The oral cavity is considered thegateway to everything we consume, therefore, it suffers from the accumulation of bacteria and food debris that can causediscomfort such as gum inflammation.
That is why we present the following article where we give you information aboutthe causes of gum inflammationand how you can treat it.
ToggleWhat is gum inflammation?
Inflammation of the gums or gingival inflammation, refers to a symptom that occurs in theoral cavity because of a more complex disease, specifically in the gum which is irritated and inflamed causing bleeding when brushing, sensitivity to touch, mouth ulcers, in addition tobad breath, among others. (1)
This symptom of inflamed gums is a problem that deteriorates the qualityof life of the individual and is very common in the young population, which can only be diagnosedafter a dental evaluation.
Note: This condition can occur from very simple situationssuch as the consumption of irritating foods, to the suffering of a complex periodontal disease.
What are the causes of gum inflammation?
There are several causes thatcan cause inflammation of the gums, which we will tell you:
1. Gingivitis, periodontitis and mouth ulcers
Gingivitis,periodontitis and mouth ulcersare diseases of the oral cavityand develop in the gums, due to many factors among which can be theaccumulation of bacteria and food debristhat cause inflammation of the gums, by the formation of dental plaque or tartar. (2)
2. Nutritional deficiencies and hormonal changes
Nutritional deficiency problems are very common in countries with few opportunities for economic development and whose diet of its inhabitants is low in vitamin C and iron . (3)
To highlight: These particular vitamin and mineral deficiencies can cause a weakened immune system in the oral mucosa, including the gums, causing inflammation among its symptoms.
Likewise, hormonal changes in women during menstruation cause redness, inflammation and bleeding of the gums . (4)
3. Orthodontics and dental prostheses
The gum can be damaged with wounds or blisters caused by braces, dentures or other dental appliances intended to correct the teeth. (5)
Likewise, insufficient oral hygiene during the period of use of these devices can cause the accumulation of bacteria that give rise to inflammation of the tissue that protects the teeth.
4. Medicines and oral hygiene products
Remember that the Main Entry Route into the body of everything we consume is the oral cavity.
In this sense, there are patients who are sensitive to any medication and even to certain oral hygiene products, which can cause allergic reactions in the tissue that covers and protects the teeth, causing inflammation among its symptoms. (6)
How to relieve gum inflammation?
Fortunately , there are several simple tips to follow , which will allow you to maintain healthy gums and which we describe below:
1. Perform proper oral hygiene
The first treatments will be oriented towards prevention and oral health , which is why correct oral hygiene is very necessary, whose purpose is the elimination of food remains that can accumulate between the teeth , causing the proliferation of bacteria, the formation of plaque and/or tartar around them, leading to inflammation of the gums.
You should know: The correct brushing of teeth and gums after each meal, the use of mouthwash and dental floss, are habits designed to maintain the health of the gums and the mouth in general. (7)
2. Maintain an adequate diet
This condition must also be treated and controlled, with a diet that favors the strengthening of the immune system and thus protects the mouth from bacteria, germs or fungi that can cause gingival inflammation. (8)
foods such as milk and its derived products; fruits rich in vitamin C such as
3. Avoid irritating foods and products
The skin of the gums is delicate and less resistantto attacks by irritating agents. For this reason, it is necessary to avoid, as far as possible, the consumption of foods and products with a high degree of irritating components, which can damage this protective layer of the teeth, causing sores and ulcers, with the consequent inflammation of this tissue.
In this sense, you should limit the consumption of of spicy, highly acidic drinks such as wine, soy sauce, vinegar, ketchup, among others.
4. Avoid cigarette and alcohol consumption
Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages decreases the defensive capacity of the immune system in the mouth, allowing the bacteria that live there to proliferate uncontrollably and attack the skin of the gums, causing inflammation.
On the other hand, tobacco use causes nicotine to be deposited between the teeth and causes gingivitis, and in more serious cases it can cause periodontitistag. In both cases, inflammation of the gums and pain will be present.(9)
Important: Excessive alcohol consumption should be avoided as much as possible and tobacco should be eliminated as an integral part of the lifestyle.
5. Drink enough water
The hydration of the oral cavity is important to avoid the accumulation of pathogenic microorganisms and the decomposition of food remains that cause inflammation of the gums.
6. Consult with a professional dentist
It is also important to visit an oral health professional, such as a dentist or dentist, at least twice a year , so that he or she performs a preventive evaluation of your oral health and makes the necessary corrective measures beforehand.
Key Findings
- Gum inflammation is a symptom of a more complex disease.
- Gum inflammation is diagnosed after a dental evaluation.
- Gum inflammation is caused by the accumulation of bacteria and food debris.
- Gum inflammation can be treated and prevented mainly with proper oral hygiene.

University Professional in the area of Human Resources, Postgraduate in Occupational Health and Hygiene of the Work Environment, 14 years of experience in the area of health. Interested in topics of Psychology, Occupational Health, and General Medicine.