What is cefixime?

Cefixime is amedicine of an antibiotic nature. Its active ingredient is cefixime trihydrate, considered an antibiotic of cephalosporin class, exerting a mechanism of actionon penicillins proteinsthus reversing the synthesis of bacterial walls, inhibiting their action.

Its presentation is inhard capsules of 400 mg, with recommended doses of one per day in adult patients, althoughit may vary depending on the doctor’s recommendation. It is a medication that must be taken every day, always at the same time due to its mechanism and functioning.

Note: Due to the nature of the drug, it requires a prescriptionto be obtained.

What is cefixime for?

As we mentioned previously, cefixime is anantibiotic indicated for certain types of infections, especially caused by bacteria. We mention below its main uses in treatments:

1. Respiratory tract infections

To highlight: Cefixime is also oriented for the treatment of tonsillitis and pharyngitis, allowing effective control of the infection and symptoms. The recommended treatment dose is 200 mg daily. (1)

2. Ear infections

Ear infections are characterized by needing antibiotics for treatment, since they are usually due to bacterial or viral causes.

You should know: They are developed in the inner, middle or outer ear and the use of cefixime as a treatment allows control of the symptoms and reduction of the risk of incidence. (two)

3. Urinary tract infections

Note: For its treatment it is usually recommended to indicate 400 mg of cefixime every 24 hours for a minimum of 5 days. (3)

Cefixime Side Effects

Every medicine has a list of possible side effects,which can develop during treatment. We mention those of cefixime below:

  • Headaches, nausea and vomiting.
  • Abdominal pain, diarrhea and mild cramps.
  • Drowsiness, loss of appetite, and skin rash.

Important: If you have any side effect and it persists even after discontinuing treatment, it is recommended to seek medical assistance for information .

Contraindications of cefixime

Contraindications are factors that we must take into account before consuming a medication, thus allowing the reduction of the risk of developing adverse effects during treatment. We mention below the contraindications of cefixime:

  • Do not indicate if you are allergic or hypersensitive to any of the medicine’s compounds.
  • Do not indicate to children under 12 years of age.
  • Do not indicate if the patient suffers from renal deficiencies.
  • Do not indicate whether the patient has ever had colitis .
  • Do not indicate if you are allergic to penicillin.

To highlight: It is advisable to notify the doctor about the health conditions that the patient presents, in order to take the necessary measures for the correct administration of the medication.

Key Findings

  • Cefixime is an antibiotic indicated for infections due to its active ingredient.
  • Cefixime should be prescribed by a medical professional and supervised for the duration of treatment.
  • Its presentation is in 400 mg tablets and it is usually indicated in those doses or half of it, depending on what the doctor considers.
  • The use of cefixime is oriented in cases of chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, otitis media , sinusitis , typhoid fever and other types of infectious diseases, in a single dose.

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