

The drug daxon is a brand of drugs, whichcontains only nitazoxanide as the active substance.

Nitazoxanideis an antiparasitic and antibacterial agent, in those pathologies that can infect people, serving as an effective drug.

Its pharmaceutical presentations are in the form oftablets and suspension in tablets of 500 mg, apart from the fact that its main route of administration is oral only, explained in the indications for the dose.

It is known that theindicated dose varies according to the class of parasite, but the vast majority of the time consist of a tablet of approximately 500 mg for 3 consecutive days, affirmed in a medical prescription. As indicated in the treatment, it takes between 2 to 4 hours to inhibit the polymerization of the parasite.

Note: As mentioned in a relevant medical study, “Nitazoxanide 500 mg has been used as a broad-spectrum antiparasitic; one part is absorbed and another remains in the intestine; It has intraluminal action and its metabolite, tizoxanide, is eliminated by feces, bile and urine.” (1)

What is daxon suitable for?

The drug daxon exists for a number of diseases caused by parasitesor the presence of bacteria, mostly in the intestines, although other characters are used. These are its main indications for use:

1. Intestinal infections

It refers to a series of diseases, related to inflammation of the digestive tract, therefore it affects the intestine or stomach a lot.

These diseases are caused by parasites present in food or water and their symptoms can range from bloody diarrhea, vomiting or abdominal pain.

One of the best known is acute or amoebic intestinal amebiasis , caused by the parasite Entamoeba histolytica and rotavirustag. In this sense, daxon is an effective treatment for intestinal amoebiasis

Important: According to a medical study from Mexico, “Gastrointestinal diseases, such as acute intestinal amoebiasis, are one of the main public health problems in Mexico. They are transmitted by the fecal-oral route, or by the consumption of contaminated food and water. (two)

2. Genital infections

Daxon can also be indicated for those women who suffer from genital infections or vaginitis,a series of conditions related to the vagina. It is common in women with confirmed presence ofTrichomonas vaginalis (a parasite that causes sexually transmitted infections).

These infections can be recognized by the change in the color of the urine, recurring in women and men, if the color persists it can become serious, it also causes cervicitis and cervical erosions.

Infections are caused by bacteria transmitted through sexual intercourse, can present in the urogenital tract and have symptoms such as burning during urination, crampy abdominal pain, or inflammation of the vaginal urethra. Also included is giardiasis, caused byGiardia Lamblia during anal sex.

Note: It is known that “All infections of the female genital tract present symptoms that may be common, such as dysuria, pollakiuria, vulvar pruritus, dyspareunia and leucorrhoea” . (3)

3. Liver abscess

The antiparasitic daxon also works to relieve the annoying liver abscess , referring to the presence or excessive accumulation of pus within the liver.

This condition is caused by the same bacteria that causes acute intestinal amebiasis, called Entamoeba histolytica, being the most frequent intestinal pathogen.

To highlight: There is relevant information thanks to numerous studies which mention that “The Liver Abscess is a collection of pus surrounded by a fibrous capsule that, according to its etiology, can be divided into two groups: pyogenic and amoebic” . (4)

Daxon contraindications

Despite its effectiveness, this drug has certain contraindications and a series of warnings about its use, which makes it prohibited for certain people or patients. That is why we present the most important contraindications to know.

1. Sensitivity to components

This drug is strictly contraindicated, for people with a history of sensitivityto the components or hypersensitivity to the active ingredient. It does not become symptomatic when the body is fully accustomed to the use of drugs.

Since it is a disorder of how the immune system reacts, a person allergic to the components of daxon may havevery serious kidney or lung effects or skin rashes. Other than resulting in a rather aggravated serum sickness (allergic reaction).

2. Pregnancy and lactation

Daxon cannot be ingested in specific doses or treatment during pregnancy and lactation. Well, it is feared that it will produce side effects that may affect the fetus.

Note: However, the person who decides the use of the drug during this stage can only be the doctor designated for a patient, ensuring the health of the mother and child.

3. Kidney and liver failure

The complication of kidney failure, accompanied by liver cirrhosis, can cause the death of a person. For this reason, the safe use of daxon has not been determined for the most part in this type of patients.

To highlight: Again, if it were an emergency, the doctor can determine the use of the drug, it is currently not recommended or endorsed due to the effects it can cause on both the liver and the kidneys.

4. Do not administer to children under 2 years of age

Daxon is contraindicated in children under 2 to 12 years of age, because at this age the system and organism continue to develop, therefore the unindicated use of this or other drugs can cause alterations.

Important: The route of administration is very easy to be accessible, therefore it is necessary to keep distance with children and daxon.

5. Interaction with other drugs

This drug cannot be used during the treatment or intervention of other medications, especially those that are anticoagulant. in nature.

On the other hand, people with intestinal diseases are recommended to Consume Daxon with Food to avoid discomfort in the body.

What are the adverse reactions of daxon?

Depending on the person and the patient, the drug exhibits certain reactions after use. That is why a prescription is required for the use of daxon or nitazoxanide, in addition to consulting with the specific doctor. We present the most relevant side effects to take into account:

1. Gastrointestinal upsets

Some light or others strong. Thus it becomes a non-specific epigastric discomfort, referring tostomach pain and abdominal pain in general,Depending on the dose, these reactions can be avoided or appear suddenly.

Note: For greater safety, the use of daxon after breakfast or lunch is recommended, especially with healthy and balanced food.

2. Headache

If the stomach or abdominal pain intensifies and the person has not consumed food, it is quite possible to suffer from a severe headache and nausea.

Which can become annoying and irritable, so it is advisable to keep the body with plenty of food and water, to endure this kind of side effects.

3. Loss of appetite

During the treatment of the drug, whose effects can range from 2 to 4 hours, adding that its amount is 500 mg, you can witness the feeling of loss of appetite.

For this reason , it is necessary to have eaten food beforehand and consumed plenty of water , although the latter cannot be ruled out in the hours that the treatment acts on the system.

Note: It is always important to check with your doctor for any side effects.

Key Findings

  • Daxon is a medication that contains nitazoxanide, making it an Antiparasitic Agent in women and men.
  • Nitazoxanide inhibits parasites in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Its main route of administration is oral by means of suspension or tablets in an amount of 500 mg for 3 consecutive days.
  • It is famous in patients with intestinal diseases or infections in the genitals.
  • Treatment with daxon or nitazoxanide 500 mg is not given to children under 2 years of age or pregnant women.

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