ToggleWhat is a stroke?
Stroke, or stroke, is a public health problem where traumaor injury interferes andblocks blood flow to the brain, preventing the transport of oxygen and nutrients to the organs.
As a result,brain cells die slowly, causing damage that can turn out to be permanent or for several years. Stroke is thefifth leading cause of deathand mental disability worldwide, as it is difficult to predict.
To highlight: A study mentions that “There aretwo types of strokecurrently; where it can be hemorrhagic, ischemic and an undetermined one called cerebral venous thrombosis. Both of equal level of severity”.
What can cause a stroke?
Strokehas several key causesthat are important to know, each of which can increase the risk of suffering a hemorrhage or stroke. We present the main causes:
1. Heart problems
Heart problems areclosely linked to a stroke, because the connection between blood veins to the brain are very noticeable, so if there is an abrupt closure in blood transport, it affects the brain.
Important: Thanks to a medical study, the following heart conditions are known “Among the most prominent are hypertension, heart failure, myocardial infarction and atrial fibrillation.”
2. Blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetes
Blood pressure is a major cause of diabetes and can be serious, this, together with cholesterol , causes atherosclerosis and lipohyalinosis (accumulation of fat and thrombosis in the blood) in the arteries of the brain.
Important: It is known that “A diabetic patient, male or female, has a relative risk for any type of stroke that ranges from 1.8 to 3%”.
3. Obesity and sedentary lifestyle
Being overweight and sedentary (lack of physical activity) are a high risk at the time of a stroke, they can even lead directly to death , since blood circulation is very weak and in most cases it can be see interrupted.
4. Consumption of alcohol, cigarettes and psychoactive substances
Finally, the consumption of substances such as alcohol, cigarettes and drugs , since they are mostly chemicals, can cause problemsin the body beyond cancer or a stroke, they affect red blood cells and deteriorate various organs such as the lung. and the heart. They are major risk factors.
Symptoms of a stroke
It is important to recognize the Key Symptoms of a stroke, we present you which are the most relevant and common:
1. Numbness of the face and extremities
Commonly during an attack or stroke, part of the face , either the left or right side, as well as extremities such as the arms , become numb, making speech and physical movement development difficult.
Note: This happens more when someone is awake.
2. Headache, dizziness and loss of balance
The headache can be quite strong, compressing most of the cranial area , as well as feeling strange dizziness and as a consequence it causes loss of balance, this is known since many people with a stroke suffer falls or sudden fainting.
3. Confusion and trouble speaking
Confusion can be experienced, due to the little oxygen that is transported and impairs memory, it also affects the motor functions of the body , blocking sensations in order to speak fluently and understandably.
4. Changes in vision
Vision during a cerebral hemorrhage is altered, it is usually blurred or crosses distorting reality, making the person unable to see clearly, accompanied by confusion and clearly dizziness.
Treatment for a stroke
Fortunately, thanks to various medical advances, various treatments for a stroke are available, these are the most important:
1. Drugs
A doctor may prescribe specific drugs to reduce the risk of blood clots in the brain, such as anticoagulantstag. As well asaspirin, which is consumed directly for platelets and plasminogen activator, which serves to minimize brain damage for the most part.
2. Surgery
Surgery may depend on the patient and the level of damage left by the stroke. This can be decided by the doctor, in order to choose the best method without harming the patient’s life. It is more relevant in case of a subarachnoid hemorrhage.
Important: According to a study “Surgical management in the event of a stroke is controversial and onlydepends on the doctor’s decision in intensive care units. This method is suggested in young people with stroke in a highly advanced state .
3. Rehabilitation therapies
Finally, rehabilitation therapies Help the surviving patientof a cardiovascular attack or a mini stroke. As well as therecovery of speech , joint movement and in other cases, exercises to walk again.
Key Conclusions
- It can occur due to heart problems , smoking or alcohol consumption, obesity, and diabetes.
- Strokes are identified by Joint Numbness , blurred vision, and slurred speech.
- There are various treatments for a stroke, such as the use of drugs, surgery and even rehabilitation therapies.

University Professional in the area of Human Resources, Postgraduate in Occupational Health and Hygiene of the Work Environment, 14 years of experience in the area of health. Interested in topics of Psychology, Occupational Health, and General Medicine.