What is human development?

Humandevelopmentcan be defined asthat process where human beings intervene to expand their options and capacities, which allows them to achieve a better quality of life, well-being, education, learningand access to the resources they require for a decent standard of living. (1)

Note: Humandevelopmentconsists of one’s own plan for maturityand the demands of the environment, which make ita difficult path to adulthoodbecause it is full of challenges.

However, the results of human developmentreflect the form and satisfaction that individuals demonstratein overcoming these obstacles.

What are the stages of human development?

The literature on this subject, points to the American psychologist Erik Erikson(2), as responsible forthe design of the 8 basic stagesin thedevelopmentof a person from the perspective of evolutionary psychology(3) and which we describe below:

1. Prenatal

The prenatal stage includesfrom conception to delivery, time in which the individual in a state of gestation is already considered a human being.

2. Childhood

The second stage of the life cycle of human development is called the childhood stage and is between the time of birth and three years of age.

It is characterized by being the phase in which the child begins to control the sphincters and learn and control muscle movements, but is dependent, but his physical development is very fast.

3. Early childhood

This stage ranges from 3 to 6 years of age. Children during this 3-year period begin to interact with each other, improve motor skills and strength , increase self-control, and begin to become independent.

You should know:Because they can do many things on their own, they tend to show more self-centered behavior . behavior

4. Middle childhood

Note: It is a very sensitive stage since it is the moment in which the child forms his self- esteem , in addition to which physical growth begins to slow down and his body Prepares to enter the puberty stage .

5. Adolescence

In this stage of life it covers the ages from 12 to 20 years. It is a very difficult stage for the human being, because there is a considerable increase in the blood of sexual hormones, in addition, very rapid and significant physical changes occur.

is very susceptible. Much of their emotional stability depends on

6. Early adulthood

This period of human development is between 20 and 40 years of age.

At this stage, it is hoped that the individual has reached their emotional maturity, but this is not always the case, since many external factors must influence, however, at these ages they already have some defined objectives, such as professionalization, family and stability. economic.

You should know: Here the individual’s own identity is consolidated, the intellectual capacity becomes something more complex and is planned with medium and long-term objectives.

7. Middle adulthood

This stage of life covers between 40 and 60 years of agetag. Here many peoplerethink the meaning of life and give more importance to family matters than their own.

Note: Due to the short time left to live, their objectives are aimed at their fulfillment as peopleand they are more careful with their personal health. It is a stage for reflection.

8. Late adulthood

Covers from 60 years onwardstag. As of this age, they are considered to be in the third age and these people are considered old, but despite this, the majority continue to maintain good physical and emotional health, although in this aspect they are declining.

To highlight: Although it may be fatalistic, at this point there is an acceptance of the end of life as a natural process.

Key Findings

  • Human development refers to the process where the human being intervenes to expand their individual options and capabilities.
  • Human development consists of a personal plan for the integral maturity of the individual.
  • Human development comprises the passage through 8 stages that go from the prenatal cycle to the cycle of late adulthood.
  • With the passage through each cycle, the individual acquires learning and experience to take on new challenges.

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