The study of the mind of human beings has been for centuries a topic discussed by great philosophers, scientists and thinkers who have been interested in revealinghow people’s brains work according to psychology.

That is why, over time, different theories and currents of study have been created, which focus oninvestigating the individual’s response to different situations.

For these reasons, in the following article we will detailwhat cognitivism is, its characteristics and the main authorswho dedicated themselves to shaping this theory.

What is cognitivism?

Cognitivism is basically apsychological theorythat is based on how the human being can think, interpret, process and then store all kinds of information. It deals directly withthe processing of informationand the ability of the individual to learn from it and store that knowledge.

Note: This theory is based on multiple psychological branches, based oncognitive psychology, artificial intelligence,learning theories, among others.

In this sense, the cognitivism approach focuses onthinking and learning methodsthrough it, taking into account the perception that the human possesses at that moment about what he is observing or doing.

In addition to factors such as behavior,ideas, behaviorand the different previousknowledge you have already acquired.

What are the characteristics of cognitivism?

Being a complex theory, it is strictly related to othertypes of thoughts, however it has its own characteristics. Here are some of them:

1. Focuses on the mental processes of knowledge

Cognitivist theorists are based on the different processes through which the mind goes through when receiving information that is later processed and stored to transform it into knowledge.

You should know: All this process of understanding situations, problems, relationships, working memory, among others that are part of the mental processes , are considered as necessary learning or teaching to face the different contexts of life and the world. (1)

2. Learning is generated based on experience

The learning process is continuous, for this, according to cognition, it is necessary for the human mind to face different scenarios to acquire enough experience to obtain knowledge or teaching.

In other words, cognitive psychology is based on the fact that the different scenarios that a person goes through throughout his life are the ones that will progressively help him to Acquire learning effectively .

3. Synthesizes the form and the content received by the perceptions

The different perceptions that any individual may have about the world, concepts or any type of information, is linked to their own motivations, the interest that the object or reason arouses in them and the experience they already have about it, in addition to their behavior. and point of view regarding said reality.

4. It involves various disciplines centered on the human mind.

The theory of cognitivism can be branched into different categories or stages , this is because when analyzing the human mind directly it becomes a broad and complex topic.

To highlight: Among these disciplines are involved artificial intelligence or the relationship of data processing from the human mind to machines, the constructivist movement that deals with the meaning that human beings give to their own life and cognitive linguistics , which is the process of perception, memory and attention.

Who are the main authors of cognitivism?

Information, understanding and learning are based on the cognitivist current, however all these processes were carried out from the thought and knowledge of great authors , some of them below:

1. Jean Piaget

He was an important scientist, biologist and epistemologist of Swiss origin who based his interest in psychology on studying human behavior from childhood , thus devising the scheme of behavioral development of the human being from the most basic aspects, to the different perceptions he has during life. (two)

2. David Ausubel

Of American origin, this psychologist and pedagogue assured that the individual can acquire and deepen his knowledge using information technology tools, he also pointed out that learning processes are more effective if they are related to each other .

3. Jerome Bruner

This American psychologist describes that the learning processes must be guided by the curiosity that each individual possesses, that is, take their interests into account and help them explore them so that the capture of information and education is through an active stimulus. and fluid.

Key Findings

  • Cognitivism focuses on the ability of the human being to think , process information, categorize it and store it.
  • This theory is based on the mental processes of knowledge , learning based on experience, the use of perceptions as part of the teachings, among other aspects.
  • Prominent authors immersed in the construction of cognitivism were Jean Piaget, Jerome Bruner and David Ausubel .

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