What is anisocytosis?

Anisocytosis is a term used in medicine to identifya disorder that occurs in red blood cells or erythrocytes. (1)

This is characterized by the presence of erythrocytes that despite having the same morphology, have a variation in size being some larger than the normal measure, due to a disorder called macrocytosisand others smaller than the standard measure with the termmicrocytosis.

Important: Hypochromia and anisocytosis can manifest at the same time in cases of anemia.

On the other hand, anisocytosis may be related to some type of anemia due to the deficiency of iron in the body, an essential mineral for the synthesis of hemoglobin and the production of red blood cells in the blood.

It should be noted that the terms anisocytosis and poikilocytosis should not be confused, since the second refers to the difference in the morphology of red blood cells.

What causes anisocytosis?

We have already mentioned that anisocytosisis a disorder in the red blood cells, and the causes attributed to it are the following:

1. Anemia

Anemia is a condition in which normal hemoglobin levels are decreased in red blood cells. This can happen for several reasons, however in anisocytosis it usually occurs in some types of anemia due to iron deficiency for hemoglobin synthesis. (2)

This hemoglobin deficiency causes alteration in the diameter of the size of red blood cells above or below normal reference values.

To highlight: According to data collected bythe World Health Organization (WHO), it is estimated that the worldwide prevalence of anemia corresponds to 24.8%. (3)

2. Vitamin and mineral deficiency

Anisocytosis has also been associated withthe deficiency of some micronutrients essentialfor the synthesis and production of hemoglobin and red blood cells.

This deficiency ofvitaminsand minerals is attributable to poor eating habits and are referred to thelow availability of folic acid (vitamin B9) and vitamin B12 (cobalamin).

Note: It is advisable to give the patient with anisocytosis, all the necessary information about his health condition.

3. Blood transfusions

When the patient needs to go to blood transfusion therapy torecover the minimum blood values, including hemoglobin, it may happen that the blood usedcontains red blood cells of greater or lesser sizethan the patient.

You should know: This is usuallydetected in a hematology, after the transfusion performed.

4. Diseases and medical treatments

Another cause that can cause anisocytosis is that the patient suffers fromsickle cell disease, chronic liver disease and myelodysplastic syndrome. These diseasesoften alter the size of erythrocytes.

Another way in which erythrocytes can alter their size is with the application of medical treatmentssuch as chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

To highlight: Anisocytosis can be detected throughthe erythrocyte distribution width parameter.

How is anisocytosis cured?

Anisocytosis can be treated without major complications, when its origin comes from theinsufficiency of some micronutrientsnecessary for the synthesis of hemoglobin. Here we mention the commonly used strategies:

1. Increase your intake of foods rich in iron and vitamin C

The modification of eating habits will be one of thestrategies to be implemented to treat anisocytosis, so the intake ofiron-rich foodswill be the first options.

Note: It is advisable to consumegreen leafy vegetablessuch asspinachandbroccoli, red meat, chicken or fish and some legumes.

In addition, the consumption of vitamin C is necessary, since it is known that this vitamin intervenes directly in the synthesis of hemoglobin and in theproduction of red blood cells. (4)

2. Consume dietary supplements

Another strategy to which we can go is the consumption of vitaminsupplements, when the origin of the anemia that has caused anisocytosisis due tothe deficiency of folic acid or vitamin B12.

It should be noted that these micronutrients also participate in the synthesis of hemoglobin and in theproduction of blood tissue.

Important: It is recommended in both strategies, the prior medical assessment by a specialist, who after an evaluation can decide the most appropriate intervention for each patient.

Key Findings

  • Anisocytosis refers to theirregular sizeof red blood cellsand is detectedthrough hematology.
  • The main cause of anisocytosisis anemia, due to the insufficiency of some macronutrients in the body.
  • Anisocytosisis associated withhypochromia, another disorder manifested in cases of anemia.
  • Anisocytosis can becontrolled and curedwith the implementation of nutritional strategies, which involve theconsumption of foods with iron and vitamin C.

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