Creatine supplementation, among other things, is commonly recommended to improve performance in high-intensity sports activities, in people who are fond of continuous exercise or elite athletes. 

In the following article, we give you all the information you need to know about this supplement and what its uses are.

What is creatine?

Creatine is a substance formed from three amino acids, L-arginine, glycine and L-methionine , which are present in the foods of the daily diet. This substance is produced by the body in the liver and kidneys, but only enough to carry out our usual tasks.

You should know: When daily activity increases due to the execution of moderate or demanding physical activities, the creatine that the body synthesizes is no longer enough, which is why we get tired and fatigued very quickly.

The intake of creatine in the form of a supplement, can improve the capacity and performance in those sports activities where it is required to use energy of rapid consumption.

This is how creatine supplements can provide you with the necessary molecules so that your body has the ability to react and respond in a timely manner to the different physical demands. 

Note: Creatine can improve performance in sports practice in amateur athletes or high-performance athletes. (1)

What is creatine used for?

Creatine supplementation can give you many immediate benefits , especially if you are engaged in explosive or high-intensity sports. Here are some of these benefits:

1. Increase muscle mass

One of the main contributions of creatine is that it can significantly increase your muscle mass , due to a mechanism called sarcoplasmic hypertrophy , which consists of muscle growth due to the accumulation of intracellular fluid in the muscle cells.

Important: A personalized dose of 0.07 grams of creatine per kg of body weight is recommended during intense sports activities.

Research has indicated that creatine supplementation is associated with increases in muscle fiber area when combined with resistance exercise training. (two)

Note: Creatine is also used to treat degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system such as sarcopenia. (3)

2. Boosts sports performance

Another of the positive effects of creatine is that it increases power and muscle strength in the development of physical activities of moderate to high intensity. (4)

This occurs because there is an exchange of molecules from phosphocreatine to the adenosine diphosphate (ADP) molecule, converting it into an adenosine triphosphate (ATP) molecule , responsible for cellular energy. This metabolic reaction allows an increase in resistance, a quick recovery and reduces muscle fatigue.

Tip: If you are going to start creatine consumption, it is recommended to start a loading phase with a dose of 20 grams of creatine for at least 4 consecutive days.

3. Improves cognitive functions

Just as creatine supplementation favors the synthesis of energy in cells, especially in muscle cells, it also has the function of favoring the replenishment of brain energy reserves.

It is then that creatine supplementation could improve cognitive functions and the performance of brain functions, with more favorable effects in people with vegetarian diets or older adults, due to their low phosphocreatine reserves, including preventing or treating neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s . , Parkinson’s, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and Huntington’s disease . (5)

To highlight: Research papers have associated the presence of higher levels of creatine in the blood, compatible with a greater use of oxygen in the brain. (6)

4. Strengthens the bones

Since creatine supplementation brings benefits in energy production at the cellular level, its intake could favor the development and maintenance of bone structure, preventing degenerative diseases such as osteoporosis.

Note: Creatine as a supplement can come in three forms: creatine monohydrate, micronized creatine, and creatine HCL.

5. Improves symptoms of metabolic syndrome

The human organism, having the possibility of having enough energy in the short term to carry out moderate to intense physical activities due to the consumption of creatine, eventually accompanied by an exercise plan, greatly helps to reduce blood sugar and cholesterol levels. , in addition to reducing obesity.

Creatine has also been reported to increase glucose transport and muscle glycogen content, improving glucose tolerance.

You should know: Studies have proven that regular physical exercise and sports practice reduce the symptoms of metabolic syndrome (7)

6. Promotes skin health

Thanks to the energy metabolism produced by creatine at the cellular level, it stimulates the production of proteins such as collagen, which provides elasticity and firmness to the skin.

Highlights: Cosmetology uses creatine topically along with other products to reduce sagging skin and wrinkles.

When should creatine be taken?

Experts recommend taking creatine in supplement form, before starting your workout or after you get up in the morning, although it is not mandatory to take creatine at an exact time every day. 

Note: It can also be consumed in the daily diet, adding the dose in juices or drinks. 

As mentioned, creatine should start with an initial loading phase of 20 grams, divided into equal portions daily for the first 4 days, and then a second maintenance phase of 4-5 grams daily for a period of three to six months.

To highlight: The daily dose of creatine can be increased if physical activity requires it, but for short periods of time.

What damage does cretin cause?

Despite being considered a very safe supplement for consumption, creatine has reported some manifestations that are unwanted by some users and which we will discuss below:

1. Increased body weight

One of the main effects of using creatine is the increase in muscle mass due to its hypertrophy. 

This hypertrophy occurs because creatine retains water within the muscle cells , increasing their size and, on the other hand, due to the increase in muscle strength, the muscle also increases its fibrillar size. Both factors contribute to the increase in body weight.

You should know: Generally, the weight gain during the intake of creatine monohydrate supplements is approximately 2 kilograms , depending on the gains in muscle fiber.

2. Muscular disorders

In this regard, there is not enough scientific evidence to indicate adverse effects on muscles, beyond those caused by muscle work overload in terms of weight, dehydration or intensity of training physical activity.

Note: The consumption of creatine monohydrate has not been reported in healthy people, the appearance of any catastrophic disease.

3. Gastrointestinal upsets

Gastrointestinal discomforts usually occur when there is an exaggerated and prolonged consumption of creatine.

If the consumption is carried out with the indicated initial load and taken for the indicated period of time, there should be no complications in the gastrointestinal system, although it seems that all individuals have a different way of assimilating this type of supplement, some being more sensitive. than others .

Important: If you notice adverse reactions such as diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, and abdominal pain while taking creatine, discontinue use and consult your doctor.

4. Alterations in renal function

As we have previously mentioned, this supplement causes water retention within the muscle cells, increasing its total presence in the body. If you suffer from kidney damage or kidney failure, it is advisable not to consume this supplement to prevent the appearance of other health problems. (8)

To highlight: However, in healthy subjects it has not been reported to cause alterations in the renal system. (9)

Key Findings

  • Creatine is a dietary supplement that helps generate metabolic energy 
  • It can prevent the appearance of metabolic diseases .
  • Creatine consumption favors cognitive functions.
  • Creatine increases muscle mass , explosive resistance and reduces fatigue.
  • It is recommended for people with degenerative diseases such as sarcopenia, osteoporosis among others.

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