Many times nature can be treacherous, even in the medical field there are certain anomalies of the human body, sometimes quite harmful for everyday life.

In this article, we will learn about a famous anomaly known as anencephaly , as well as its main causes and prevention.

What is anencephaly?

Anencephaly is a rare abnormality that occurs in brain tissue, specifically in the area of ​​the neural tube (a structure of the central nervous system), being one of the most common abnormalities in embryonic development.

In the case of a series of cognitive defects that damage brain tissue and the spinal cord, it is known that anencephaly occurs at the beginning of the development of the fetus and a sudden closure of the neural tube occurs, without known or determined causes, which generates that the fetus is born without part of the skull or proper cranial chamber.

Note: A study mentions that “Anencephaly occurs in about 1 in 10,000 births and the exact number is not known, because in many cases of these pregnancies a spontaneous abortion occurs.” (1)

Causes of anencephaly

Anencephaly has various theories about its causes, although they are not very determined, however they are factors that can influence. We present the main causes:

1. Defective neural tube

This refers to a series of cognitive defects or malformations of the neural tube , through the brain and spine (including the spinal cord) when closure of the neural tube occurs. It is considered one of the main possible causes, as well as the most serious of the central nervous system.

Important: A medical study mentions that “Neural tube defects are the second congenital anomaly with a frequency that generally ranges between 0.5 and 2 per 1000 pregnancies in the US” . (two)

2. Alteration in genes and chromosomes

It is another possible cause of anencephaly when an alteration occurs in the genes, that is, the fragments of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), which can occur due to mutations or malformations , as well as receiving an extra chromosome , which is the cause of chromosomal abnormalities and syndromes. or a human disorder.

3. Low consumption of folic acid during pregnancy

Low consumption of folic acid is detrimental to the development of the fetus. It is a very nutritious vitamin, found mainly in green vegetables such as broccoli, spinach and even beans. Provides the production of DNA , helping to carry genetic information and also the development of red blood cells.

Note: Thanks to a study, it is known that “The decrease in the prevalence of neural tube defects due to preconception folic acid replacement is transcendental in the prevention of congenital malformations” . (3)

4. Obesity and diabetes

Obesity (commonly overweight) is a huge risk factor for the development of diabetes, which during pregnancy can affect the life of the fetus, which is also known as gestational diabetes , in these cases the type of diabetes cannot be controlled. blood sugar in women, being harmful and can last for years.

5. Environmental factors

Environmental factors also play an important role as a cause of anencephaly, see environmental pollution, carbon dioxide, tobacco smoke and prolonged exposure to the sun (Many environmental factors can vary by country and climate).

6. Anti-seizure medications

Especially for those who suffer from epilepsy, the consumption of anticonvulsant drugs during pregnancy is extremely harmful for the fetus and even for the mother, mainly due to the side effects that these drugs entail.

Note: The best known anti-seizure medications are carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine, lamotrigine, and valproic acid.

How is anencephaly prevented?

Fortunately, there are several ways to prevent anencephaly during pregnancy to protect the life of the fetus and the mother. We present the main preventions that must be taken into account:

1. Consume folic acid before and during pregnancy

It is advisable to add foods rich in folic acid to the diet before and during pregnancy.

Note: You will get this type of nutrient in green vegetables, various citrus fruits such as pineapple, orange and strawberry (even rich in vitamin B). It should be noted that the null presence of folic acid is not common in humans

2. Maintain adequate nutrition and weight

Food must be consumed in adequate and not exaggerated portions, for this it is necessary to do medical check-ups during pregnancy, which determine the amount (in grams) of food dishes that must be consumed during the 9 months.

Important: Weight must also be taken care of, since an excess of it increases the risk of diseases and complications for both the mother and the baby, including anencephaly.

3. Avoid unsuitable medications during pregnancy

Do not take medications such as antidepressants, anti-inflammatories or other types of drugs that have serious side effects, during pregnancy this can affect the central nervous system and therefore harms the life of the fetus.

4. Avoid high temperatures during pregnancy

Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun (see going to the beach during pregnancy or even bathing in extremely hot water), as this can affect the skin and cause blisters or other types of ills, which affect both the mother and the fetus that it is developing.

Key Findings

  • Anencephaly is an abnormality of brain tissue and is one of the most common.
  • It occurs during the development of the fetus and especially during the prenatal stage of pregnancy or the fourth week of it.
  • The causes are not specific, but vary due to environmental factors, malformations, or neural tube defects.
  • It can be easily prevented, mostly by eating foods rich in folic acid and B vitamins.

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