Hormones are the chemical messengers of our body, they play a fundamental role and control many functionalities. They are mobilized through the bloodstream and from them and their specificities, the correct development of essential processes in our body is allowed.

In the following article we will delve more into what hormones are, what are their various functions and a wide list of the main types that control and coordinate mechanisms.

What are hormones?

In 1902 they were defined by William Bayliss and Ernest Starling as “chemical substances produced by the endocrine glands that, through the capillaries that surround the gland, are released into the bloodstream until they reach the organs and tissues on which they act. ”

They can be classified based on their mechanism of action, being distant as endocrine, close as paracrine, and on the same cell as autocrine. They can also be organized according to their nature and functionality.

Its origin is in the endocrine system, and in the Ask the Scientists Blog they explain it with a metaphor that makes it much easier to understand. For them, the circulatory system would then comprise a super highway and hormones are part of the traffic.

In this sense, the endocrine system would be the controller of everything and designates certain glands to be the ones that make the vehicles.

It is a complex system with very relevant functionality in our organism, being the hormones the ones in charge of transmitting messages through the extension that includes us.

Functions of hormones

Hormones have a wide variety of functions developed in our body, but also with them an individual specificity destined. They are in charge of many mechanisms that we know about, but we ignore the incredible influence of these chemical components.

Next, we will address with a brief explanation the various general functions of hormones in our body.

Ensure correct development

There are several hormones that influence the complex process of growth and also in the cases where it is affected. In short stature problems, this can be caused by hypothyroidism, GH deficiency (Growth Hormone: which is the hormone that regulates growth), among other factors that influence this area.

GH, IGF-I (insulin-like growth factor 1), and thyroid hormones are all involved in stimulating growth in the body and are studied to understand their interactions if a disorder is diagnosed.

Regulate the use and storage of energy

There are hormones such as insulin, which are responsible for helping the body to use the food eaten as a source of energy. The thyroid, for its part, regulates how calories are used. Both work according to the objective.

In addition, there is also dopamine, which supplies energy to the mind and allows it to stay alert, attentive and awake.

In the Kids Health organization they developed an article on ” The endocrine system “ , where they talk about the thyroid hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine, which control the speed with which the body consumes the fuel supplied through food.

Intervene in the reproduction process

In the book Principles of Internal Medicine , there is a chapter developed by J. L Jameson entitled Mechanisms of hormonal action where in their functionality, they explain all the stages of the reproduction process where hormones are involved.

Initially, there are hormones that are responsible for the maturation of the ovarian follicle, which stimulates a gradual increase in the concentrations of estrogen and progesterone.

In pregnancy, the increased synthesis of prolactin in combination with steroids from the placenta prepare the breasts for lactation.

It is also important to mention that there are hormones that participate in the lactation process and stimulate the suction and release of milk.

Act in the functioning of different organs

The organs that comprise the reproductive, digestive, cardiovascular and nervous systems are strictly involved with certain hormones and their functions.

That said, mention is made of the Brigham Health Women’s Hospital Blog , where they published an article specifying the main hormones in the activities of organs such as the pancreas, kidneys, testicles, etc.

For example, they mention that erythropoietin in the kidneys affects the correct production of red blood cells and renin and angiotensin are those that directly control blood pressure, by regulating the production of other hormones such as aldosterone.

regulate metabolism

The endocrine system includes all the control of the body through hormones, among which the metabolism of the body is regulated.

It can speed up or slow down through a hormone called thyroxine, in addition to also helping to control body temperature. It is also involved in the regulation of body growth.

Regulate mood and sexual appetite

There is a long list of hormones that influence our behavior and mood, among which are:

  • Cortisol
  • oxytocin
  • Melatonin
  • Adrenaline
  • endorphins

These can affect in total complexity the characteristics of our development, and it is by themselves that mood changes in women are usually related to their menstrual cycle, since changes in hormonal levels develop during that period of time.

Sexual motivation on the other hand, is involved with hormones such as testosterone, estrogen, oxytocin, progesterone and contribute to our body’s response.

Control the levels of elements in the blood

Blood is the transport that mobilizes hormones through our body, but when they are already there, they can control certain factors such as the speed or concentration of certain elements that are directed to a destination. In fact, they have the possibility to select and extract components.

Main types of hormones

Hormones according to their nature or functionality, have a specific characterization.

The main hormone-producing glands and these themselves will be mentioned below, together with a brief description so that we can better understand how these chemicals carry the responsibility of such complex functions.


The pituitary gland secretes different hormones that influence important aspects of our body. Among them vasopressin, adrenocorticotropin, follicle-stimulating hormone and even GH, which as we mentioned before is growth hormone.


The thyroid gland secretes hormones that are known as thyroid hormones. It also has the ability to store and segregate them as necessary.

Among the main thyroid hormones we can mention thyroxine and triiodothyronine, which influence a large number of various bodily functions, regulation of metabolism and are even involved in body development and growth.

At Cigna they developed an article intended for generalities on ” Production and function of thyroid hormones “ , among which they mention their great field among all the cells and organs of the body and mention that certain diseases or tumors can affect the correct production or dosage in our system.


The parathyroid hormone or also parathormone, is the one that intervenes in the metabolism and regulation of calcium and phosphorus. They are endocrine and are located in the neck just behind the lobe of the thyroid.

It is an important regulator in the values ​​of these minerals in the blood and in the bones of our body.

Growth hormone

The growth hormone or GH, is a hormone secreted by the pituitary glands, it is a protein hormone and regulates growth, electrolyte balance, decreases fat deposits and increases protein uptake in our body.


The adrenal glands secrete hormones such as epinephrine, norepinephrine, cortisol, and aldosterone. Epinephrine is a hormone that works by increasing heart rate, blood flow, and oxygen intake. Norepinephrine is responsible for stabilizing and maintaining blood pressure.


Estrogen is a hormone that is produced in the ovaries. It is the one that influences the development of female sexual characteristics and is essential for the proper functioning of the uterus and breasts. They are steroidal sex hormones and it is also responsible for the appearance of menstruation.


Testosterone is produced in the testicles, it is the main male hormone and is responsible for developing and maturing sexual characteristics. It allows the growth of body hair, the deepening of the voice and controls sexual desire. In fact, it is the hormone in charge of producing sperm.


Progesterone is also a sex hormone. It is released in the ovaries and is responsible for stimulating the lining of the uterus for fertilization, as well as preparing the breasts for lactation, as we mentioned earlier in the article.

With a deficiency of this hormone, there are problems to be able to support the implantation and development of a pregnancy.


Adrenaline, also known as epinephrine, is a hormone and neurotransmitter produced by the adrenal glands and is used as a medication for the treatment of cardiorespiratory deficiencies and superficial bleeding.

This same hormone is responsible for increasing blood glucose in the muscles and liver, so that the body produces more energy.


The organism with the pineal gland releases this hormone at night to facilitate rest, among its most outstanding functions. It regulates the sleep cycle and the gland that produces it is located in the brain. It is used as an alternative medicine for insomnia problems.


Insulin is a polypeptide hormone. It is responsible for reducing blood sugar levels and stimulates the metabolism of fats, proteins and clearly, glucose. It is produced in the pancreas and is responsible for mobilizing sugars in our body to tissues that require energy.


Cortisol is a steroid hormone produced by the adrenal gland. It has an effect on almost all tissues and organs in our body, reducing stress and fighting infections.

As it has important effects on the regulation of our body, its shortage causes loss of appetite and even anemia.


This hormone is responsible for regulating how our body distributes and uses its energy. It also regulates body temperature, moods and even muscle development. It is known as T4 and is a thyroid hormone.


Also known as antidiuretic hormone, it is secreted by the hypothalamus. An excess of this hormone would cause fluid retention and the blood sodium concentration would decrease due to dilution. It should be noted that vasopressin is very sensitive to the effects of alcoholic substances.


It is a peptide hormone that stimulates milk production in the breasts and progesterone synthesis. It is produced by the pituitary gland and affects the level of sex hormones (estrogens and testosterone), in both women and men.


Oxytocin is used as a medication to stop postpartum bleeding It also works to stimulate contractions of the uterus. It can behave as a hormone or as a neurotransmitter, influencing the correct activity of the nervous system.


Histamine is a molecule that also functions both hormonally and as a neurotransmitter. It is involved in the responses of the immune system and regulates functions of the stomach and central nervous system (CNS).


Gastrin is a polypeptide gastrointestinal hormone, secreted by the duodenum and pancreas. It is released to produce cells important for the stomach lining after eating food and stimulates the production of components of gastric juices.


It is a hormone that mainly influences the regulation of the metabolism of minerals such as calcium and phosphorus. It is polypeptide and is composed of a linear chain of 32 amino acids. It is secreted and produced by the thyroid.


It is considered the most important sex hormone for women. It is responsible for the growth of the mammary glands, the development of the body and the appearance of menstrual cycles. Men also have low estradiol levels like testosterone women.

It is a form of estrogen, produced in the ovaries and metabolized in the liver. It is used for menopausal treatments, reducing dryness, burning sensations and irritations in the vaginal area.

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