Vitamins are essential substances for good body health. They help control and improve the vigor of all body systems. They can be found in various foods, mainly those of plant origin.

One of the important vitamins is vitamin D, which is mainly responsible for strengthening bones. However, an excess in the consumption of this nutrient can cause poisoning in our body with serious consequences.

For this reason, in this article we will explain in detail the consequences of excess vitamin D , in order to be very careful when taking this nutrient.

What is vitamin D?

Vitamin D is a substance that can be found in various foods, mainly milk, eggs, vegetables, legumes, fish and nuts . The largest source of cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3) is natural exposure to the sun.

This substance is very useful for the functioning of the body , since it helps to correctly absorb calcium and other minerals. It also allows the strengthening of the immune, nervous and muscular system. In addition, it is an extraordinary source of nutrition for the skin and teeth.

Important: A study in Spain revealed that a vitamin D deficiency can cause diseases and health risks such as osteoporosis, cystic fibrosis, chronic liver and kidney complications. (1)

What are the side effects of excess vitamin D?

Now, the human organism must be kept in constant balance. Any excess of substances can cause irreparable damage. Below we will inform you of some consequences generated by excessive consumption of vitamin D:

1. Accumulation of calcium in the blood

Vitamin D poisoning causes an imbalance in hemoglobin and amino acids , since it generates an excessive accumulation of calcium in the blood that causes diarrhea, vomiting, weakness and gastrointestinal discomfort. It is recommended to consume this substance naturally through food and sun exposure.

In this sense, untreated hypercalcemia (excess calcium) can cause bone collapse. In addition, it stops the production of white and red blood cells, which weakens the immune system. This is why vitamin D should be consumed in moderate doses and accompanied by plenty of fluids.

Important: A study was carried out in Chile on infants under 6 months of age, who presented vitamin D intoxication, causing muscle pain, vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration and severe hypercalcemia . They were prescribed a calcium-free diet for their speedy recovery. (two)

2. Gastrointestinal upsets

A hypervitaminosis D in the body can cause damage to the stomach and colon, since it generates the desire to vomit after any meal and weight loss. This is because there is a collapse in the gastric system and deficiency of other minerals.

Likewise, the production of intestinal flora may decrease. The fecal material becomes rigid and difficult to expel. In addition, it causes a greater presence of acids within the stomach, which over time can become gastritis.

To highlight: In Venezuela, an experiment was carried out on rats where they were given high doses of Vitamin D. After some time, these animals presented mucosanguineous diarrhea, loss of appetite and weight, hemorrhagic vomiting, muscle weakness, and lethargy. (3)

3. Muscle and bone weakness

Vitamin D is essential for the proper functioning of the muscular and skeletal system; but when consumed in excess it can cause pain in tendons and joints. In the same way, it prevents blood from going naturally to the muscles , which slows down their growth and restoration when doing any physical activity.

You should know: Hypervitaminosis D can cause loss of teeth . In addition, the body is prone to fractures and breakage in the bone system. It also prevents other minerals such as iron, zinc and magnesium from being absorbed by the bones.

4. Disorders in kidney function

Unfortunately, kidney function is greatly affected by vitamin D toxicity . High doses of this substance can cause digestive disorders such as diarrhea, but it also creates an imbalance in stomach acids, preventing the correct production of bile and preventing its expulsion.

To highlight: If they are extended for a long time, megadoses can cause discomfort and deterioration in the liver and pancreas.

5. Fatigue and loss of appetite

Excess vitamin D in some patients can cause fatigue and tiredness , even when at rest. This substance alters the cardiac levels of the heart and in turn hinders the passage of oxygen to the lungs.

Note: After a megadose of vitamin D , sleep problems may occur. Some patients have expressed insomnia of up to 7 continuous hours. Plus, it decreases energy levels during the day .

6. Increased blood pressure

High intake of vitamin D greatly affects heart health. This substance obstructs the natural levels of calcium in the blood , which causes an exaggerated increase in blood pressure. If large portions are consumed for a very long time, it can cause heart attacks and strokes.

7. Mood disturbance

Vitamin D is closely related to the prevention of depressive and anxiety symptoms. So, said toxicity can cause sudden mood swings with no apparent explanation.

You should know: Vitamin D systematizes the levels of hormones within the brain , mainly serotonin, which is in charge of regulating moods. In people with suicidal tendencies it is recommended to avoid its consumption for a long time.

Key Findings

  • Vitamin D is very important for the functions of the body , its main role being to strengthen the bones and boost the immune system.
  • A vitamin D deficiency generates health complications and increases the risk of osteoporosis, kidney disease and cystic fibrosis.
  • It is recommended to consume in moderation , when it is through vitamin D supplements.
  • Its excess causes calcium imbalances that lower hemoglobin and affect the body’s hormonal system.
  • A megadose of vitamin D generates terrible intestinal and gastric problems.

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