Man needs to satisfy the deficiencies, with certain elements that guaranteesubsistence, the maintenance of well-being and emotional balancein fullness. These deficiencies are calledhuman needs.
In the following article, we will tell you whata need consists of in the human beingand we will mention what its types are.
ToggleWhat is a necessity?
The word need, can be conceptualized as theimpulse that arisesfrom the physiological or psychologicallack of important elements in the individual and that need to be satisfied tomaintain physical and mental balance, that is, it is thefeeling of the lack of somethingthat is considered essential. (1)
On the other hand, in Psychology, the conceptualization of need is referred toan impulse arising from a state of tension, due to a concrete lack.
Note: It must be clarified that the term desire does not have the same meaning of need, since the first refers tothose things that we would like to have but thatdo not satisfy any human need. (2)
It is important to emphasize that theprimaryorbasichuman needs do notvary with the evolution of manand are not different between race or type of culture.
What are the types of needs?
Due to the complexity of human beings, we havedifferenttypes of needsaccording to the context in which they arise and which we mention below:
1. Human
When we ask ourselves: What is a human need?, we can say that they are those deficiencies that the human beingneeds to satisfy, in order to live a full and healthy life. For the psychologistAbraham Maslow(3) these human needscan be described on 5 levels, according to his “Needs Theory”(4):
- Physiological needs: They are the first to appear in the human species and refers to vital needs and which are mainly of a biological order such as drinking water, sleeping, eating, sex, shelter, among others.
- Needs for belonging and love: In the third level of the Maslow Pyramid Pyramid , there are those needs related to belonging to a group, being accepted by peers, having friends, giving and receiving affection.
- Need for self-realization : This last step is more related to personal achievements that can satisfy their reason for being in life,which is why they are difficult to define since each person has their personal fulfillment goals. They could be, for example, the fact ofstarting a family and making them achieve their goals in life or perhaps reaching the Greatest Spiritual Development.
To highlight: The means we use to satisfy needs Can change and become unlimited.
2. Economic
Economic needs are those whose satisfaction requires the use of resources for for the acquisition of economic goods and servicesand for their satisfaction some economic activity must be carried out. Among theseEconomic NeedsWe can mention:
- have a cell phone
- Go to the private doctor.
- Use the public transport.
- Travel on vacation.
- have a car
You should know: To satisfy these needs you have to invest money , which must be produced through work.
3. Specials
, so they require advanced special education. In this context, the may arise:
- People with physical, hearing or visual disabilities.
- Behavioral disorders that impede concentration.
- People with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
- People with autism spectrum disorders.
- People with above-average cognitive abilities.
- Individuals with high degrees of concentration and problem solving.
Key Findings
- The need is the impulse that arises from the physiological or psychological lack of important elements.
- The need requires to be attended, to maintain the physical and mental balance of the individual.
- The basic human needs do not vary with the evolutionof man.
- The means and resources to satisfy basic needs are unlimited.

University Professional in the area of Human Resources, Postgraduate in Occupational Health and Hygiene of the Work Environment, 14 years of experience in the area of health. Interested in topics of Psychology, Occupational Health, and General Medicine.